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Killzone 2

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I don't usually get excited for shooters, especially not PS3 shooters. Resistance 1 and 2 were shit, Haze also sucked and the good shooters were not excusives anyway.

But damn, Killzone 2 looks AMAZING.

So many little touches to animation and graphics, with some amazing environments and not a single graphical glitch anywhere. I'm not gonna buy a PS3 for it, but Christ, console graphics aren't supposed to look this good.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Oddly I didn't like killzone when I tried it, but my friend told me that after I left, he played more, and started to love it.
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Made in Holland, boys, that's where Killzone came from.

When we make a game, we make it good. See Overlord for example.

Everyone thinks that games need to have pretty colours, bloom, butterflies and all that kind of crap. But no, if you want to make a good game, then throw some kickass realism in it that'll blow you off your chair. Halo is overrated and is for the public that is around 14 year old, while Killzone just tends to keep the things real. Haloers think Killzone sucks and visa versa, that's how competition works.

I cut the nationalist bullshit and say that this game shall get an A+.
Level 12
Oct 23, 2007
Haloers think Killzone sucks and visa versa, that's how competition works.

Halo is the best shooter i ever played, it just damn fun.
However i did play Killzone several times, and it was really good, its definitely up there with the best shooters.

dnt get time to play the campaign much tho. But the feature to add bots to the game is definitely a A+ material.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
yah, but its more fun to play CoD on the 360.
But Killzone looks good, almost too good. Look at how you can actually rip through thin material and actually see through it. Thats paying attention to damn detail.
Why is it more fun on the 360? I say PC, mice > joysticks.
Level 5
Jun 28, 2008
Willthealmighty you've got to be joking! Resistance 2 was fuknig awesome. 60 players online with not one bit of lag, WITH splitscreen online and 8 player co-op online WITH splitscreen. Amazing weapons, a fairly decent story line.

OK wait i'm going off topic here! My bad. Yes anyway i've got a ps3 and I will definately be buying this, those graphics are awesome. This might just be goty.

@ gilles ... ps3 is leading in PAL regions. Which is like some of europe, australia, mexico and yeah I think it's stuff like that.

But anyway killzone 2 ftw!
Resistance 2's single player was shit. The boss battles were pathetic, and the greatest moments turned out to be simple ''wallpaper'', with insultingly simple solutions. The story is also pretty fucking bad: aliens invade, insert cryptic alien dialog about some ancient secret and other cliché shit. Weapons were decently creative. The graphics were terrible for anything other than cutscenes (explosions are blurry yellow blobs), there was no central theme and the 50's era was serverely underused. All this, and the fact the game ends with some bullshit 30 second ending cutscene that tells you to buy more sequels.

Multiplayer was fucking awesome though. Can't deny 60 player online.

And the PS3 is barely leading in any region. Quit inventing fanboy bullshit.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
@ gilles ... ps3 is leading in PAL regions. Which is like some of europe, australia, mexico and yeah I think it's stuff like that.

Where the fuck do you get your figures? It only rules in Japan and those places which isn't surprising.

And that's nothing because its only a fraction of how many Xbox 360 and Wii owners there are.
Level 5
Jun 28, 2008
Boss battles were pretty cool, single player wasn't that great, story was pretty cool imo but yeah the main part is online.

And funny will because i'm actually not joking, ps3 is or was ahead in pal regions. Mainly europe. :)
Level 17
Nov 18, 2008
I hope they fix the sniping in killzone 2, that was so horrible in the first one.
And add vehicles, like the psp one.
I also hope multiplayer maps, game modes, weapons, and player count will be larger and more numerous.
("Ps3 and X360 are both awesome in their own ways. But PC owns both for obvious reasons =D")
Level 5
Jun 28, 2008
Still haven't finished the campaign. OMG the weapons are amazing, best weapons out of any shooter. Online is good. What annoys me is that the vehicles are only in single player, but I guess if they were in online it would probably ruin it. I'd give it around 9-9.5. Add split screen and it has 10/10 for me. Sniping with sixaxis is rather gay, but this game probly has the best use of the sixaxis out of any ps3 game. The starting cinematic for the game is so fucking amazing. But love the graphics so much, i'd probably say it's around the same level as crysis. Game is a lot funner than cod4 and resistance 2.. about equal fun as unreal tournament 3. I still prefer third person shooters.
Level 17
Nov 18, 2008
I finished the game the other night. I have to say the ps3 finally has a great system.

I admit that there are some flaws. Like the boss battles. There was no challenge since your allies told you exactly what to do. The very last part of the last level annoyed the shit out of me because you are getting swarmed and there is no cover.

Sniping was interesting but I never move the controller so to utilize that function I would have actually had to gone out of my way. I did try it and for people who move the controller it might come in handy. Weapons are amazing. The boltgun being my favorite. It's like an easier to use torque bow. Flamethrower looks gay but is downright deadly. Lightning gun rapes everything and has unlimited ammo. Shotgun just obliterates anything at point-blank range.

Campaign was a little short but so action-packed I didn't mind. Haven't played online too much but from what I have, I can tell it will be awesome. I didn't like the lack of enemies though. But the AI makes up for it. Enemies take cover, flank, flush you out with grenades, supress, work together, and provide a definite challenge. Graphics are simply amazing, from the model detail to the lighting this is one of the best looking games on the market right now.

Character and story was where I felt the game could have done better. Most characters *Rico* were so damn annoying. By the hundreth time I heard "Fucking Hig" I wanted to stab them all. There were only a couple parts that really kept me interested, story-wise. But I won't give any spoilers. The end of the game was so obviously set up for another it's annoying. As I was watching it I was expecting the loading screen to come up and another level to start.

It still has some technical issues, like a body flying across a room or the leg-twitch thing that plagued the first game. Also, sometimes a characters grenade-throw animation would play and they wouldn't throw anything. I saw Garza get stuck on an endless loop once and then he just sat in the same spot for the rest of the level.

All in all, this is easily the best game so far this year. I know it's still early but I definetly see it in the running for game of the year. 9.6/10
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