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Katawa Shoujo

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Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
Don't judge me. Someone would eventually make this thread.


Anyways, I know that 90% of you are thinking this right now, but let me sum it up real quick. And prepare yourself, it gets worse with each part (DON'T RUN AWAY, THE GAME IS STILL GOOD.)

It's a visual novel.
Made by 21 people from 4chan. (don't go yet)
Set in a school. (well that ain't so bad?)
For disabled teenagers. (it's funny how you are still reading this)
It has a couple of sex scenes in it. (well, there goes my reputation)


OK, OK, now, calm down. This game isn't all about "go fuck some cripples", it's actually a really emotional and heartfelt story, although it may not seem so at first. And believe me, THIS was also my reaction when I first read what it's about.
Now, you may be thinking, what's so special about this one, other than being... what it is. Well, if you can believe it, because I don't, this game took 10 motherflobbering scotch-flippeting bamboozled years to get made. Because I'm too much of a lazy douchebag to make it short, here's the full story, from their official website.
The story of Katawa Shoujo is a long one, spanning over a decade. In December of the year 2000, the doujin Schuppen Harnische was released by the artist RAITA of circle Zettai Shoujo. One of the pages in the extras section of the doujin contained a sketch imagining a game about disabilities set in a Japanese high school. If not for later events, that may well have been the end of it. With the sticky in 4chan's anime board in January of 2007, though, interest was suddenly sparked in the idea within, and the idea of creating this game came about. After months of brainstorming, but little progress, a core development team by the name of Four Leaf Studios was formed in April of the same year. With this, Katawa Shoujo was set on the path to its final creation.

Basically, your character is called Hisao Nakai, dude has heart arrhythmia, almost gets killed from an infarct when a girl says she loves him, you know, the usual story. "Usual" probably meaning something completely different than it seems to. Well, he gets transported to a high school for the physically disabled (probably also mentally retarded, who played it KNOWS WHO I'M REFFERING TO) and at first, he's all Shinji Ikari about it, but as the game goes on, you are set to choose how the story develops, who he ends up with, and try not to
get killed by Kenji

As I already said, the concept may seem shocking at first (I mean, it did get me at first), but this is actually a pretty well-written, nicely-drawn novel with some genuinely emotional moments. The fact that the characters are portrayed pretty realistically actually makes you feel sad for them when you find out their backstories, since everyone seems pretty basic at start. Of course, it wouldn't be a visual novel if it didn't have some legit funny moments, and it does, just about enough to keep the atmosphere running.

Give it a try, it's free.
Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
It's a very overrated VN. It's mediocre. Every word in your post hurt to read.

Hey, I didn't say it's perfect. I said "give it a try", not "GO PLAY THIS RIGHT NOW YOU F*CKING LITTLE BITCH IT'S BETTER THAN SERIOUS SAM".
Yes, it has its flaws. A lot of them. But it's good for what it is, and that is a emotionally-driven VN. "Every word hurt to read"? That's because I covered them with Botulinum! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

...wait, is that Hanako on your avatar? :ogre_icwydt:
Level 6
Mar 22, 2008
This thread is win.

Albeit I knew about this VN long before this was posted, I only started playing it a couple days ago. And my god, if a VN has ever been good (ones played before: Air and Clannad, pretty much) I'd say this is.

Also comic relief Kenji.
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