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Justice For All Never Dies...

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Level 17
Jun 2, 2009
Hi. First i must say something. My english is not good. I want to share my map with yours. I started to make map named Justice For All 6 or 7 years ago. I updated my map but sometimes i bored warcraft but in this 2 months i started to worked too hard and make my map balanced.

Map name: JFA
Name of the creator: Volkan([email protected])
Current stage of the map: Finished and continues.
Summary of the map gameplay/objectives: AoS style
Map features: look at the topic, i explained too much.

after than i continued to work and i decided to never abandon JFA map again. I will update my map until i dies. Now i decide to share with you're all

What's JFA ?

Justice For All is a modification which explains a war between 2 clan. You can choose a clan and a hero before enter into the great battle arena. Your object is destroying your enemies main hall, but it's not easy because you are going to engage brave heroes of your enemy.

What's differency of JFA ?

JFA isn't a DotA copy, it includes many different, intresting specialities and they are just waiting for you!


An Elite one which guards the base borderline of his clan. Each clan only has one guardian. That guardian can level up and you can give him weapons. Also you can order him in someways. You will see it soon.

Training Dummies

A great difference of JFA, maybe you will see it first time. Theres two little place named ''Dummy Arena'' for each clan. Players can teleport to there for attack to Dummies, attacking to training dummies have a 10% chance to increase your stats.
Gold Mines

Players earns extra gold whenever the time in miniboard overs. Ofcourse it's earned by gold mines of their clan. Sometimes they are important but sometimes not, anyways if you want to get bonus gold, you must keep your mines up.


You can build towers if you want. There are 2 selections available. Anti Creep and Anti Hero towers. But it's not easy and not cheap. If you are became a good player, you will find different techniques and combinations (i'll give you advice. Pandaren Fire - Flaming Whip Ability + Anti Hero tower is cool combination )


Lumber is required for the upgrades. You can gain lumber from everything. Hero kills, creep kills, nautrel kills etc. You can use lumbers from the Odin and you can make the clan's units more powerful

Siege units

Most likeled things by the players of JFA, theres 4 phases of Siege Unit arrive on the game, they are going to opposite corridors in each team. It means if you attack with your Siege unit in left of your base, you must defend your clans buildings from right of your base. Siege units can kill towers easly and they are very resistant. This is a way to block the game different from others. It's too important so you must defend them.


Theres a quest in-game. You can get a strong weapon named Gidbinn from completing that quest. It requires 2 pieces from 2 elite neutral units to combine them. After collecting them, you must go to a hidden circle on bottom left of map.

Weapon Enchant

You can enchant a special weapon named "Enchanted Blade". But it's not easy. Your item will be lost during the enchant.

Garena Turkey staff showed my effort and one of the Turkey moderators wrote a this guide

You should try this map !

As I said in the headline, just spend a little time of you to read this explanation, because this effortive creation made by a
Turkish player might be a map you always want to play.
Definitely some of you heard the JFA word, Im sure of that, JFA is the most assertive map ever created as a Turk-made map.
Its type is AoS (Like DotA and Hero Defense). Its producer gave great labor at this map. And he continues.
We, Garena Turkish administrators commentate this map as the most serious enterprise in Turkey and we support it.

Important informations aboout JFA

1-)Balanced as well as DotA, but don't understand wrong its not a dota-copy, you'll see. Also in a map, players make the balance.
2-)The game is harder than DotA with its own specialities.
3-)This map isn't a dota-copy as I said before, If you give a try you'll see, nothing to say about it.
4-)It was extremely hard to make this map alone, one person made this so please just respect to labor.
5-)Its producer is very active and still working to make this map better.
6-)This map was created before 6 years, Its still growing and getting better.
7-)Getting accustomed to this map is very easy because the worst problem in those maps are item finding problems, In this map you can find easily and you can see the total cost etc. of an item on its name.
:cool:Game status doesn't matter, If a team does a good tactic with mechanics, that team probably wins the game with good strategy.

Difference between JFA and DotA


The most interesting speaciality on this map is mechanics, A person who doesn't know this map can easily prejudge this system. Mechanics spawns total of four times and It means 2 times for each team. They spawn in same time. There are 2 types of mechanics; Tank & commando.
Those mechanics go from different corridors, (one comes from top, one comes from bottom) so they can't attack to each other, also they can easly destroy towers, buildings etc. Each teams must make a good strategy and create a tactic to support their mechanics or destroy
the enemies' mechanics.

Gold Mines

In AoS style map, you can say ''IMPOSSIBLE!'' about this system but It fits very well as you can see in JFA if you just give a try. Each team got one gold mine and they give gold after 13 minutes of game time and If another 13 minute passes, gold count will increase, first 350, then 750 and then 1000.
Of course the mines will give gold to their own team If they are not destroyed, don't forget they are defensless and they are just waiting to get destroyed by enemy players in their corners.

Training Dummies

There is a portal to teleport to Dummy area and you can hit dummy-guys to increase your stats randomly, Its a good idea If you don't need gold, just stats etc.


Each team has one guardian and they can't leave the base, they just defend their teams base and its able to send them to defend the Gold Mines.


You can gain lumber in JFA and player 2 & player 8 can type -lumbers to get the teams lumber and they can make team-upgrades with lumbers.There's nothing to improve self-powers with lumbers, It only improves team-things (creeps etc.)


Upgrades cost lumber to improve creeps or buildings of the team.
Weapon Enchant
Youcan Improve a weapons powers from the vendor named Dark Spirit, but,good luck because It may destroy the item, you have %50 chance, destroy improve.


There is a quest in the game, after finishing it you can get an extremely powerful item named Gidbinn, but actually its not easy to get.

Why will we play JFA when there is DotA ?

Im sure that everyone things about it, but don't think about it, justthink; Im glad to play all dota-like maps, I'll play this, Its producerspends great labor in this map, and he is really active.

I'll tell you good reasons why you should play this map:

* With the improvement of AoS style, you can discover new game-styles and have fun with different-style heroes...
* Hero, Item, system etc. suggestions will definetly accepted If they are making sense.
* You can prove your playfulness to your friends in different maps, JFA is one of the best maps for this thing.
* There isn't a professional tournament, event etc. but you can join to JFA events which organized by NoobOfTheTurkey (Garena).

Can I help the maps Improvement?

Ofcourse, you can at least suggest;
New Hero
New Item
New Skill
Hero Skill Remake
Item Remake
New System
Design changes

Can I have credits of my nick in the map?

Of course,If you type -st, player nicks who helped this map somehow will appear.After 2.1 version, -st command will upgrade and new person whosuggests(or suggested) will have credits.

You won't lose anything with trying it at least 1 time.

Just give a try, may you can have great fun. Play this Pure Turkish labor and make it played by other persons. After playing and while playing, you can see that everybody learn the map easily, because of this you will help the map and also help to fan out this map.
We need to repeat as last sentence;
We,Garena Turkish administrators commentate this map as the most serious enterprise in Turkey and we support it, We advice all players to playit.
Link: http://www.garena.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=369376&extra=page=1&page=1

[email protected] Presents...

JFA (v2.5b)



All items is rearranged.
Experience Gain Range is increased to 1200 from 900
Nether Drakes attack cooldown is increased to 0.75 from 0.50
Map design and terrain changes.
Red and Green dragons hit point, damage and armors is improved

Items (fixes)

Cloak of Flames description is enhanced
Cloak of Devils description is enhanced
Firehand Gauntlets description is enhanced
Maul of Justice description is fixed
Orb of Flames description is enhanced
Orb of Lightning damage bug is fixed
Searing Blade description is fixed
Silver Plate "defender" ability bug is fixed

Items (changes)

Added new item "Staff of Reanimation"
Crown of the Deathlord recipe is changed
Hammer of Justice is now can be dropped
Orb of Fire/Firehand Gauntlets/Orb of Flames aoe damage is increased to 120 from 75
Serathil recipe cost is increased to 2000 from 1200
Silver Plate "defender" ability cooldown is increased to 40 from 15
Soul of Power strength bonus is increased to 35 from 30
Soul of Quickness agility bonus is increased to 35 from 30
Soul of Antonidas intelligence bonus is increased to 35 from 30
Thunder Lizard Egg hit point regeneration rate is increased to 6 from 5

Abilities (fixes)

Banish target bug is fixed
Creeping Death description is enhanced
Earth Stomp description is enhanced
Elune Frenzy duration is increased by 1 to all levels
Elune Frenzy mana cost has decreased to 45/55/65/75 from 75
Ensnare description is fixed
Fan of Knives description is enhanced
Flame Shock description is fixed
Immolation description is enhanced
Magnataur Stomp description is enhanced
Metal Ring description is fixed
Poisoned Arrow name is changed
Soul Seeker shortcut key is now "R"
Viceclaws description is fixed
World Shaking damage bug is fixed

Abilities (changes)

Critical Rage gives additional move speed bonus
Earth Stomp stun duration is increased to 1/1.5/2/2.5 from 1
Fan of Knives cooldown is decreased to 6 from 9
Fan of Knives mana cost is decreased to 60/70/80/90 from 80/90/100/110
Fan of Knives area of effect is increased to 375/400/425/450 from 300
Shield Bash mana cost is increased to 90/100/115/135 from 80/90/105/120
Shield of Nature damage block is increased to 110/220/330/440 from 75/150/225/300
Soul Seeker no longer nees a mana
Tidal Elemental level is increased to 5/8/11 from 3/6/8
Tidal Elemental gold bounty is increased to 175/275/375 from 100/200/300
Vanquish cast range is increased to 800 from 500
Viceclaws no longer works on structures


Fabius Ironshield - Captain
Base Intelligence reduced by 4
Mars Deimoss - Assassin
Ensnare ability has changed with new Mortal Blade ability

Pyros Flamingstar - Fire Mage
Base Damage is increased by 7
Attack projectile is changed
Sphere is changed

Tu'hodrius - Draenei Harbringer
Chaing Lightning ability has changed with banish

Base Damage is increased by 8

Information >>>>> http://www.garena.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=738475& <<<<< Information
Europe section JFA topic http://www.garena.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=738475&
Peru section JFA topic http://www.garena.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=745666
Malaysia section JFA topic http://www.garena.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=738496&
Turkey section JFA topic http://www.garena.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=736274&

Actually i need a trigger help.

I want to Project member.
I cannot create all spells i'm thinking i need a professional scripter about the spells and forever his/her nickname will be stand in the Special Thanks section.
I hope someone can help me.

Important Note: I Need an expert scripter because i'm not create all spells as i wished because my triggering is not perfect. If i can find expert scripter on spells, i will make everything too much greater
if you are interest, make comment on this topic.
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Level 8
Aug 23, 2007
No offense man but personally I find that making AoS maps is an incredible waste of time. No AoS can touch DotA, I Bet that all the people that play other AoS' combined times 10 wouldn't even come close to the amount of people that play DotA. But its sounds like you put alot of effort into your map, but my frirnd showed me an AoS that was also very inventive and creative, it looked good and was kinda fun, but nobody plays it. It looks like it took numerous years to make and so far hes the only one who plays it.
Level 17
Jun 2, 2009
oh my point is not beat someone's map only i will try do my best. Yes i compared this map with dota because map genre is similar to dota (aos style).

if you will try this map 1 time, you can see differency.
Thanks everyone who commented. I hope i can find a project member (expert triggering spells) for this i cannot do everything i'm thinking. But if someone can make the skill i wanted, this map will be better.
Level 8
Aug 23, 2007
nah, don't listen to Destroyer,

No one really cares that DotA will be played more.

well no shit right?

its good practice and also a good game if you just play with some buddies for an InHouse, maybe some other people who do not like dota as well.

DotA doesn't Have to be the Only AoS out there.

DotA might not be the only AoS out there but nobody plays the other AoS'
DotA might not be the only AoS out there but nobody plays the other AoS'

Not true.

in fact, there are many alterations of the AoS style that are played many times.

i play Battleships frequently and when my friend hosts it, people still join.

even if i hosted a different AoS style, people will always join.

just because a game is not on the list, does not mean they never get played.

to Be On Topic:

I don't think you should discourage someone not to make a game.

No matter what the type it is, it is never a waste of time.
Level 17
Jun 2, 2009
Finally. After 15 days JFA 2.6 is finished. Added 2 new heroes, 1 new item and New Game System

JFA (v2.6)



New Game System - Speciality System
New Hero: Freddy Krueger - Nightmare
New Hero: Thrall - Orc Warchief
4 More towers removes from the game during the -vs mode
Creeps gains additional +2 upgrade when the enemy barracks destroyed
Defense bonus per agility point is decreased to 0.10 from 0.14
Players now gains 2 gold every time passed during the -vs mode
Item pick range is reduced
Summoning units no longer stuck
Siege Engine, Infernal Machine and Nether Drakes gold bounty is removed

Items (fixes)

Blade of Magtheridon description is fixed
Cloak of Flames description is fixed
Orcish Spirit description is fixed
Orcish Spirit description is enhanced
Devil's Cloak description is fixed
Ring of Superiority sell cost bug is fixed
Ring of Superiority stat bug is fixed
Shaman Claw description is fixed
Shamanic Claw description is fixed
Serathil attribute bug is fixed
Searing Blade description is fixed
Scroll of Knowledge description is fixed
Sobi Mask description is enhanced
Totem of Might description is enhanced
Thunderbloom Bulb description is enhanced
Triple Spirit description is enhanced

Items (changes)

Added new item "Wild Claw"
Added new ability to "Maul of Justice"
Blade of Lightning recipe cost is reduced to 650 from 1650
Blade of Magtheridon is rearranged
Cloak of Flames aoe is increased to 220 from 160
Devil's Cloak aoe is increaseased to 240 from 195
Helm of Gar'Thok life regeneration bonus is increased to 10 from 7
Orcish Spirit mana regeneration is increased by 75% from 70%
Orcish Spirit mana regeneration bug is fixed
Shaman Claw attack speed bonus is increased to 25% from 20%
Shamanic Claw now gives additional 25% attack speed bonus
Sobi Mask mana regeneration bug is fixed
Staff of Reanimation duration is increased to 20 from 15

Abilities (fixes)

Ice Touch description is fixed
Poisoned Blade shortcut is fixed

Abilities (changes)

Bloodlust attack speed increase is improved to 22/33/44/55 percentage from 11/22/33/44
Bloodlust no longer needs a mana
Dark Void damage is decreased to 30/60/100/150 from 50/100/150/200
Evade Ability mana cost is removed
Flaming Sword effect is changed
Mortal Blade bonus damage is increased to 60/120/180/240 from 30/60/90/120
Tidal Elemental damage is reduced
Tidal Elemental cooldown is reduced to 45 from 60/90/120
Level 17
Jun 2, 2009
JFA (v2.9b)


Mana regeneration bonus per intelligence point is reduced from 0.05 to 0.03

Items (fixes)

Holy Staff: Fixed a bug about Devotion Aura
Crown of the Deathlord description is fixed
Mind Staff description is fixed
Orcish Spirit description is enhanced
Sobi Mask description is enhanced
Triple Spirit description is enhanced

Items (changes)

Crown of the Deathlord cast range increased from 700 to 800
Crown of the Deathlord level 3 damage is increased from 500 to 520
Crown of the Deathlord now have a 3 different effect on each levels
Holy Staff now gives an additional 6 intelligence bonus
Orcish Spirit replenish ability is weakened
Sobi Mask replenish ability is improved
Triple Spirit replenish ability is weakened

Abilities (fixes)

Curse description is fixed

Level 17
Jun 2, 2009
Justice For All Version 3.2




All attack types and descriptions enhanced

All attack types and bonus damage to armor types rearranged

Tree models has changed

Creeps gains additional +1 upgrade when the barracks destroyed

Creeps gains +1 much upgrade for each destroyed tower in -vs mode

Green and Red Rock armors increased from 25 to 45

Gold Mines selection scale reduced

Mercenary Camps removes from the game during the -vs mode

Minor terrain and map design fixes

All hirelings costs is rearranged

Items (fixes)

Creep Upgrade description is enhanced

Hammer of Justice description is fixed

Muradin's skull description is fixed

Staff of Seeking ability problem is solved

Items (changes)

Added new recipe "Scroll of the Unholy Region"

Added new item "Magical Claws"

Frost Guard recipe cost is increased by 1000

Orb of Flames stun duration decreased from 2.5 to 1.5

Orb of Flames stun damage increased from 240 to 360

Orb of Speed "frenzy" ability is rearranged

Crown of the Deathlord is rearranged

Old > 280/400/500 damage, 35/28/21 cooldown

new > 320/400/480 damage, 30/24/18 cooldown

Razorspine Blade is rearranged

Old > 30% chance to 1.5x damage

New > 33% chance to 1.7x damage

Staff of Silence is rearranged

Searing Blade Critical strike is increased from 1.5x to 2.0x

Staff of Reanimation cooldown increased from 20 to 30

Urn of King Terenas rearranged

Abilities (fixes)

Flame Shock description is fixed

Abilities (changes)

Avatar Cooldown decreased from 120 to 100/80/60

Avatar mana cost increased from 150/190/225 to 180/240/300

Dark Hold ability is rearranged

Demonic Call stun duration reduced from 1/1.5/2 to 1

Demonic Call damage reduced from 200/300/400 to 100

Demonic Call cooldown changed from

Demonic Call Hell Spawns now different for each levels

Silence mana cost increased from 77/88/99/66 to 80/90/105/120

Starfall damage increased from 70/90/120 to 100/120/160

Thunder Clap mana cost increased from 90/95/100/105 to 100/110/120/130

Tidal Elemental attack type is now Piercing Attack

Useless Skink selection scale increased

Wildkin Stomp area of effect increased from 400 to 410/470/530

Wildkin Stomp cooldown decreased from 150/140/120 to 120/100/80


Abomination - Brutillus

Base intelligence decreased by 7

Base armor decreased from 3 to 0

Dark Ranger - Lady Sylvanas

Base damage increased by 11

Diabolist - Kali'naj Dethknell

Base strength decreased from 25 to 18

Granite Golem - Roshan

Strength per level reduced by 0.50

Starting Strength reduced by 4

Mountain King - Muradin Bronzebeard

Base intelligence decreased from 18 to 14

Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug about Poisoned Hit

Fixed a bug about Orb of Fire

Fixed a bug about Orb of Flames

Fixed a bug about Blade of Lightning

Fixed a bug about Urn of King Terenas


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Level 17
Jun 2, 2009


New Game System "Arch Enemy System"

-top, -middle, -bottom commands is improved (your hero automatically moves the destination)

Hero Slayers and Killers model changed

Hero Slayers and Killers base defense increased from 5 to 15

Note: System is just a new and system will improves in other versions

Experience Gain Rate reduced from 125 to 75 percentage

Headquarters base armor increased by 33 from 11

Creep Deny hit point ratio is increased from 120 to 150

Red and Green Dragons armor increased from 20 to 50

Maximum Level is set to "27"


Items (fixes)

Description Fixes

Crown of the Deathlord

Muradin's Skull


Items (changes)

Arcanite Shield damage ignore increased from 10 to 12

Dark Tome reanimated death units count increased from 6 to 10

Dark Tome reanimated units duration increased from 30 to 45

Dark Tome cooldown increased from 30 to 60

Magical Claws cost reduced from 600 to 300

Magical Claws gold bonus from each deny increased from 20 to 30

Scroll of the Unholy Region gold bonus from each deny increased from 33 to 44

Staff of Reanimation animated units count reduced from 2 to 1

Staff of Reanimation animated units duration increased from 20 to 30

Staff of Reanimation cooldown increased from 30 to 40

Steel Shield damage ignore increased from 5 to 8


Abilities (fixes)

Description Enhanches

Poisoned Hit

Description Fixes

Avatar Level 2

Abilities (changes)

Avatar life bonus increased from 200/350/500 to 500/1000/1500

Avatar bonus damage increased from 25/46/65/ to 50/100/150

Avatar defense bonus increased from 3/6/9 to 5/10/15

Immolation mana drain increased from 4 to 6

Freezing Leap damage increased from 280/360/440

Murloc Family duration increased from to 60

Rush mana cost reduced from 100 to 30/50/70

Rush cooldown reduced from 100/80/60 to 45

Thunder Clash cooldown reduced from 120 to 60


Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug about Timer Windows

Fixed a bug about Steel Shield

Fixed a bug about Arcanite Shield

Fixed a bug about Warden ability selection system

Fixed a bug about Shaman ability selection system


Level 7
Aug 29, 2007
*I haven't played the map yet, and will therefor only comment on what my eyes caught from the screenshots, and what I read in the describtion*
I like the fact that you make an AOS and really try to make it different from DOTA. That's allways nice. The only problem I saw was that the layout of the map looks like the Dota layout only mirrored. If you really want to do something different, doing something else than the three-way lane layout would be a great way of doing so.
I might bring together some friends and test this.. When it's not in the middle of the night ;)
Keep working on it, and don't lose hope when people say you should stop because alot of people play Dota.
Level 5
Nov 6, 2009
Its nice to make an AoS, coming out with gameplay, items and heroes etc. The only problem is in order for one to get popular, you have to get friends and yourself to host it as often as possible. The only reason why people stick to DotA is because they are used to the gameplay, items and heroes. To make your AoS popular, get people to play it multiple times! :)
Level 17
Jun 2, 2009
Fimbus and Dark Soul yes you're right but this map slowly becomes popular in my country and we're in the 2v2 JFA Tournament now. After that we're planning to make Europe JFA Tournament (5v5) we are talked with Garena admins and they're all says ok. I'm working on my map too hardly and we have a msn group to playing this map. If you are interest, add me to yours messengers. [email protected]
Level 5
Nov 6, 2009
Fimbus and Dark Soul yes you're right but this map slowly becomes popular in my country and we're in the 2v2 JFA Tournament now. After that we're planning to make Europe JFA Tournament (5v5) we are talked with Garena admins and they're all says ok. I'm working on my map too hardly and we have a msn group to playing this map. If you are interest, add me to yours messengers. [email protected]

Oh, lol my messengers down :xxd:
Level 17
Jun 2, 2009

JFA (v3.4b)

New Item: ?
Items (changes)

Armor of Serpentskin evasion percentage reduced from 33 to 25
Blade of Magtheridon splash radius decreased to 260 from 350
Blade of Magtheridon splash percentage decreased from 40 to 30
Enchanted Blade level 2 recipe cost decreased from 500 to 400
Enchanted Blade level 3 recipe cost decreased from 750 to 500
Enchanted Blade level 4 recipe cost decreased from 1000 to 750
Firehand Gauntlets area of effect increased to 750 from 600
Orb of Speed frenzy duration increased from 4 to 6
Silver Plate strength bonus increased to 45 from 35
Staff of Seeking no longer drops upon death

Abilities (changes)

Dagger of Venom damage increased from 40/60/80 to 60/80/100
Dagger of Venom cooldown decreased to 75 from 120/100/80
Fire Staff mana cost decreased from 97/113/134/151 to 60/80/100/120
Storm Bolt damage increased from 100/150/200/250 to 120/180/240/320
Storm Bolt stun duration increased from 1/1.5/2/2.5 to 1.2/1.7/2.2/2.7
Storm Bolt cooldown decreased from 8/10/12/14 to 8/9/10/11

Dark Spirit - Nephptys Nightshade
Base damage increased by 10
Attack Cooldown decreased from 2.10 to 1.90
Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug about Orb of Decaying
Fixed a bug about Clarity Potion
Fixed a bug about Crush
Fixed a bug about Shaman Claw
Fixed a bug about Demonic Claw
Fixed a bug about Poison Sting
Fixed a bug about Scroll of the Unholy Region
Fixed a bug about Wild Claw
Fixed a bug about Armor of Kraken Shell
Fixed a bug About Muradin's Skull 
Level 17
Jun 2, 2009
JFA (v3.4c) 


Abilities (changes)

Arcane Shock critical hit percentage increased from 5 to 10 percentage
Endurance Aura attack speed bonus decreased from 15/24/33/42 to 9/16/24/30 percentage
Faerie Fire no longer casts on mechanics
Murloc Skin damage bonus increased from 3/6/9/12 to 4/8/12/16
Nature's Call mana cost decreased from 50/70/90/100 to 20/40/60/80
Rock mana cost increased from 90/100/110/120 to 100/110/125/140
Starfall cooldown increased from 90/75/60 to 70/80/90
Vines damage inceased from 160 to 200

Frozen Bone - Amos Coldskull
Frost Armor ability replaced with Ice Blast
Warchief - Mathog
Silence Hit ability replaced with Silence
Level 17
Jun 2, 2009
Finally JFA (v3.5) is finished.



New Hero: Ogre Lord - Sugorim Stonemaul
All Heroes base armors rearranged
All upgrades is rearranged
Hero Slayers and Hero Killers damage is rearranged
Enhanced descriptions to all upgrades
Enhanced descriptions of all attack and armor types
Armor Upgrade now affects Gold Mines too
Hero attack deals 133% damage to Hero armor
Reduced base armors to Ancient and Corrupted towers
Training Dummies hit poins increased from 1800 to 3600

Items (fixes)

Orb of Fire description is fixed
Staff of Seeking description is fixed

Items (changes)

Gargoyle Wing recipe is rearranged
Shaman Claw damage bonus increased from 30 to 40
Shaman Claw now gives additional 150 mana
Shamanic Claw damage bonus increased from 50 to 75
Shamanic Claw now gives additional 250 mana
Abilities (fixes)

Polymorph selection scale increased
Useless Skink selection scale increased

Abilities (changes)

Amakakeru Ryu No Hirameki damage is decreased from 360/480/600 to 240/320/400
Dark Presence ability damage bonuses improved
Feral Wolf summoned unit's attack damage is improved
Summon Tidal Elemental, improved summoned unit's damage
Wolf Form critical strike ability is rearranged


Storm Reaver - Pollon
Base damage increased by 12
Attack projectile speed decreased by 600 

Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug about Wolf Form
Fixed a bug about Urn of King Terenas
Fixed a bug about Dragonhide Armor
Fixed a bug about Holy Staff
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