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Level 15
Jan 25, 2011
Ok she's out for 4 days now and I was thinking to ask what do you guys think about her? Since no one started a topic on her.
I think she's an interesting warrior able to cause extreme chaos in team fights.
But I don't like her design, like her short hair for example. Also why didn't they go with a male crusader? But that's just me, I still like a female crusader tho. Also I'm not a big fan of the trident "cross". I would just prefer a normal cross.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I think she's an interesting warrior able to cause extreme chaos in team fights.

Me too though I don't look forward to all the stupid people who are going to use Condemn to deal damage and pushing the enemies in the wrong directions. You already see that too much with Diablo and Raynor.

Falling Sword seems a bit lazy though and is mostly just a copy-pasted version of Sonya's Leap ability.

But I don't like her design, like her short hair for example. Also why didn't they go with a male crusader?

As for why they picked Johanna instead of the male crusader is probably because the female champions sell a ton, at least in my experience.

But that's just me, I still like a female crusader tho. Also I'm not a big fan of the trident "cross". I would just prefer a normal cross.

Probably for the same reason as why there is a demon named Azmodan and not Asmodai because they don't want to make a copy-paste version of the abrahamic religions.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Yeah there's always going to be that @$$hole that counters you perfectly. Every hero with skill shots hate Zagara and her f-ing baneling, I've missed so many skill shots with Nova due to that bastard. :D
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
But I don't like her design, like her short hair for example. Also why didn't they go with a male crusader? But that's just me, I still like a female crusader tho. Also I'm not a big fan of the trident "cross". I would just prefer a normal cross.

Says he doesn't like her design, sets his avatar to her image.
- I totally believe you.

she's can't take anyone 1 on 1

Nor can anyone take her, unless you're stupid.
It's like with Li Li: You won't lose, you just can't win.

And she's useless in 1 vs 2 situations.

Actually, no, if there's anything, except team-fights, she's good at,
it's stalling. Going in 1v2, keeping them occupied trying to kill her,
while other team mates do other things or come to save her.


In essence, she's the purest tank among the warriors currently,
I'd say. (Sgt. Hammer isn't a warrior.)
Level 15
Jan 25, 2011
Says he doesn't like her design, sets his avatar to her image.
- I totally believe you.
It actually grew on me over time. She's became my main hero because she's the warrior I had most fun with.

Actually, no, if there's anything, except team-fights, she's good at,
it's stalling. Going in 1v2, keeping them occupied trying to kill her,
while other team mates do other things or come to save her.
Yeah, you're like mercs with Johanna basically. A distraction. She just doesn't have enough damage to take anyone on 1v1. And she sucks against ranged heroes.

In essence, she's the purest tank among the warriors currently,
I'd say. (Sgt. Hammer isn't a warrior.)
Hammer is tank only literally.
As for warriors, you have two kinds: Fighters (Tyrael, Muradin) and Tanks (Stiches, Johanna).

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Fighters (Tyrael, Muradin) and Tanks (Stiches, Johanna).
Wrong ordering? Tyrael and Stiches are fighters while Muradin and Johanna are tanks.

Tyrael can do hero damage close to assassins. Stiches can do siege and hero damage in pretty good amounts as well due to his DoT talent and slam attacks. Muradin and Johanna just plain old suck at dishing out hero damage and are almost always guaranteed to be last (even Li Li will usually out damage them).

This is also reflected in their move sets. Both Tyrael and Stiches have anti-escape moves. Muradin and Johanna only have interrupt/slows. Tyrael and Stiches have limited healing capabilities. Both Muradin and Johanna have massive healing capabilities from many skills and talents.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
I don't know, I can pack a pretty good punch with Muradin.
While Sgt Hammer hits you for >300 damage an attack + Napalm and other attacks.

Storm Hammer does practically no damage (maybe 1.5-2 hits of an Assassin at most) and your normal attack is mediocre. Sure Thunder Clap is pretty good for area damage, but that relies on your oponents being stupid enough to bundle themselves together (where all AoE moves shred them). Leap gives you good mobility, but the damage on it is not much better than a single attack from an Assassin. If you deal top range hero damage with Muradin it either shows how terrible your opponents were (asking to get Thunder Clapped to bits) or that your allies were not very good (assassins not assassinating, or maybe you got more hero action while they focused siege).

Muradin's power comes from his stuns, slows, mobility and healing. Sure he will not top hero damage, but he can make sure that that enemy Tychus has his Overkill interrupted or that Valla Straffing after your wounded team mates gets stopped where she is, before someone friendly gets hurt. Your high health (especially with Avatar) makes you perfect to block line skills from your vulnerable damage dealers (Nova Snipe, Zeratul's whatever, Valla's Guided Arrow, Nova's Tripple Tap, etc). He should also not die much since he is likely going to be one of the last heroes to focus since he deals low damage compared with most heroes and is one of the hardest to kill.
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