Hey, i'm using JNGP to create maps, sadly i'm not able to juse JASS so i have to use GUI for triggering.
I wrote a long trigger if wultiple if then else functions stacked together
(i was taking a substring which was filled with the first letter of the players name and had then to check what letter/number/symbol it is and then giving me back an defined integer. so i had to use ~40 stacked if/then/else functions - they had to be stacked cuz if i found no matching letter/number/symbol i had to get a default integer back)
when i then wanted to test it and saved it the JNGP gave me an error which said something like " expected 'takes' " and showed me the last part of the if/then/else chain i tried to remove the last 10 parts but the outcome was the same i tried deleting more and at about the 10th if/then/else function it saved normally without problems
why does it do that? and how to work arround if there is no fix for that?
to prevent some things:
i checked from A to Z and stored integers from 00 to 25 which gave me an error
after i deleted more parts i was checking from A to F and the integers where from 00 to 05 and it worked
they where just copy/pasted so i did nothing diffrent on later functions
pls help!
I wrote a long trigger if wultiple if then else functions stacked together
(i was taking a substring which was filled with the first letter of the players name and had then to check what letter/number/symbol it is and then giving me back an defined integer. so i had to use ~40 stacked if/then/else functions - they had to be stacked cuz if i found no matching letter/number/symbol i had to get a default integer back)
when i then wanted to test it and saved it the JNGP gave me an error which said something like " expected 'takes' " and showed me the last part of the if/then/else chain i tried to remove the last 10 parts but the outcome was the same i tried deleting more and at about the 10th if/then/else function it saved normally without problems
why does it do that? and how to work arround if there is no fix for that?
to prevent some things:
i checked from A to Z and stored integers from 00 to 25 which gave me an error
after i deleted more parts i was checking from A to F and the integers where from 00 to 05 and it worked
they where just copy/pasted so i did nothing diffrent on later functions
pls help!