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is it possible to lower call for help range?

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Level 11
Jul 17, 2013
First of all i am not sure if i called thread correctly.

by call for help range i mean, i attack unit footman, then lets say there is 10 units who are allied to footman and they are in range 500 of footman i attacked, then once i attack footman, units allied to fotman will rush to help him too. (this is just example)

i checked some old threads, they didnt help me, i wouldnt like also a global fix, it would be the best if i could do it only for one place in map because thats my need

in place i mentioned there are few orcs, half of orcs are owned by computer player and other half is owned by neutral hostile.



i walked with my hero a bit away and sucesfully managed to lure away 1 orc ( i lowered their acquisition range so only one of them came)

but the problem begins once i hited that orc, all of his friends rushed to help him, i really wouldnt like this to happen, i would like to lower the call for help range, is it possiblei cant find any value thats responsible for it)

i would also like to units stay owned by computer because if units are owned by comp then boss will be willing to cast spells on them.
Level 11
Jul 17, 2013
It's in gameplay constants, your only alternative is to trigger your own system from scratch.
Damn, global fix isn't good for me bevause in some places in map i want that range to be high. How about adding all ai orcs to unit grup then removing them if they are attacked and then ordering whole grup to stop if range beetwen orc that got attacked and random unit from grup??? Is higher than X . Idk what excatly to use is random unit from grup good?
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