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[General] Change Computer Unit's "Assist" range

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Level 2
Feb 5, 2020
Hey everyone!

I'm trying to lower the range at which a Computer's Units will assist it's other Units, by Assist I mean when one of the Computer's Units is attacked by an Enemy any other Units owned by the Computer in a large range will run to attack the Enemy.

What I have tried so far;
- Reducing/Removing Vision.
- Reducing/Removing Acquisition Range.
- Reducing/Removing "Call for help"
- Adding the Unit Classification "Worker".

I'd like to avoid triggers if possible but if it's what I need to do then so be it.

Essentially what I have is a "Dungeon RPG" setting and whenever the Players attack the Dungeon Monsters owned by Player 24 the entire dungeon comes running to help and it just breaks the whole concept. If anyone knows a fix for this it would be greatly appreciated.

Level 2
Feb 5, 2020
Thanks for the response.
Sorry, not entirely sure what you mean when you ask why I have multiple players for one enemy.

I tried setting the controller of Player 24 to "NONE" and it didn't remove the behavior, unfortunately.
Level 2
Feb 5, 2020
@Devalut Forgot to mention I tried setting the controller to "Neutral" too and no luck.

@Deserted Thanks for the reply, although I removed those awhile back.

@Devalut Oh, I think I get what you meant. Changing the owner of the Computer's Units to Neutral Hostile removed the behavior, I would prefer to have them owned by Player 24 if possible though (I would have to alter a lot of triggers).
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