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[General] Computer AI Call for Help range

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Level 12
Nov 3, 2013
Call For Help Range HELP!

I've got the same problem as this guy, even though the call for help range is low (or even 0) computer AI players still aggro from super far away.

  • AI - Ignore unit's guard position
Works, but the problem is that it affect the AI in other ways as well. Like units not casting spells anymore and such.

So is there a way to only remove the call for help range and nothing else?
Level 16
Mar 24, 2017
I don't have lots of knowledge regarding this, but I think you might have to design a trigger that cancels the call for help, otherwise the ai will keep on sending units, it's just the way the ai works
Level 12
Nov 3, 2013
I don't have lots of knowledge regarding this, but I think you might have to design a trigger that cancels the call for help, otherwise the ai will keep on sending units, it's just the way the ai works
I mean call for help as in when a unit nearby another unit is attacked, units near it will aggro the attacker.

In gameplay constants you can change this range, even turn it to 0. But Computer AI controlled units still have a call for help range that seems to be something like 800-1000 units even if I change or completely remove call for help.

So if you're talking about Melee AI training units to attack then you misunderstood me, if not then I probably misunderstood you instead. (Do elaborate if it's the 2nd.)
Level 12
Nov 3, 2013
Ignoring a unit's guard position is for preplaced units which are considered by the AI player as guards (see AI native AddGuardPost), as far as I know. Do you use an AI in your map?
All computer players use AI, even if you don't give them any on purpose. Things like Computer AI player controlled units will cast spells, focus low health units, and so on.

But anyway, so for whatever reason using "ignore unit guard position" stops all the hardcoded AI stuff, which I mostly want to keep. I only want to get rid of the absurd call for help range.

So to recap, there's no "Melee AI" or custom AI being added, it's just normal computer player slot controlling units, which automatically has AI because that's how wc3 works.

If I remove computer AI from player slot, e.g. a user or empty slot, then the units don't aggro anymore, but they also don't cast their spells, they don't prioritize units with lower health, and so on.
Level 12
Jun 15, 2016
I don't know about prioritizing on units with low health, but I believe all abilities with the (neutral) suffix are automatically used even if you remove AI mechanics. I tested it with ogre mage's bloodlust only.
Level 12
Nov 3, 2013
Ok I put together a random shitty map to illustrate what my problem is. (Attached File.)

Things of note:

  • Computer AI still use some abilities regardless of Ignore Guard Position ON/OFF

  • Computer AI will never use breath of fire while Ignore Guard Position is ON (Should include Warstomps & other shockwaves and probably more as well, I'd guess stuff like stormbolt & fireball for example) And I happen to know from experience that the casting is a bit different for other stuff as well, e.g. summoning abilities but I didn't think of it when I made this map

  • Human Player units run back to where they were created after casting spells even though AI - Ignore Guard Position is always being used for each Red unit. (Only works on AI players I guess.) So I had to order them to attack move after they stop casting (Teleport special effect.)

  • And finally, my main issue: As soon as you toggle off the ignore unit guard position Blue's units get aggroed right from their spawn 700ish units even though the call for help range is 50.

p.s. type anything in the chat to toggle on/off


  • call for help range computer ai.w3x
    20.7 KB · Views: 43
ai units do cast spells with "Ai ignore units guard position", including Breath of Fire
so your test map works fine for me.. (as you want to) with "Ai ignore units guard position" of course
I believe all abilities with the (neutral) suffix are automatically used even if you remove AI mechanics
for slots not occupied by Computer player units will cast only auto-casted abilites like slow, parasite, inner fire etc but they must have those abilities turned on (like right-click to turn on or set in OE)
Level 12
Nov 3, 2013
ai units do cast spells with "Ai ignore units guard position", including Breath of Fire
so your test map works fine for me.. (as you want to) with "Ai ignore units guard position" of course

for slots not occupied by Computer player units will cast only auto-casted abilites like slow, parasite, inner fire etc but they must have those abilities turned on (like right-click to turn on or set in OE)
You're right, they did cast it after I checked long enough.

But in a 'real' map where the problem is: After unit ignore guard position was added units cast spells much more rarely & it is especially noticeable on heroes who would have full mana and almost never cast their spells, auto attack for days with full mana even when surrounded by units.

So I added some more units & spells and you can instantly tell the difference, units cast crushing wave from a distance, and they prepare summons instead of walking up & then using summons when they can be attacked.


  • call for help range computer ai.w3x
    22.1 KB · Views: 36
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