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Introduction to Struct

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Concept of Instances
  3. Struct Declaration
  4. Struct Instantiation
  5. Constructor Overloading
  6. Multiple Constructors
  7. Members
  8. Methods
  9. Static vs Instance
  10. thistype
  11. Destroying Instances & onDestroy
  12. onInit Method
  13. Naming Conventions
  14. Closing
  15. FAQ

1. Introduction

Structs are very powerful and should be learned as soon as possible if you're planning to use vJASS. This tutorial assumes that you have general knowledge of JASS. If you have ever taken other Programming Languages, a Struct is more commonly known as a Class. You must understand that a Struct generally represents an object. This object can represent anything you want (ex: Car, Book, Person, etc). This object would then be a variable type that you can use (like integers, reals, strings, etc).

// struct declaration, will go through this later on
struct Person

function Test takes nothing returns nothing
    local real r
    local Person p // you can treat structs as a variable type

Summary: Structs are objects and they can be treated like variable types.

2. Concept of Instances

The next important concept about Struct is the various instances that you can have inside the Struct. Instances are exactly what they sound like. In a struct, you can have many instances created inside of it.

I'll elaborate this with an example. Let's say you have a Struct called Bicycle. So basically, this would mean that you could have multiple bicycles inside the Struct. Let's say the Struct has 2 instances instantiated. This means that there are currently 2 bicycles that are present under the Struct Bicycle. You can also imagine Struct instances as variable array indices. For example, you can have Bicycle[1] and Bicycle[2].

There is a limit for number of instances in a single struct. The magical number is 8190, remember this number. Once you pass this limit, your struct will basically go haywire from that point.

Summary: Instances are basically the number of objects that exist in the struct. They are basically the array indices of an array. The instance limit for a struct is 8190.

3. Struct Declaration

To use a struct, it must obviously be declared. It's very simple to declare a struct. The format is: struct <name>. Pretty simple, right? Do note that you need the endstruct to close the struct, much like a function.

struct A

The above example basically declares a struct called "A".

Summary: Format for struct declaration is: struct <name> followed by endstruct

4. Struct Instantiation

So a struct can have multiple instances. Thus, you need to know how to create an instance. A special function exists to create an instance for you. This is known as a constructor. A constructor's job is to basically create a new instance for the user. The format for using the constructor is <struct name>.create(). This calls the constructor which returns the created instance:

struct Bicycle

private function Test takes nothing returns nothing
    local Bicycle d = Bicycle.create()

As shown above, .create() is the syntax to create a new instance. Since you're trying to create a instance of struct Bicycle, you need to specify the struct name, this Bicycle.create(). The constructor always returns the struct type. It's quite obvious; you need to store the created instance. What's the point of creating an instance and not storing the instance anywhere, right? So basically, your variable d holds an instance of the Struct type Bicycle.

Instances are actually integers. If you were to do:

struct Bicycle

private function Test takes nothing returns nothing
    local Bicycle b = Bicycle.create()
    call BJDebugMsg(I2S(b)) // this is valid and would print an integer

The maximum struct instances you can have is 8190, like stated before. Just remember that struct instances are integers.

Summary: To instantiate (create) an instance, you need to call the constructor, which has the format: <struct name>.create(). Instances are actually integers, just like array indices.

5. Constructor Overloading

So now you're able to instantiate instances. However, what if we want to take parameters for our constructor? You can override the default constructor, the .create() method.

Note that a function inside of a struct is called a method. As for the static part, you can ignore it for now. I'll be covering that in a while.

struct Bicycle
    public static method create takes unit u returns Bicycle
        local Bicycle this = Bicycle.allocate()
        call BJDebugMsg(GetUnitName(u))

        return this

private function Test takes nothing returns nothing
    local Bicycle b = Bicycle.create(SomeUnit)

Notice that .create takes a unit now? You've successfully overloaded the constructor. Basically, now I've customized the constructor to take a unit as an argument and print that unit's name. Then, return created instance. The .allocate() is always needed when you want to instantiate an instance. Remember to include that inside your custom constructor.

A custom constructor only has 2 rules. Firstly, it needs to be a static method. I'll be covering this later on. Secondly, it needs to always return the struct type. If you happen to do things like returns nothing, it'll give you a compilation error. However, doing returns integer would be valid, as instances are actually integers, which I mentioned previously.

If a custom constructor is not declared, a default constructor will be automatically declared for you, which has no parameter.

Summary: A custom constructor can be used to take parameters. However, constructors must be static and must returns the struct type (or integer). A default constructor is automatically created if no custom constructor is declared, which has no parameters.

6. Multiple Constructors

It is possible to have many constructors.

struct A
    public static method new takes nothing returns A
         local A this = A.allocate()
         return this

private function Test takes nothing returns nothing
        local A a = A.create() // works
        local A b = A.new() // would work as well

So what's the point of having multiple constructors? Well here's the thing: as long as your constructor isn't called .create(), you can choose to returns nothing. However, that would kind of defeat the purpose of a constructor and it wouldn't really be called a constructor anymore.

The main reason why we might want multiple constructors is that you might need different constructors for different purposes. For example, you might need a constructor with no parameters sometimes and you might need a constructor with parameters another time. Just note that you always need the .allocate() method to instantiate an instance, it should always be inside your constructor.

Summary: You can have multiple constructors as long as they are static methods. As long as your constructor isn't called .create(), you can actually return any type of variable or return nothing at all. Most of the times, you only need a single constructor.

7. Members

If methods are equivalents of functions, members are equivalents of variables. Basically, members are variables inside of a struct.

struct A
    real r
    integer i
    boolean b
    static unit u // yes, there are static members as well, I'll be covering that soon

Members can also have access modifiers. What do I mean by this? Simply put, they can have the private, public and readonly modifiers.

private members are basically only, and only accessible inside the struct. public members are accessible by things outside the struct. By default, members are public if you do not add any modifier. readonly members are kind of special. The user can access this variable outside of the struct, however the user is not able to modify it. You're only able to "get" the value. They can only be modified from inside the struct.

struct A
    private static integer a = 0
    public static integer b = 0
    static integer c = 0
    readonly static integer d = 0

private function Test takes nothing returns nothing
    set A.a = 1 // ignore the A. for now. Not legal, as "a" is private
    call BJDebugMsg(I2S(A.a)) // still not legal, as "a" is private

    set A.b = 1 // legal, it is public
    call BJDebugMsg(I2S(A.b)) // legal as well, it is public

    set A.c = 1 // legal, "c" is automatically defined as public since no modifier was given
    call BJDebugMsg(I2S(A.c)) // legal as well, it is public

    set A.d = 1 // not legal, as "d" is readonly
    call BJDebugMsg(I2S(A.d)) // legal, since readonly allows you to "get" the value

Summary: Members are variables inside a struct. There are three types of access modifiers for members: private, public and readonly. A member with no modifier is automatically a public member.

8. Methods

I've already mentioned that methods are basically functions in struct.

struct A
    function Catastrophic takes nothing returns nothing // compiler screams at you for doing this, you must use methods

Methods are exactly same as functions. You have parameters and a return type. All you need to change is the function keyword to method. Methods can be static as well. I'll be covering that the next section (promise).

Methods, can have access modifiers as well. There are only 2 modifiers for methods though, private and public. private methods can be accessed only inside the struct. public methods can be accessed by things outside of the struct. A method without a specified modifier becomes automatically public. It's the exactly same like member modifiers.

Summary: Methods are functions inside a struct. There are two types of access modifiers for members: private and public. A member with no modifier is automatically a public member.

9. Static vs Instance

So you've been seeing the keyword static all over the place. I'm going to explain the different between static and instance.

In a struct, you can have static and instance (non-static) methods and members. Basically, instance members and methods are associated with an instance. Let's look at instance members first:

struct Bicycle
    real speed // this is public as no access modifier is specified

private function Test takes nothing returns nothing
    local Bicycle a = Bicycle.create() // creating an instance of Bicycle
    local Bicycle b = Bicycle.create() // creating another instance of Bicycle

    set a.speed = 10.0
    set b.speed = 30.0

The above demonstrates instance members. Basically, the member speed can be associated with instances and each instanced speed can have different values. You can imagine them as arrays:

struct Bicycle
    real speed

    private real array SpeedArray

private function Test takes nothing returns nothing
    local Bicycle a = Bicycle.create() // creating an instance of Bicycle
    local Bicycle b = Bicycle.create() // creating another instance of Bicycle

    set a.speed = 10.0
    set b.speed = 30.0

    set SpeedArray[0] = 10.0 // notice the similarities?
    set SpeedArray[1] = 30.0

So basically, you can imagine instances a and b to be the array indices 0 and 1. This is how an instance member works.

Instance methods are similar to instance members, they are associated with an instance.

struct Person
    string name // instance member

    public method displayName takes nothing returns nothing
        call BJDebugMsg("This person's name is: " + this.name)

private function Test takes nothing returns nothing
    local Person a = Person.create()
    local Person b = Person.create()

    set a.name = "John" // setting Person a's name as John
    set b.name = "Mary" // setting Person b's name as Mary

    call a.displayName() // almost like a function call, except you associate an instance with it by using a.
    call b.displayName()

    // the result would be:
    // This person's name is John
    // This person's name is Mary

So basically, the instance is passed into the method. You might be wondering what is the this keyword for. Basically, this inside a instance method refers to the instance that you passed in. So you call a.displayName(), the instance a would be passed into the method displayName. Now you need a way to refer to the instance a inside of the method. Thus, we use the this keyword to refer to that instance inside of an instance method. You can imagine the above as such:

    private string array Name

private function DisplayName takes integer this returns nothing
    call BJDebugMsg("The person's name is: " + Name[this])

private function Test takes nothing returns nothing
    set Name[0] = "John"
    set Name[1] = "Mary"

    call DisplayName(0)
    call DisplayName(1)

The above code is basically to illustrate what instance methods do.

The this keyword can be omitted and simply just put as .

struct Person
    string name

    public method displayName takes nothing returns nothing
        call BJDebugMsg("The person's name is: " + .name) // you can do .name instead of this.name
        call BJDebugMsg("The person's name is: " + name) // you can also simply refer it as name instead of .name or this.name

The static keyword is the opposite of instance keyword. A static member and method does not associate any instances. Let's touch on static members first. Static members are simply global variables inside of a struct. They are not associated with an instance.

struct Person
    static integer population

private function Test takes nothing returns nothing
    set Person.population = 10 // setting a static integer to 10, just like a global

    // notice the Person. in front. This basically is saying that you're trying to access a static member in struct Person
    // whenever you want to use a static member outside of the struct, you need to include the struct name in front followed by a .
    // this can be omitted inside of the struct itself, but it's good practice to always include it, even inside of the struct

Essentially, static members are global variables inside of a struct. They have no instance associated, thus they have a single value for one struct, unlike instance members.

Static methods are simply your normal functions inside of a struct.

struct Person
    public static method displayHello takes nothing returns nothing
        call BJDebugMsg("Hello!")

private function Test takes nothing returns nothing
    call Person.displayHello() // notice the Person. again, this is the rule to call static methods

This summarizes the difference between static and instance (non-static).

Summary: You can have Static and Instance methods and members. Instance methods and members are associated by an instance. Inside an instance method, you use the this keyword to refer to the instance that was passed in to the method. Static methods and members are not associated with an instance, and act like global variables and normal functions inside of a struct.

10. thistype

The thistype keyword is only used inside of a struct. It's basically a keyword to refer to the struct name.

struct A
    public static method create takes nothing returns thistype // instead of saying "return A", we can just say "return thistype"
         local thistype this = thistype.create() // you can do this instead of doing local A this = A.create()

        return this // notice I used "this". Basically, in a static method, you can use "this" as a variable name.

Thus, when you use static methods from within a struct, you can do thistype.<static method name instead of <struct name><static method name. This is also same for static members. But remember, you can only use thistype inside of a struct.

Summary: Instead of using the struct name, you can use thistype to refer to the struct name. This only applies inside of a struct.

11. Destroying Instances & onDestroy

I mentioned that struct have a limit of 8190 instances. This would mean we would hit the limit eventually if we continuously create instances. Thus, we need to destroy instances when we don't need them anymore.

struct Bicycle

private function Test takes nothing returns nothing
    local Bicycle d = Bicycle.create() // creating an instance

    // other actions...

   call d.destroy() // destroying the instance

You would have noticed that you don't do Bicycle.destroy(). This is because Bicycle is the struct itself. When you destroy something, you want to destroy the instance of Bicycle, not the struct itself. Thus, it's d.destroy(). The variable d holds the instance, which is the reason why you do d.destroy(). That's the syntax to destroy.

Similar to .create(), you can overload the .destroy() method. However, remember that the destructor (.destroy()) is an instance method, not a static method. However, you can also have a static destructor as well. Destructor doesn't have any parameter or return specifications. You need to remember to include a line though, if you happen to override the destructor or define a custom destructor; this.deallocate().

struct Bicycle
    public method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
        call this.deallocate() // the line of code that you NEED for any deconstructor

There's also something known as the onDestroy. This is a special method that is ran right before an instance is destroyed:

struct Bicycle
    string name

    private method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
        call BJDebugMsg(name + " is being removed!")

The above method is ran every time when an instance is about to be destroyed. However, it's better off overriding the destructor directly rather than using onDestroy for most situations. onDestroy has to take no parameters and return nothing. It also has to be an instance method.

Remember to always destroy your instances after you're done with them, or else it will be catastrophic once you hit the instance limit.

Summary: You can destroy instances by using the .destroy() method. If onDestroy is declared, that method will run right before an instance is destroyed. It has to be an instance method as well as take no parameter and no return.

12. onInit Method

There's also another special method called the onInit method. This is an initialization method. Simply put, this method runs right when the game starts. The onInit method must be static and cannot take parameters.

struct A
    private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
        call BJDebugMsg("Hello!") // would print "Hello!" right after the loading screen; when game starts

Another thing to take note about onInit is that it is ran before scope/library initializers.

struct MyStruct
    private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
        call BJDebugMsg("Struct says hello!")

library MyLib initializer OnInit
    private function OnInit takes nothing returns nothing
        call BJDebugMsg("Library says hello!")

// the above would print:
// Struct says hello!
// Library says hello!

From the above, you can see that struct onInit is always ran before any library/scope initializers.

13. Naming Conventions

There are naming conventions for members, methods and struct name. These conventions are generally followed by most people. For more information, you can take a look at this.

struct ThisIsMyName // struct names in ProperCase

method thisIsMyMethod // method names in camelCase

unit thisIsMyUnit // member names in camelCase

14. Closing

I hope this helped all of you who are struggling to grasp the concept of struct. I hope you will be appreciate struct after reading this tutorial. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and I'll add the important ones in the FAQ section.

15. FAQ
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Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
Nice approach and formatting.

What is the point of the default create/destroy/onDestroy methods anyway? I would never ever want to have an empty (thus probably unfunctional) instance allocated outside of the struct. That speaks against protection. Writing your own constructors/deconstructors is simple, done fast, clear and you have precise controls.

Methods are not denoted as members?

Do you keep this lean or do more concepts get added like inheritance, array structs, delegates...?
Nice approach and formatting.

What is the point of the default create/destroy/onDestroy methods anyway? I would never ever want to have an empty (thus probably unfunctional) instance allocated outside of the struct. That speaks against protection. Writing your own constructors/deconstructors is simple, done fast, clear and you have precise controls.

Methods are not denoted as members?

Do you keep this lean or do more concepts get added like inheritance, array structs, delegates...?

Hmm well, in the vJASS manual, seems like the instance and static variables were referred as "members". Thus, I followed that naming method.

Well, it is pretty much not practical to have a default create/destroy/onDestroy method. I'm just pointing it out here because this is supposed to help fresh beginners understand the concept of struct. Most probably I won't be adding other concepts, as this is just a basic introduction to structs.
Level 31
Jul 10, 2007
The information on onDestroy is incorrect.

onDestroy is used for polymorphism and is evaluated in a trigger. It is called whether it exists or not if the struct is extended by another struct.

onDestroy is called within the deallocate method, which is in turn called by the destroy method.

destroy -> deallocate -> onDestroy

Destroy is not called properly in the case of extending structs.

struct A
struct B

b.destroy() -> b.deallocate() -> a.onDestroy -> b.onDestroy()

notice that a.destroy is never called. This is because it is not in a trigger.

If you really need polymorphism in vjass, it is going to cost you in performance. If you can get away without doing it, then you can just as easily chain the destroys.

Keep in mind that if you extend off of structs at all, even if you don't declare onDestroy and never call deallocate, the onDestroy triggers will still be generated and will still be evaluated in the deallocate method.

Also note that if you destroy a struct allocated as B but stored as A, it will run like this
a.destroy() -> a.deallocate() -> a.onDestroy -> b.onDestroy()

The reason for the order of the onDestroy is because of the allocation method, when the trigger is built.

b.create() -> b.allocate() -> a.allocate() -> register a -> return to b -> register b

b gets its instance from a, meaning a gets its onDestroy registered before b does

the thing on methods being functions is also wrong. It shows a method as
function Eh takes nothing returns nothing

When it should be
function Eh takes integer this returns nothing

method Eh takes nothing returns nothing

function Eh takes nothing returns nothing

static method Eh takes nothing returns nothing

The onInit section is misleading. Using cohador's version, a struct's onInit runs in the order that they are found in a given library in the order of libraries found followed by scopes/general structs found.
The information on onDestroy is incorrect.

onDestroy is used for polymorphism and is evaluated in a trigger. It is called whether it exists or not if the struct is extended by another struct.

onDestroy is called within the deallocate method, which is in turn called by the destroy method.

destroy -> deallocate -> onDestroy

Destroy is not called properly in the case of extending structs.

struct A
struct B

b.destroy() -> b.deallocate() -> a.onDestroy -> b.onDestroy()

notice that a.destroy is never called. This is because it is not in a trigger.

If you really need polymorphism in vjass, it is going to cost you in performance. If you can get away without doing it, then you can just as easily chain the destroys.

Keep in mind that if you extend off of structs at all, even if you don't declare onDestroy and never call deallocate, the onDestroy triggers will still be generated and will still be evaluated in the deallocate method.

Also note that if you destroy a struct allocated as B but stored as A, it will run like this
a.destroy() -> a.deallocate() -> a.onDestroy -> b.onDestroy()

The reason for the order of the onDestroy is because of the allocation method, when the trigger is built.

b.create() -> b.allocate() -> a.allocate() -> register a -> return to b -> register b

b gets its instance from a, meaning a gets its onDestroy registered before b does

I suppose if Ayanami wants to clarify this then it would be better. However, the actual "uses" for onDestroy (in terms of polymorphism) are somewhat advanced for the average struct learner. I remember when I first learned structs, I learned more from a tutorial called "vJASS lite" that gave a simple explanation of each concept + an example rather than a detailed explanation. If he were to give a long, detailed explanation, it would most likely lead to confusion.

Although, if he has the order incorrect then he should fix that.

the thing on methods being functions is also wrong. It shows a method as
function Eh takes nothing returns nothing

When it should be
function Eh takes integer this returns nothing

method Eh takes nothing returns nothing

function Eh takes nothing returns nothing

static method Eh takes nothing returns nothing

He goes over that in static vs. instanced methods. He just represents it as a function in the introduction as a visual.

IMO it should be left that way, unless he says "ignore the integer this part until the next section". But if he does that, the tutorial loses its fluidity.

As long as the reader doesn't skip the static vs. instance part, they should come out with the knowledge that instanced (normal) methods take an integer "this" while statics do not, so overall no harm is done.

The onInit section is misleading. Using cohador's version, a struct's onInit runs in the order that they are found in a given library in the order of libraries found followed by scopes/general structs found.[/QUOTE]

This was written before cohadar made that fix, but I suppose it could be mentioned in there.

I'll let Ayanami know to look over your comment, thanks for the input. I will leave it in approval for my reasoning above, but if Ayanami doesn't respond I'll move it back or make the updates myself. (since I like this tutorial)

I still don't understand using Magther to shorten the name. Why not Mag? Magther just sounds weird. It is just a weird cutoff point. It would be like calling me "PurgeAnd" (which did happen before).