Into the Maelstorm: WoW-like ORPG-Arena

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Level 14
Jul 27, 2007
OK, we saw many Arena and ORPG maps with custom heroes, pretending that they look like WoW, but having nothing like WoW infact (except the map). Yes, they ARE nice maps (atleast most of them), but when it comes to WoW, I have severals things in my mind.

Firstly, my map doesn't pretend to be a WoW remake. It is WoW-like. What's the difference?

Well, the main idea is that you have Races and Classes. Yes, all the races (except Gnomes) appear in the game, but there's also a whole lotta bunch of other races. Well, OK, you'll ask, you made races, but what's the difference?


OK, here's the difference. These races have RACIAL ABILITIES. So simple, but (I think so) never seen at WC3 map. So far I the abilities that appear in WoW will appear in Into the Maelstorm's WoW-races copies. Taurens will have War Stomp, for example, and Draenei - Gift of Naaru. However, there's a whole lotta bunch of other races, which will have custom abilities.

List of races(not appearing in WoW) and their racials:

-=Choosable from the beggining=-
Defensive Stance: Increases the damage reduced, but decreases attack power and attack speed.

Drunken Speed: Increases the attack speed and the moving speed of the unit for -- seconds.

Unknown for the moment

-=Later-Choosable=-Ok, before I continue, it seems that I have to explain what this^ means. It's simple. While you choose one hero in the beggining, you can later win a supporting hero, mostly from dungeons. However, they have one big drawback: they don't have hero inventory.

For now, I don't know if I will add racials to the later-choosable heroes. But here's the list with the races of the later choosable:



There are classes in the game. Each class has it own abilities and specification. Some classes represent WoW classes (warrior, paladin, priest), other not (annihillator, assasin, beastmaster, buccaneer). Here's the list of all classes:

WoW classes


Rogue is not incuded, we have a different class - assasin

Custom classes

Main Atr: Agility
Buccaneers are fast soldiers, adept at gaining gold through the combat. They have huge hp regain but small mana one. Their abilities, however, hardly can kill a hero. Good explorers. Gain more gold for killing

Main Atr: Streght
Annihilator, like the supporting heroes, don't have unit inventory. They are everlasting defenders, who are really hard to kill. However, they are very slow. Note: Most of the Annihilators are not actually from te race they are shown as. For example, Orc Annihillator is an Ogre, and Nigh Elf's - Mountain Giant. Only Magnaturs and Annihilans are matching.

Main Atr: Streght
Assasins, dislike te Rogues, are good for killing many units on one place. Extremely quick, they, along with the buccaneers, are the only class that can turn invisible through an ability.

Main Atr: Intelligence
Commanders are the best supporting class in the game, with the most powerful auras. However, they should be always defended, alone they are the weakest targets.

Main Atr: Streght
Dislike the hunters, the Beastmasters are not created for hunting creeps. Their pets have only a supporting role. Extremely good at hand-to-hand fights.

Main Atr: Agility
Ranged-attacks heroes. Good if they are in a group with a warrior or annihilator.


OK, When you choose your class you will be taken to the trainers center to choose your abilities like in Heor Survival game. However, each class has it's own center and Rangers can't learn Annihilators' abilities for example.

OK, so now the main part:


Hopefully, I can do the unit-editing and a part of the easy triggering alone. However, I still need a big crew:

Terrainer (Mapper)
Somebody to write scripts and do triggering

If you wish to join, PM me!
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