Searching a team for turn based game/ ORPG

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Level 6
Oct 7, 2008
Hi im Lopaki and I search members for a creation team

The game is a Turnbased /realtime game mix

Ok first to the Turn Based Game

Its something like a Orpg but with a goal
The Terrain:
There are 10 x 10 fields on wich you can walk and several battle arenas at the side
The Point of the Game:
The goal will be that you have to reach a max lvl and kill a boss then to win.
The Turns:
First a generator throws so many 4 sided dices as the agi of your hero is
then you can walk so much fields as was thrown
When you stop on a field something random happens
there are 3 things that can happen: have to fight
2.something good happens
3.something bad happens

When you have to fight you are warped to one of the arenas and fight in real time.
If you win the battle you gain exp and an item.
If you loose something bad happens to you like loosing a lvl etc(look under Bad)

When something good happens it can be nearly everything like
-A buff for next battle
-Your race changes(it changes your unit and you get a special race ability)
-Your class changes(you get some skills to use in battle or outside)
-some good events etc. etc....

-Your race changes to a bad one(bad stats etc)
-Your class changes to a bad one(only weak skills or one that make damage to you too)
-something bad happens like you loose a lvl etc

When you are on field with another player you fight against each other
the winner gains a good event,exp,and an item from the looser
the loose gets a bad event

The setting will be a total chaos world
Example: your race can change not onyl to something like elf or orc but you can be an alien or a cyborg
Your class can be nearly everything too
and the monsters you have to fight are from different settings or somehow funny.

Searching atm:
Race/Class maker
Item maker
Monster maker
Level 5
May 31, 2009
Searching atm:
Race/Class maker
Item maker
Monster maker

So you want us to do all the triggers, spells and systems for you, also we should create all the races, the balancing, items AND terrain. That means you will do nothing at all
Level 6
Oct 7, 2008
no i will do much things too but i dont know how to do the system cause tried it but it didnt works hwo i want it to work and the monster item spell etc maker should be only idea givers xD

but atm i think the project will be not made cause not much people will play turn based games
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