Internet Tax...

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Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
It's a "fee" that the government asks from you on a regular routine.
There's also the small technicality that the "fee" may be interpreted as a tax. If it's a tax, it could potentially violate the federal Tax Freedom Act that was enacted in 1998 and most recently extended in 2007 for seven years; it bars local governments from levying access taxes on Internet connections, though purchases can be subject to applicable state taxes. The law is meant to promote Internet usage and facilitate wider-spread adoption of broadband across the US, though once broadband access becomes as common as electricity and water, many lawmakers would like to see the issue revisited, as Internet taxes could prove a lucrative source of funding for state and local governments.
And who cares? It's just 15 cents (10 eurocents here, now) per month.
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