Internet is virtual and it's a wonder of technology. What keeps internet alive? A generator of electricity or computers? By the technological meanings I don't possess knowledge about technology and I find it equally hard to understand the endless space and internet. Internet is always active there are no limits for activity on internet and internet is a otherworld. And what powers the internet? I think internet was a really simple thing and had drastic changes because of user population. I am one of millions who has access to internet but I never knew how to make a websites, actually I've seen so much websites that I am intrigued how do people make websites, no one can teach me, I could make a website with tools such as microsoft word but where could I host it? Internet is full of problems and wonders. And I wonder if all electricity is gone it means internet is gone? In Japan currently japanese lack electricity and to produce energy for the cities they use nuclear energy source. In the situation of Japan many people don't have electricity, many lack internet and that happened similar to New York at 1970, the panic and almostly the city of New York look like it was dying. And when I heard that 70% of money is transfered through internet and not through banks, companies and industries I see that internet is a very dependent source which many people use internet even as a way of life and making online money. If the all electiicity has gone where would the internet realm be gone? I don't guarantee in the eternity of the human civilization, but if there is electricity because of human acts would internet be immortal?
The internet is a series of tubes.
Anyways, the basic mesh of the internet is just a really complicated phone protocol, think of the IP (I presume you at least know that) as a phone number. each computer has a unique one (originally). Now think of websites as the person you are calling. Originally you had to know the exact IP of who you wanted to talk to, now instead of typing in a bunch of numbers, we type in an address, such as This address is sent to a DNS server (domain name service) which has a library of all the addresses, and all the IP's in use. So when you send it an address, it gives you the number back, which is automatically called. Think of it as an operator. Now that you are at the site, the data from the website is transmitted to you, using various different protocols. The simplest you know of probably is HTTP, from the beginning of URLS (http//

, it stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. The data that is transferred to you is taken by your browser, and translated into an interface, which you can click or type on and send data back to the server. The server takes this data, processes it, and performs a function. When viewing a site you never directly connect to another viewer, you just both connect to the site.
And that is essentially it.
Phone = Internet
DNS = Operator
Servers = Who you are calling
Edit: Oh right, never explained what powers it.
The internet is simply a mesh of computers, electricity powers the computers and relays. Servers are just computers that are accessible from the outside.
An example of this is the fact Hiveworkshop is run by a Quad Core Xeon i7 (Xeon is a brandname for server processors, i7 is a processor family) with 4gb of RAM. It's not some glowy magic box that spews interwebs, it's just a small probably grey box that is programmed to transmit the site to a viewer and has a special name.