Integrating WEU into Jass NewGen Pack

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Level 19
Nov 29, 2006
Please Read

The latest versions of JNGP do not have the menu item "Integrate WEU". Instead, WEU components are integrated when you enable UMSWE. To do the same task as below on later versions (e.g. v5d, v5e, or 2.0), go to UMSWE -> Enable UMSWE.


You cannot open all kind of maps with the Newgen editor such as those maps which has used WEU unique triggers as someone might on intent use those to prevent others from opening the map. Did you know that you can fuse the benefits of WEU by intregating it into the Jass Newgen Pack with the help of Grimoire? Well it's possible!

How to fuse WEU into Jass Newgen Pack Editor?

Step 1:
Install WEU. (You can download 1.20 from here) (Link fixed 24.05.2015, also if you stuggle hard to download this file, try an outdated version of IE)

Step 2:
Download Jass Newgen Pack v5d or JassNewgen Pack v5e continued by Moyack and extract it with winrar or similar extraction softwares. If you already have it you can skip this step. (I don't know if 5e version has WEU already preinstalled)

Step 3:
Run the WEU editor once, then exit it. (This step is sometimes not necessary)

Step 4:
Run the Jass Newgen Editor
Click on Grimoire on the tab -> Integrate WEU (If it doesn't appear you have done something wrong)


Step 5:
Exit the editor and start the Jass Newgen editor again. WEU should now be successfully integrated.

Now it loads with compatibility support of opening very special maps such are made with WEU editors "advanced" triggers and thus you can once again open such maps and do other stuff you want to do.

If you still had problems of integrating the editor, let me know. I didn't have problems at all doing these steps myself.
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Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
There is no need for one to ever intigrate WEU into JNGP. JNGP does everything useful that WEU did and is a lot more reliable. JNGP also does a lot more than WEU.

I was going to make a thread asking a question, but I suppose I'll post it here:

I've been out of modding for a long time now, but my main reason for using WEU in the past is that it can exceed the maximum amount of tiles using the WEU Enhancer.

Is there a similar feature in JNPG? I'd like to have more tiles than the maximum allows.

Edit: Nevermind, found it!.

One more thing though. Everytime I install WEU for the integration thing, I always get this error when I try to run WEU Enhancer.


I'm trying to open an older map that uses WEU triggers, but I can't do that if I can't integrate WEU into JNG!
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
I just meant exceed the normal World Editor's tile limit. But I've solved that issue...

I'm trying to open an old map up I made using WEU triggers. But I can't get WEU to install probably. When I run WEU Enhancer, I get the messages you see in the post above. When I try to run WE Unlimited (the editor) I get "Windows cannot access the specified file, path or device. You may not have appropriate permission to access this item."

Also, I don't know if it's supposed to be like that but the WE Unlimited sub folders are all empty. There's nothing in "UI", or in "Scripts" or in "Sounds" or in anything.

I've downloaded the setup file from different sources and it's the same result everytime!
Level 3
Jun 25, 2011
I did it and works, but now, I have some problem. If I save the edited map, the Frozen (1.26) won't start it, idk why.

Can you guys, help me?



Level 19
Nov 29, 2006
I've fixed the dl link for WEU, and I was stupid enough to put 1 advanced stuff from WEU in Solar Conquest for "extra" map protection. I forgot I did that so I thought the map was corrupted. It was very hard to find the WEU so now its fixed and added.

It's possible to open a map, even with the newest wc3 version using the JGNP. I Recommend to not use the WEU editor alone with newest wc3 version...

It's useful to have in case you wanna open some maps you can't with JGNP alone. But I'm most likely one of few using that trick on my maps I guess...
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