[General] Increase level cap past 10,000?

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Deleted member 231919


Deleted member 231919

The level cap can go up to 10,000. I was wondering if there is any way to increase it up to 100,000,000. I tried shift clicking the value and it let me add more to the level cap, but when I tried to load the map, an error occurred saying memory crash dump.

So I am guessing increasing level cap past 10,000 isn't possible? Just curious if anyone knows how.

It is for a DBZ map if anyone was curious why I need the level so high.

Any ideas, thoughts, or anyone know how?
Level 12
Mar 13, 2012
You can go beyond 10,000, however things start to get buggy as hero xp overflows and other unwanted stuff starts to happen.
In some old test I managed to go to 100,000 or so. I don't know what the actual limit is though.

Deleted member 231919


Deleted member 231919

I was going to have the "Level" to be renamed "Power Level" like that of DBZ. It would have been an awesome idea if it was possible.

Thank you guys for responding to my thread.
Level 11
Jun 2, 2013
I honestly feel like it isn't actually the leveling up that breaks the game, it's the stats that increase with the level that do it. I mean if you trigger the stat increase manually per 10,100,1000 levels I'd imagine you could have higher 'Level' that way than if you allowed the stats to be set by Gameplay Constants.

Just my two cents...
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