In quite a pickle here... (Problems with a model)

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Level 1
Jul 16, 2009
Alright, so, I'm making a custom footman for a little RPG I'm working on. Basicly, I've removed his helmet and replaced it with a head, and removed his weapon/shield in order to all a more customized feel for the game (such as weapons appearing on your little hero, etc). Problem is, in the War3 Model Editor, his head appears, but when I put it into WC3 World Editor, there is no head. Now, you can probably guess this is frustrating me in such a way that I'm about to throw my computer out a window. (below are screenies)



(Sorry if I broke any image size restrictions. High-Res monitor =\)

I'm not sure if it's thinking the outside is the backface of the head once it's in game, but everywhere else it works properly (Milkshape, Rhino3, War3 Model Editor). This is possible it's a mapping problem, but I don't think it is because the skin for the head has no alpha chan. (Note: I tried it twice. The skin on the head started as TGA, but I switched to BLP, hoping it'd work, with no luck. Could it be the resolution of the head? 512x512)

Edit2: Alright, I found his head... in the oddest of places on the test map. It's, infact, attached to another model that I didn't modify. Maybe it's a problem with the extents? Any ideas, no matter how wacky, will help.


(Look above the shoulder of the tree.)
Last edited:
Level 1
Jul 16, 2009
Thats what it was the first time, but once I attached it to the head bone, it attached to the Tree Of Life in the second map...

I'm thinking about just re-important the head Geoset. Do you think that could work? I've always had problems with getting the Warcraft 3 Model Editor to import Geosets properly.
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