im after a spell that you cast on a unit. the targeted unit takes damage per second
also any units that go near the tageted unit are damaged
i tryed to just use shield of lighting but you can only set the targets it can be casted on not the units it damages. im guessing im going to have to trigger this some way but i dunno where to start and im in need of some help to finish this spell off
i also dont want allied units of the caster to be damaged by the AoE damage on the targeted unit
i beleave this will be simple trigger the only thing is im not sure what to have for the base abilitys
also any units that go near the tageted unit are damaged
i tryed to just use shield of lighting but you can only set the targets it can be casted on not the units it damages. im guessing im going to have to trigger this some way but i dunno where to start and im in need of some help to finish this spell off
i also dont want allied units of the caster to be damaged by the AoE damage on the targeted unit
i beleave this will be simple trigger the only thing is im not sure what to have for the base abilitys
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