Need Help with triggers (just a spell)

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Level 9
Jun 25, 2009
Hey guys! I need some help, i want one spell, looks something like sniper's ulti.

Heavy Mortar: Loads a heavy mortar in the cannon, then shoots at an enemy, dealing damage and stunning the target.
Level 1: 3 second loading, 300 damage and 3 second stun.
Level 2: 4 second loading, 400 damage and 4 second stun.
Level 3: 5 second loading, 500 damage and 5 second stun.

This spell is made from storm bolt, i just set the casting time to needed one.
The casting range is 2000 and i need that while you "load the cannon" to see the enemy (like sniper does), i used a dummy with fearie fire, 0 armor penalty, but 3 levels, lasts 3/4/5 seconds.

The thing i need is the trigger to create the dummy AT the begining of the casting, i mean when the order is issued or something. BECAUSE
  • Unit - Unit begins casting an ability
DOESN"T WORK!!! Help will be apresciated and +rep will be given.

Level 11
Jul 2, 2008
I'll make that asap ;) Wait a bit

EDIT: Well, the only one mistake you did is that you should use:

  • Events
    • Unit - A unit Begins channeling an ability
Otherwise, everything will be fine :) So, you can not copy my spell, but just fix yours. Anway, I'm attaching the map with an example.


  • [Tiche3]HeavyMortar.w3x
    25.7 KB · Views: 40
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