Need 2 simple spells

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Level 12
Jun 1, 2009
Can someone make me a spells by following descriptions in GUI/MUI:


Spell name: Kamikazi Sheep
Target type: Unit
Effect: When used on enemy,a sheep appears next to caster and starts following target unit of ability being cast. Upon reaching target,the sheep explodes dealing damage to all enemy ground units near.
Also,when sheep appears,a floating text that will represent timer should be created above sheep - when time
timer elapses,sheep should explode dealing same damage.

Thing that i wont to be editable: aoe, timer, damage.


Spell name: Frost bolt
Target type: Ground\Unit
Effect: Similiar to fireball spells with projectile system. When cast,the projectile with frost-like model travels and "explodes" when hits enemy units,Destructible or after designated distance.
Upon impact,freezes (pauses hit unit with ice effect) and deals small amount of damage. (Effect should be for single unit)
For both spells: Damage,mana and other properties aren't important and should be easy changed.

I give rep and credits for this!
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Here is the frost bolt:
View attachment Simple Frostbolt.w3x
You can change the damage & the duration of the freeze effect, by editing the Storm Bolt (dummy) ability and also the AoE.
Mana is also configurable of course, by Editing the Frostbolt ability of the hero and scroll to Stats - Mana Cost.

Edited it, because I had some mistake in the hashtable value removal.
Level 12
Jun 1, 2009
Man not bad, but i wont casting system like in warlock (or like with simple shockwave) so if you cast missile near your hero missile continue to travel until reach X distance. Now i must chose point where missile will stop.Understand what i want to say? :cool: And pls set that missile also explode when hit tree, now just tree die and no explosion :thumbs_up:

And man can i now set that bolt freeze only 1 unit? If now i cant, pls set that spell freeze only 1 unit whitout aoe....My friend write this description and write this by mistake but i dont need aoe i need to bolt freeze only unit that is hited.
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