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Impish Pyromancer

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Reactions: deepstrasz
Impish Pyromancer by donut3.5

I decided to get creative and use some of the blizzard car textures.
-Uses no custom textures
-Give Credit if used
-Post constructive criticism, and report any bugs. I didn't get much time to test this one out.
Have fun!

impish pyromancer diablo demon devil

Impish Pyromancer (Model)

Impish Pyromancer (Model)

General Frank: (Approved) This model is a nice idea and a very good execution. The fiery portrait is awesome.




General Frank:


This model is a nice idea and a very good execution. The fiery portrait is awesome.
When i saw it first i thot its an export from wow, because i found diablo there (in the wow model viewer), but when i saw the anims and sameother think i knowed ist not an export.

I sow a tiny bug: the theet material is blend, not transpert. I saw it when browsing the portred model. View his speack anim and look at the theet. If needed i will make a screenshot (its a realy tiny bug).

Anyway verry good model 10/10 (the bug is too tiny) !
Level 8
Aug 25, 2007
I love it! Woooo Diablo! But...One thing, I'd appreciate it if you removed the team colored shoulder pads so that it can look exactly like Diablo. I'm not saying you should. Besides that, 10/10!