I'm using ImageUtils:
Would this desync? Cause i'm thinking of just creating an image for every button of the inventory i'm coding and setting paths/shows locally rather than creating and destroying new ones every time. It would save lots of other function calls and also lots of images if i can set paths and show locally.
// *************************************************************
// * ImageUtils
// * by Deaod
// *************************************************************
// *
// * - Vexorian (JassHelper, ARGB)
// * - MindWorX and PitzerMike (JassNewGenPack)
// * - Pipedream (Grimoire)
// * - SFilip (TESH)
// *
// * * C'n'P the code into your map
// * * If you haven't done that already, import ARGB into your map
// *
// * HOW TO USE:
// * * this library provides you with wrappers for CreateImage and DestroyImage (NewImage and ReleaseImage respectively).
// * Those are necessary to work around creating invalid images. They also catch attempts to destroy images created by WC3 itself
// * (although thats rather conditional, you need to use NewImage and ReleaseImage correctly for it to work).
// * CreateImageEx also exists (for backwards compatibility), but is deprecated.
// *
// * This library also comes with an object oriented wrapper for images, heres how to use those:
// *
// * * declare a variable of type imagex
// *
// * * use imagex.create(string path, real sizeX, real sizeY, real posX, real posY, real posZ, boolean show) to create a new image
// * - path is the path to the imagefile that you want to display
// * - sizeX and sizeY are the dimensions of the image displayed in standard WC3 units of length
// * - posX, posY and posZ specifiy the position where the image is created.
// * Note that this point is the lower left corner of the image.
// *
// * * you can change the path of the image youre displaying by setting the path member of an instance of the imagex struct.
// * Example: set yourimage.path="Path\\To\\The\\Image.blp"
// *
// * * you can change the size of the image by setting the sizeX and sizeY member of an instance of the imagex struct.
// * Example: set yourimage.sizeX=64.
// * set yourimage.sizeY=64.
// * Theres also a method combining those two: yourimage.setSize(real sizex, real sizey)
// * Example: call yourimage.setSize(64., 64.)
// * Sizes work like describen in the create method.
// *
// * * you can change the position of the image by setting the X, Y and Z members of an instance of the imagex struct.
// * Example: set yourimage.X=128.
// * set yourimage.Y=128.
// * set yourimage.Z=0.
// * Theres also a method combining those three: yourimage.setPosition(real x, real y, real z)
// * Example: call yourimage.setPosition(128.,128.,0.)
// * The point specified is the lower left corner of the image.
// *
// * * you can access the individual values of the red, green, blue and alpha channels of the current color of the image
// * with the red, green, blue and alpha members of an instance of the imagex struct.
// * Example: set red = yourimage.red
// * set green = yourimage.green
// * set blue = yourimage.blue
// * set alpha = yourimage.alpha
// * I planned adding a way to change the value of the individual color channels,
// * but unfortunately i cant due to a limitation in JassHelper.
// *
// * * you can change the color of the image by setting the color member of an instance of the imagex struct.
// * Example: set yourimage.color=ARGB(0xFF808080)
// * Refer to ARGBs manual for more information on what is a valid ARGB instance.
// *
// * * you can decide whether to display the image or not by setting the show member of an instance of the imagex struct.
// * Example: set yourimage.show=true
// * true displays the image, false hides it.
// *
// * * you can make the image wrap to the ground by setting the wrap member of an instance of the imagex struct.
// * Example: set yourimage.wrap=true
// * true makes the image wrap to the ground, but makes the image ignore its Z position.
// * false allows you to change the Z position of the image freely.
// * Defaults to false for new instances.
// *
// * * you can change the type of an image by setting the type member of an instance of the imagex struct.
// * Example: set yourimage.type=IMAGE_TYPE_INDICATOR
// * A list of all known image types can be found below.
// * Note that not every image type known works, and that image types influence
// * the order in which images are stacked on top of each other.
// *
// * NOTE: although i have only shown examples for changing the value of members,
// * its also possible to read them, unless stated otherwise.
// *
// * * to destroy an image use yourimage.destroy()
// *
// *************************************************************
library ImageUtils requires ARGB
private constant integer MAX_IMAGES = 8190
// Doesnt get rendered
// using this type in CreateImage returns an invalid image (id of -1)
constant integer IMAGE_TYPE_SHADOW = 0
// Gets drawn above fog of war
constant integer IMAGE_TYPE_SELECTION = 1
// Gets drawn above fog of war
constant integer IMAGE_TYPE_INDICATOR = 2
// Gets drawn above fog of war
constant integer IMAGE_TYPE_OCCLUSION_MASK = 3
// Gets tinted based on time of day ingame.
// Gets drawn below fog of war
constant integer IMAGE_TYPE_UBERSPLAT = 4
// Doesnt get rendered
constant integer IMAGE_TYPE_TOPMOST = 5
private constant integer INVALID_IMAGE_ID = -1 // go complain about that at Blizzard,
// i have nothing to do with that
private boolean array ImageValid[MAX_IMAGES]
function NewImage takes string path, real sizex, real sizey, real sizez, real posx, real posy, real posz, real offx, real offy, real offz, integer imagetype returns image
local image i=CreateImage(path, sizex, sizey, sizez, posx, posy, posz, offx, offy, offz, imagetype)
local integer id=GetHandleId(i)
if id<0 then
debug call BJDebugMsg("NewImage: Invalid imagepath!")
return null
elseif id>=MAX_IMAGES then
debug call BJDebugMsg("NewImage: Exceeded Maximum Images!")
return i
set ImageValid[id]=true
return i
function CreateImageEx takes string path, real sizex, real sizey, real sizez, real posx, real posy, real posz, real offx, real offy, real offz, integer imagetype returns image
debug call BJDebugMsg("CreateImageEx: Use NewImage instead, CreateImageEx is deprecated!")
return NewImage(path, sizex, sizey, sizez, posx, posy, posz, offx, offy, offz, imagetype)
function ReleaseImage takes image i returns nothing
local integer id=GetHandleId(i)
if id>=MAX_IMAGES then
call DestroyImage(i)
elseif id>0 and ImageValid[id] then
call DestroyImage(i)
set ImageValid[id]=false
debug elseif id>0 then
debug call BJDebugMsg("ReleaseImage: Double free of image "+I2S(id)+".")
debug else
debug call BJDebugMsg("ReleaseImage: Trying to free invalid image.")
struct imagex[MAX_IMAGES]
private image img
private string Path
private real SizeX
private real SizeY
private real X
private real Y
private real Z
private ARGB Color
private boolean Show
private boolean Wrap
private integer Type
// Get Methods
method operator path takes nothing returns string
return .Path
method operator sizeX takes nothing returns real
return .SizeX
method operator sizeY takes nothing returns real
return .SizeY
method operator x takes nothing returns real
return .X
method operator y takes nothing returns real
return .Y
method operator z takes nothing returns real
return .Z
method operator red takes nothing returns integer
return .Color.red
method operator green takes nothing returns integer
return .Color.green
method operator blue takes nothing returns integer
return .Color.blue
method operator alpha takes nothing returns integer
return .Color.alpha
method operator color takes nothing returns ARGB
return .Color
method operator show takes nothing returns boolean
return .Show
method operator wrap takes nothing returns boolean
return not .Wrap
method operator type takes nothing returns integer
return .Type
// Private Proxies
private method NewPosition takes nothing returns nothing
call SetImagePosition(.img, .x, .y, 0)
private method NewZPos takes real z returns nothing
call SetImageConstantHeight(.img, .wrap, z)
private method Recolor takes nothing returns nothing
call SetImageColor(.img, .red, .green, .blue, .alpha)
private method Recreate takes nothing returns nothing
if .img!=null then
call ReleaseImage(.img) // never destroy null images, if you dont want hell unleashed
set .img=NewImage(.path, .sizeX, .sizeY, 0, .x, .y, 0, 0, 0, 0, .type)
call .NewZPos(.z)
call .Recolor()
call SetImageRenderAlways(.img, .show)
// Set Methods
// Set the image's filepath
method operator path= takes string path returns nothing
set .Path=path
call .Recreate()
// Set the size of the image
method operator sizeX= takes real sizex returns nothing
set .SizeX=sizex
call .Recreate()
method operator sizeY= takes real sizey returns nothing
set .SizeY=sizey
call .Recreate()
method setSize takes real sizex, real sizey returns nothing
set .SizeX=sizex
set .SizeY=sizey
call .Recreate()
// Set the position of the image
method operator x= takes real x returns nothing
set .X=x
call .NewPosition()
method operator y= takes real y returns nothing
set .Y=y
call .NewPosition()
method operator z= takes real z returns nothing
set .Z=z
call .NewZPos(z)
method setPosition takes real x, real y, real z returns nothing
set .X=x
set .Y=y
set .Z=z
call .NewPosition()
call .NewZPos(z)
// Set the color of the image // due to a limtation in JassHelper, only the operator color= works
/*method operator red= takes integer red returns nothing
set .Color.red=red
call .Recolor()
method operator green= takes integer green returns nothing
set .Color.green=green
call .Recolor()
method operator blue= takes integer blue returns nothing
set .Color.blue=blue
call .Recolor()
method operator alpha= takes integer alpha returns nothing
set .Color.alpha=alpha
call .Recolor()
method operator color= takes ARGB new returns nothing
set .Color=new
call .Recolor()
// Do you want to display the image?
method operator show= takes boolean show returns nothing
set .Show=show
call SetImageRenderAlways(.img, .show)
method operator wrap= takes boolean wrap returns nothing
set .Wrap=not wrap
call .NewZPos(.z)
// On which layer should the image be rendered?
method operator type= takes integer imageType returns nothing
set .Type=imageType
call SetImageType(.img, imageType)
// constructor and destructor
static method create takes string path, real sizeX, real sizeY, real posX, real posY, real posZ, boolean show returns thistype
local thistype s=.allocate()
set s.Path=path
set s.SizeX=sizeX
set s.SizeY=sizeY
set s.X=posX
set s.Y=posY
set s.Z=posZ
set s.Show=show
set s.Wrap=false
call s.Recreate()
return s
method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
if .img!=null then
call ReleaseImage(.img)
set .img=null
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
if GetHandleId(CreateImage("ReplaceableTextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNSlowOn.blp", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)) != null then
debug call BJDebugMsg("ImageUtils: image(null) already allocated, there might be errors")
Would this desync? Cause i'm thinking of just creating an image for every button of the inventory i'm coding and setting paths/shows locally rather than creating and destroying new ones every time. It would save lots of other function calls and also lots of images if i can set paths and show locally.
local player p = Player(0)
local imagex im = imagex.create(path, sizeX, sizeY, posX, posY, posZ, false)
local string s = path
if GetLocalPlayer() == p then
set im.path= s
set im.show=true