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Illidan Stormrage

This bundle is marked as lacking. It fails to meet the standard requirements and may only have minor use.

So, I was thinking about making new and better version of Illidan...and I did. Those skins of Darkholme inspired me, so I made model who transform into dark version. I dont have much time right now, so I added simple portrait from evil illidan, i will add better one later on, so this model can be used :)

Filesize is pretty big, but cosindering how many animations it has and how detailed it is, I think its decent. And since Blizzard made new patch for increasing filesize of map....I think its not going to be a big problem :D

Credit goes to Darkholme for his awesome textures! And to Blizzard - I used Illidan from wow as a base for animations, made my own mesh and decreased as many filesize as I could.

Enjoy and see ya later, ya all!

i suggest using awesome icon by Murcologist ;) Simply click on the icon below!

Edited the model :) added detailed portrait. Also working currently on those attachments points.


and for the Demon Form i suggest iconn by BlazeKraze

Illidan Stormrage (Model)

Simple Portrait (Model)

General Frank
Please add the missing attachment points as well as rename the model to something proper. Also, you are missing a lot of event objects and some particle effects would be very nice.
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
You managed to capture his WoW look and make it fit in Warcraft III.it's awesome to see this,especially since illidan is my favorite character from the Warcraft universe.

Incredible work,with the model.5/5,+ rep and I think this deserves DC
Level 39
Feb 17, 2008
I dont think ir deserve DC guys, but thank you very much for comments! I was just sad, that most of the main villains or great characters were made into awesome models, like Lich King, Deathwing, Garrosh and so on, but noone was going to make Illidam, because there was common believe that there are too many Illidan models...which is true, but they are in my opinion and eyes...pretty much the same :) hopefuly I will see this model used in some pretty epic campaign or boss map in Black Temple! :-D
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Isn't that all you do? You really need to calm down with all that pedantic nonsense.
As you are the direst of furies, I am the pickiest of nits. : )

Direfury said:
It has a good mesh and a custom texture, slapped onto WoW animations. I'm not saying its a bad model, I'm saying it doesn't seem like it too enough work to be a DC resource.
I'm not saying that either. Nor am I saying your saying it. I'm really not even talking about this model.

But you raised a good point, and it requires some thought.
Level 5
Aug 12, 2016
I really like this Illidan model :), I am waiting for better portrait;) For now if I am using it, portrait is the simple portrait but I replace the alternate Black with Illidan dark texture:D, it works but the mouth is always close. Thank you for this amazing model 10/5
Level 10
Dec 19, 2015
When something was well made and thought of being taken elsewhere.

From what I've seen, the Rips here have no separate portrait, and the Akama and Maiev model in the preview image, they are like this, those were created first by another.
And this used textures or rather inspired from Darkholme's skin.
Level 14
Apr 18, 2016
When something was well made and thought of being taken elsewhere.

From what I've seen, the Rips here have no separate portrait, and the Akama and Maiev model in the preview image, they are like this, those were created first by another.
And this used textures or rather inspired from Darkholme's skin.

I thought it was a rip because the animations of the model were straight from WoW. I knew the portrait was made from the IllidanEvil one.

Quite a long time since someone stated that I ripped some model :-D delightful!

Well, I didn't expect a sarcastic response, but I apologize if I was disrespectful to your work.

Since you based the animations on the WoW Illidan model I thought it could have been a rip, sorry.
Level 39
Feb 17, 2008
Its ok :) i use animations from wow models, because with proper work they can be useful and fit w3 rather well. I did thst first with my Valkyr models. I take animations, alter them and make my own mesh, mostly using ingame textures or custom ones made by friends or other people. In this way it is acceptable, i am not fan of rips either, trust me, but in this way even rips can be quite useful.
Level 14
Apr 18, 2016
Its ok :) i use animations from wow models, because with proper work they can be useful and fit w3 rather well. I did thst first with my Valkyr models. I take animations, alter them and make my own mesh, mostly using ingame textures or custom ones made by friends or other people. In this way it is acceptable, i am not fan of rips either, trust me, but in this way even rips can be quite useful.

Ah, that makes more sense, sorry again for misunderstanding. Keep up the good work!
Level 34
Sep 19, 2011
So OK, I haven't got to test this model in-game just yet so I'm not actually reviewing it.

BUT I will do something else. This model deserves a better portrait, judging by how detailed his head is in the main model, you totally have to update the portrait. So this is a sort of a motivational review for you.

I also hope that this time all bloodsplats and attachement points are there. Though, judging from the model-viewer they are not present, but I haven't tested it so I can't say for sure. Keep in mind that if it's animations and bones are taken from a WoW model it's unlikely to have those implemented by default.

Also if any other reviewer stumbles across this model I urge them to re-review it by themselves.

Also, great job on this guy and I'm very glad that now we can get a complete Black Temple character pack. Cheers!
Level 39
Feb 17, 2008
So OK, I haven't got to test this model in-game just yet so I'm not actually reviewing it.

BUT I will do something else. This model deserves a better portrait, judging by how detailed his head is in the main model, you totally have to update the portrait. So this is a sort of a motivational review for you.

I also hope that this time all bloodsplats and attachement points are there. Though, judging from the model-viewer they are not present, but I haven't tested it so I can't say for sure. Keep in mind that if it's animations and bones are taken from a WoW model it's unlikely to have those implemented by default.

Also if any other reviewer stumbles across this model I urge them to re-review it by themselves.

Also, great job on this guy and I'm very glad that now we can get a complete Black Temple character pack. Cheers!

Ouky douky! :D
Level 5
Jun 11, 2014
Importing this model using NewGen WE corrupted my map, or at least makes wc3 crash when trying to load it, although it works fine in the editor. Luckily I have a somewhat recent version of the map to fall back on. Just to test it, I imported the file into a blank map using the regular WE and was able to play it fine. I don't know if I made a mistake somewhere or if I'm just unaware, but just thought I would warn people that are using NewGen.
As usual, Sellenisko. An incredible asset at first sight, with very high quality modeling/texturing/animation work. (you did the modeling part more than anything, ok)

But a complete disaster in being an actually functional WC3 model. Sorry for the harshness, but that's how it goes.
  • It lacks a death sound.
  • Lacks a death alternate animation. It goes back to normal stance upon death.
  • You can't use "built-in height" in wc3 models. Flying characters (your alternate stance) should be with their center of gravity crossing the ground at 0 height (as any other wc3 flying unit). You need to tinker with the animations so you make a transition without using built-in height. (See druid of the talon as reference)
  • Attachments are messed up. You need "Hand Left Ref", "Hand Right Ref" (Hand first doesn't work with most in-game spells) Also a "Chest Ref". Weapon tends to be useful too.
You could try reducing the filesize further too. Even if it's hi-qualitiness is very evident, that goes far above what we're used to handle. Awaiting update.
Level 5
Jun 4, 2013
Great job ! Some small flaws remain unresolved :( :
  1. There is a problem with the morph animation, Illidan landed after turning into his demonic form.
  2. He has no dissipate animation.
  3. No matter his form, when he dies, he makes no sound.
  4. the attachment effects like orbs aren't visible, please fix it.
  5. I don't know if it's a mistake or a bias but he has bandages on his wings. It looks very weird.
  6. This is only my opinion but I find that this permanent grimace makes him look grotesque. He would benefit from having a face closer to the original model (a smoother face, a more neutral expression without this mouth grimace).
  7. The blindfold looks a bit strange it should be retextured.
  8. The fel glow in the orbits is missing it's a little disappointing especially in demonic form.
Last edited:
Level 1
Aug 12, 2018
There are some noticeable flaws with the model.
1.) Lack of animation, especially when he's in his flying dark form.
2.) This is my opinion but I liked the animation of how he walks and attacks from the original model instead. Although, the death animation is okay, too.
3.) Does not have a dissipate animation. It should probably have one when he's in his normal form; dying with his alternate form should be like any other aerial units.
4.) Some animation transitions aren't smooth like how he'll move from place to place in his alternate form.
5.) Also my opinion, that icons suggested are cool but it would be awesome if there's a dedicated icon to this model.
6.) Portrait should've just been like the original. I thought the portrait would be as cool as the model from afar as you control Illidan, but it doesn't look good.
But I like this model so much upon first seeing it here. I just hope you update this, though. Like, I know it's hard to make a model, let alone making its animations but yeah...
Level 34
Sep 19, 2011
Nice model. Shame you never added attachment points. Good proportions that fit well with WC3. Thanks for including models of Proxy's and mine into the screenshot, they fit well. This is my favorite variant of Illidan on THW and it is very useful with other custom textures.

It a very big fucking shame you can't see this model when you enter "Illidan" into the model section search bar by default. I think I'm missing something, but it's easier to search THW models with Google than with site's search. But that must be a known problem.

P.S: I see you tinted Maid's arms purple, that's very good find. Should have done it in that model too :)