17:33, 11th Jan 2009
Pyritie: Looks great
Pyritie: Looks great
(8 ratings)
1. the pandaren head is upside down
2. why arent the wings animated??
Morph animation is looping.
Also, you could probably merge the 2 forms... Just give the morphed version less and different animations....
His right I think. There are too many Illidan models and in wc3 there ARE models of Illidan. I prefer to see Lich King's models because there were none in wc3. But Illidan?No more! Please! No more Illidan! He is overrated!
But i think someone should make Arthas model. Just like in photos which creator of this model showed!!!
You created Illidan model from cinematics. And i saw Arthas models but they don't have kneels! And that is stupid! Can you create Arthas model from cinematics???
General Frank created an accurate Arthas model.
There's a spell breaker in WC3 that looks just like it.
There are tons of Arthas models. Damn does nobody search anymore?