Ideas for SFX Competition #2

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I'm surprised though. I would've thought WILL would've beaten me.

Well... uh... I was thinking that too. :con:

Just kidding, though I am disapointed by my results... Hopefully I'll do better in the second.

Also, this competition, to me at least, was a complete success. Hopefully we'll have the second one up soon. I vote Magic/Arcane/Spells as the next theme. It's very easy to come up with a flashy arcane effect.
Level 36
Jul 22, 2004
Hmm nature is very hard to judge because both green and or brown can be used to represent "earth." One might consider dirt and gravel to represent nature while another might consider leaves and grass to be a better choice. We should do a vote for which theme we will compete for in the next contest.
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
Actually the four elements of nature are fire, water, earth and air! Which would make the whole theme "elemental" => earth is what you guys talk about, when refering to green and brown

How about death? Or light? Or... blood elven effects? Okay, I got carried away a bit too much with the last. Maybe 'runes'? But still... elemental again? Dunno about that...
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
If I remember well, you had made some quite good runes yourself. Ain't I correct? I see you have something personal against my uvwrapping technique. If you're jealous that you cannot use it yourself... that's fine with me! I was just making a suggestion, but it's nice to see you so offended. LOL

Enough arguing.

We can't do fire, everyone would make an explosion... or a fire. Not exactly original.
Water is a bit limiting, and we already did "Ice".
Nature/Earth sound more fitting for a modelling competition, not much SFX possible there.
Spells is easy and allows for lots of different results.
Elemental might work too... we just have to ban fire as an element.
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
We can't do fire, everyone would make an explosion... or a fire. Not exactly original.
I'd have to disagree with you here as well. Fire can be so much more productive than just explosions and plain fire. There are quite a lot of ideas I have in mind when I think about the idea of fire, infernal, yadayada.

Anyway, the idea of dual effects sounds intriguing, though I bet some monstruous and random effect would be created. I was looking at that elemental aura between the models on the site (no offense to the author) and that's a good example of a bad hybrid effect. Though yes... it is highly possible to come up with fiable hybrid effects. It will be really tough this way though... :) Sounds like a challenge!

Aren't wards a bit... limiting? When you mean wards, you mean things like the serpent ward or the healing ward, right? That would imply we can't really make one-shot effects... It's like saying you can only make auras.
I think we should stick to a theme like light, water or ice instead.

@Daelin: Of course you can think up something else than explosions or fires using fire as a theme. So can I and most of the experienced SFX makers. It's just the nubs will probably think of only fires and explosions.
*faceslap* Okay, let's try explaining my point again...

EDIT: Alright, wards suddenly make sense to me.

You know how the serpent ward has a little wooden thing at the bottom that "emits" the spectral snake? Well, as long as each ward could be something like that: a wooden hologram/arcane energy projector that emits cool sparkly stuff or an ethereal model or whatever.
That could be really cool.
Level 21
Mar 18, 2007
No I think he's saying you'd rely again on your UV rune mapping stuff instead of trying other things.

Exactly. And yes, earth and nature might be fun to make since that section of the warcraft universe is totally neglected.

Just like you rely on editing blizzard sfx. Stop bitching pl0x
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
Naah, too boring. We need something interesting. The problem with a theme is that JetFang then relies on editing ingame models and Daelin does his fancy UV mapping. Neither of them try doing something different.

I think the wards sounds like a great idea.

You think all that I rely on is my UV mapping? Did you ever bother to look at my models? I'm sick of this whole UV-trick bullshit, as if it's the only thing I use in my models. All my models are scratch. All my effects are scratch. Everything, from simple geometry to, yes... UVMapping, animations, etc. I only take the textures ingame, as I cannot make my own textures. With that UVMapping trick I can simply come up with "new" textures from what I have. I don't see your problem with it, again.

And fire/explosion will most likely lead ONLY to one-shot effects. And Callahan, there are many things people can come up with when refering to wards. Not only elemental wards... Just look at Blizzard. Do you think their Healing Ward had much to do with elemental? Or Sentry Wards? I doubt it... I find this a very nice idea because it would also bring some original models to this site's resources too, considering that wards are not so frequent nowadays.

These are my 2 cents. Dunno if I'll be participating anyway.

Level 27
Feb 22, 2006
Pyritie, I'm sorry but the comment about JetFang and Daelin was just completely nonsensical..
Neither relies on anything, they do special effects just like you did, and they do them damn well.

I really think that any theme would work, as any theme could be creative as it is up to the user.
EDIT: Although If I had to choose, I'd vote for ward.
Maybe some effect associated with Non-Elemental magic would work, such as Poison and Meteor. said:
Non-Elemental abilities and magic skills are those that do not have any elemental affiliation such as Fire or Ice. Non-Elemental abilities and magic skills are recommended because they can not usually be absorbed by units who absorb elemental attacks.
The serpent ward is a summonable unit.
The sentry ward is a summonable unit.
The healing ward is a summonable unit.
The statis trap is a summonable unit.

Wards are not SFX. SFX can't be used as units ingame. Explosions, buffs, missiles and occasionally doodads: that's all an SFX can and should be ingame, else it falls in the category of a model.

Wards are extremely limiting and even boring for a contest. It means we can't make single shot effects or auras. Use a theme like Ice, Nature, Earth, but don't limit yourselves to wards.

Level 36
Jul 22, 2004
Hmm, I think "slashing effects" would be an awesome theme. After playing a new game, I got inspired because the game revolves around swords and the like. These effects could include but not be limited to sword sweeps, sword stabs, and other sword techniques you can think of. For example, when a hero lunges forward with his sword, one can create an effect of wind spiralling around the weapon. Now wouldn't that look nice? This category might be hard though because I'm sure it will require extensive geometry and rotational/translational knowledge and therefore Daelin and Pyritie will pwn us all.

Better yet, why not make this a paired effect making contest so that people specializing in 2 different fields can assimilate their knowledge into amazing works!
Level 36
Jul 22, 2004
yeah, themeless contest would be too general and extremely hard to judge. Perhpas we could just change the theme to "swords" be it a particle sword, sword effects, sword aura of some sort, sword buff... I probably wouldn't enter though because I seriously can't make stuff anymore...
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