Icecrown Citadel Features

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Level 3
Sep 9, 2009
I'm making Icecrown Citadel and so far I think it's going well. I have the Frozen Throne, the Hall of Reflections, Kel'Thuzad's quarters, A lab/prison area, a library and a special area for the frost wyrms watched over by Sapphiron. Lady Deathwhisper also has an area.

I've also decided to add special features to it some rooms. So far I have:

Heal area where units get healed to full health if they enter it.
The lab spawns 4 flesh golems after you type a command.
The library will have a summoner who will summon undead warriors on enemy bases.

I want to add a Plagueworks room and maybe a Forge. But I need ideas on what they should do.

Especially with Lady Deathwhisper's area. I placed four acolytes there and made their work animations loop so that they'd look like they're casting a spell. But what should I have them do?




Well, I do not know whether you want an answer from someone who plays WoW and therefore is experienced with the Icecrown Citadel, but I, who didn't played any WoW, will try to give you some ideas :)

Heal Area: It sounds a good idea to me, but pls do not create an area you enter and tadaa, you have full health. You could create a special room with effects like a frozen well or with crystals that heal you and so on.

Lab: Type command and spawn golems ? Sounds interesting, but also strange to me ? Why would you have to type a command ? Is it a secret command or just to give some addition to clicking buttons ?

Lady Deathwhisper is a female lich and leader of the Cult of the Damned.

Maybe you could extend her role in the Cult of the Damned. Add an own laboratory where acolytes experiment with new forms of Living Death, maybe ?
For those four acolytes , maybe they could try to transform four different undeads into one ?

Forge: Well, what does a Forge ? It forges new equipment. A forge should supply new undeads with weapons and equipment, so you may add undeads without equipment or only with weapon that come to the forge, get a helm and a shield and leave for battle.
Level 3
Sep 9, 2009
The thing about the citadel is that it also has various npc heroes and units who do stuff to make it seem more 'alive'.

The heal area has another a high ranking lich to heal your units.

The -spawn command makes 4 Flesh Golems every 60 seconds for four times then a timeout of 360 seconds has to pass before you can activate it again. The command just makes it so the player has the option to turn it off in case he doesn't like it.

I was thinking that the forge makes weapons out of the souls and bodies of slain enemies so so that for every 100 units killed, an item is created. The item gets created gets stronger the more units killed.

For example, if 100 enemies have been killed, a random level 3 permanent item is created, and once the number reaches 200, a random level 4 item is created and so on until it creates level 9 items for your heroes to use or sell.

The plagueworks...I'm thinking it's a room that focuses on attacking enemy units from afar (i.e. The buildings have super long range AoE abilities that poison enemies and when they die, they get raised as undead units.) Although I'm thinking of changing it since it seems too complicated to do.




Sounds really interesting, especially the item creating based on Kills.

I also remember that I once saw a feature in a video for Icecrown Citadel.
It was something like a Palantir, if you know what that is.

If you still need more suggestions, I would recommend you to watch videos about Icecrown at, for example, Youtube. I am absolutely sure that you will get a lot of ideas from them.
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