Ok, so i have a gate set up. And i have triggers that spawn units that will attack move to a region inside the gated area, obviously, since the gate is a destructable the units dont attack it and just sit next to it. So i tried to retrigger it so the units target the gate till the gate is destroyed and then they target the region inside. But the only way to do this that i could see, was attack destructable in which case they do not attack move to the gate, and rather just attack the gate, i.e. units are attackign them and all they do is go for gate and ignore units.
So to fix this i tried to make a "gate" unit so the units could just attack move to it. But i could not get the collosion right, they just walk thru it, and when the gate is attacked it doesnt play the effect of the gate being hit like the destructable.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
So to fix this i tried to make a "gate" unit so the units could just attack move to it. But i could not get the collosion right, they just walk thru it, and when the gate is attacked it doesnt play the effect of the gate being hit like the destructable.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!