Hehe, another troll.
Just like your old self.Hehe, another troll.
lulzmentaly shrekt n quoting the wrong pantsu
We no want trollzzz in here, we haz enoufff of thoozzzz ;/
Don't overdo it. o.o
I'll fuck you before you do LOLOLOL.
Fuck you man! Go learn some grammers then come back. This site is not for bad grammers
u gon fokn wot me m8?
i swaer to ur uncle paul that il fokn shrekt ur pillow made of your ancestors hide
Do you like nips?
What is your favorite drug? Heroin? Cocaine? Speed? Something equally toxic?
You must be using something right now.
I would recommend at the very least choosing the right category before you start sounding like a illiterate 10 year old boy/girl. ;I
That's the spirit man. That's the spirit. Go to chat sometimes. Let's make some FUN!
The dark peeps are the most interesting peeps. Just look at roland.
Anywaays. Wabob, you should tone down the unneeded illiteracy else you'll look like a fool.
^Check urself b4 u shrek urself
Well, it appears that sooner or later we'll have troll soup guys ;b