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Hypothesis: Ashbringer in Patch 2.4

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Ok, I did some research on the Ashbringer. Check this out:

http://www.wowwiki.com/Ashbringer said:
The crystal from which the original Ashbringer was created is likely related to the naaru, and may in fact be a naaru.
The naaru life cycle is one of reincarnation. Upon death, naaru are transformed into "corpses" of dark voids -- the opposite of a living naaru. They will persist in this state until they slowly regenerate their powers from The Light over many years after which they will be resurrected into their living form again. The crystal shown by Highlord Mograine in Old Hillsbrad demonstrates similar properties: a holy spell was cast on the dark crystal and it became a crystal of light. Furthermore, the crystal was described as a living embodiment, suggesting that it was alive, or was a fragment of a living thing -- possibly a deceased naaru. The crystal's characteristics do bear striking resemblance to the life cycle of a naaru, so if the crystal is not a deceased naaru, then it is almost definitely very closely associated with them.
Mograine also states that the crystal is from Draenor. The naaru had not yet arrived on Draenor via Tempest Keep before the Second War, leaving only a few naaru as the possible source of the crystal -- K'ure, who resides in Oshu'gun, or the deceased naaru D'ore, who was killed in Oshu'gun's crash upon Draenor centuries before, currently interred in Auchindoun. D'ore himself tells the player:
"Without the void, the Light cannot exist."
Which are suspiciously similar to words used by Mograine:
"Can good exist without evil? Can there be light without dark?"[4]
Another similar theory is that the crystal is one of the Ata'mal crystals, each of which grant the wielder a variety of powers. It should be noted, however, that all of the Ata'mal crystals are known to be spherical unlike the corrupted or "purified" Ashbringer crystal.

http://www.wowwiki.com/Sunwell_Plateau said:

http://www.wowwiki.com/Ashbringer said:
Players encounter the resurrected Highlord Mograine in Naxxramas as a death knight of the Four Horsemen. He wields [Corrupted Ashbringer], which may be looted from the Horsemens' cache.
Upon wielding the blade, the player becomes friendly with the Scarlet Crusade (although it does not appear in the reputations window) and hated with the Argent Dawn. A scripted event can be triggered upon entering the Cathedral in the Scarlet Monastery.
Scarlet Commander Mograine welcomes the player as the crusaders bow before him or her. Unexpectedly, Highlord Mograine's spirit appears in full Dreadnaught, revives Fairbanks and smites and kills his son (Renault, the Scarlet Commander) for murdering him. Fairbanks proceeds to tell the story of Renault's betrayal and that the Corrupted Ashbringer is beyond redeeming. Luckily, Mograine has another son who resides in Outland and has the ability to forge a new Ashbringer. Fairbanks does not give any quests.

My suggestions are that David Wayne is the son of Mograine and that he will be able to craft the new Ashbringer by bringing him a fragment of the dark naaru in Sunwell. Feel free to discuss.
Level 6
Feb 5, 2008
This would conflict with WotLK. In the new expansion pack, the first dungeon you do involves retrieving the ashbringer and giving it to tirion fordring. In other words, blizzard won't do this because they already have plans for it.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
This would conflict with WotLK. In the new expansion pack, the first dungeon you do involves retrieving the ashbringer and giving it to tirion fordring. In other words, blizzard won't do this because they already have plans for it.
Not confirmed that it is the Ashbringer, it just uses the model. Also maybe the quest was just for that wierd test thing and will be deleted in final release, replaced with another quest.

I really doubt that's how we get the Ashbringer. The quest is a placeholder in my opinnion, or then they went with the Ashbringer model because they thought they didn't have better.
Level 13
Jun 21, 2007
I'll admit l0w's idea does work, but then again why didn't they do it with other naaru? It's confirmed that Mograins son is in Outlands, seems like if they wanted to put it in they would have it be a TK quest rather then something in Sunwell. They had better chances to put it in than this.

But meh, thats just me.
Level 12
Jul 2, 2004
I have my doubts about the Ashbringer appearing in 2.4 being that a legendary bow has already been mentioned. Most likely the Ashbringer will appear in WotLK (or a future BC patch if it gets delayed.)

What really caused the confusion was when Fairbanks mentions the son of Mograine residing in Outland. No quests currently lead up to text related to the Ashbringer besides the dialogue in Old Hillsbrad.

In the WotLK preview at BlizzCon, you retrieve an artifact for a priest who turns out to be Tirion Fordring wielding the Ashbringer. Thus, it somewhat contradicts the location of the Ashbringer being in Outland. But, let's not forget that WotLK is still in alpha, and the quest regarding Tirion may be dropped in the final phase.

Currently, I'm waiting on a possible novel based on the second half of WCII to answer some mysteries regarding Outland. Then, 2.4 or a future patch may make a mention about the Ashbringer. Let's not forget Turalyon and Alleria are still missing from TBC.
Level 3
Jan 9, 2007
While this is a viable possibility I thought it had been stated they where going to continue the questline in WotLK?
Level 6
Feb 5, 2008
Well hopefully this can shed some light:

During the lore and quests panel at BlizzCon 2007, Chris Metzen and Alex Afrasiabi discussed a questline in Northrend focusing on Tirion Fordring, and mentioned plans to include Ashbringer.

On the Blizzcon demonstration realm, players encountered the dying Ares the Oathbound of the Order of the Silver Hand within the Utgarde Catacombs, one of the wings of Utgarde Keep. Ares gave a quest, [70] The Shining Light, which required players to retrieve a "sacred artifact" from another location in the dungeon. Once retrieved, he asked the player to return it to Lord Irulon Trueblade in Valgarde. Trueblade told the player that the weapon will be used by Tirion Fordring - the new Highlord of the Silver Hand - in the Silver Hand's campaign against the Scourge, perhaps even using it against the Lich King himself. A nearby cleric then unmasked himself as Fordring and equipped the artifact, which was revealed to be Ashbringer.

At blizzcon, players were playing through the first dungeon of WotLK. They recieved a quest that clearly showed tirion fordring recieving what was clearly both identical in looks and description to the ashbringer.

There was clearly a quest made by blizzard to show Tirion getting the sword. Blizzard themselves even discussed their plans to give the ashbringer to tirion.

I'm not saying that this means that it is 100% final, but it just seems too in-depth to just be a placeholder.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
Making Ashbringer a Death Knight only item would be as dumb as giving a human a batch of arsenic. I think it definitely WON'T be a Hunter item.
On the other hand it would be kinda cool if we did find Ashbringer in a dungeon (who knows why :S), and it can use-able by a Paladin or Death Knight. With a Paladin it's normal (uber powerful :p) Ashbringer, while when a Death Knight gets it and equips it, it gets corrupted (some changes in stat bonuses and the corrupted model).

But I really do hope that the WOTLK preview dungeon quest was just a place holder and we will actually have to forge the new Ashbringer or help in forging it. Hmm I wonder does Naxxramas moving into Northrend and changing into lvl 80 25man raid (if I remember correct) have anything to do with this. Heh Corrupted Ashbringer MK II.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
Why would making ashbringer a dk only item be stupid?
Because the Ashbringer is a HOLY weapon used by a PALADIN. It wouldn't make any sense for a Death Knight to use a HOLY weapon! Please do more research?

Also it was corrupted because Mograine died, and being raised back to life by Kel'thuzad corrupted the sword in the progress, if I remember correct.
Level 17
Jun 17, 2007
Because the Ashbringer is a HOLY weapon used by a PALADIN. It wouldn't make any sense for a Death Knight to use a HOLY weapon! Please do more research?

Also it was corrupted because Mograine died, and being raised back to life by Kel'thuzad corrupted the sword in the progress, if I remember correct.
Don't tell me to do research, I always have my facts right. If ashbringer can be corrupted, then it can be further corrupted(think or runeblades).
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
Don't tell me to do research, I always have my facts right. If ashbringer can be corrupted, then it can be further corrupted(think or runeblades).
But the whole point is to reforge the Ashbringer to it's old holy and powerful state! Now why would a Death Knight take that, I bet a player-level Death Knight would be just "burned" away by the sword.
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