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Request: Naaru Model

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Im looking for a model for a hero in my AoS-Map, the "Dark Naaru".
If you dont know, what a Naaru is, look here: http://www.wowwiki.com/Naaru

You can see a screenshot of the current model here:

Currently it has the model of the runes found in melee maps. the unit has some effects added to it and a large flyer-type shadow.

The model should have a purple color theme. Walk and attack animations are not needed, as this hero cannot walk or attack. However, a fancy casting animation would be nice (channeling too). For the death animation, the pieces should fade away and its spark fall to the ground.

The Dark Naaru, that inspired me to create this hero is this one: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/wowwiki/images/9/96/M'uru_Sunwell.jpg

Of course, author will gain credits in my map and reputation :thumbs_up:.

Its a rather large request I guess, but a Naaru model would also be a great addition to the model section.

P.S: Could see that, while Im not, others might be interested in a "light" Naaru version, too.
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