Huge Request - Centaur Race!

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Level 5
Dec 12, 2008
If anyone can make me some Centaur Heroes, buildings, a Centaur builder, i swear to god i will credit you all over my game and send you private messages every day sayin thank you.

Anyone PLEASE!
Level 4
Apr 20, 2009
Races don't just create themselves overnight. Are you looking for something a mini-race, like the Naga are? How many units, heros, buildings, and upgrades are you looking for?

Time to brush up on my Centaur lore...
Level 6
May 1, 2009
It might be a good idea to plan this out a bit...

Centaur Builder
220 Hp
Builds: Altar, House (tent?), Barracks (Orcish? What model would it use?), Caster Barracks (Again, what building? Another tent?), Town Hall (hmm...), and defensive structure.

At a bare minimum, I think you need those things for it to qualify as a 'race'. You don't necessarily need a siege workshop, or an aviary, or a shop... but those would help, can't really think of any 'flying centaur' units though.

Centaur Tier 1

Strong Melee Unit (like a grunt? 700-900 hp, high gold cost, uses centaur melee model), ability: Cleave? A stun? What would be interesting?
Light Ranged Unit (uses centaur archer model, 400-500 hp, medium gold cost), ability: Searing/Cold Arrows? Or maybe a new arrow type? Poison arrow?

Tier 2

Siege? A ram of some kind? Or maybe a barrens creature?
Caster(1): Support type? Maybe different kind of healing spell, or rejuvenate if you're being boring... purge could also work, again if you don't want to use new spells. I always try to use 1 autocast, 1 situaional cast (like invisibility or unholy frenzy) and 1 'ultimate' cast - something like an aoe though I try to stay away from. It's hard for me to suggest anything without knowing more about the map in question though.
Caster(2): Offensive or defensive type... something like frost armor, cyclone or curse, or something. Of course that sounds boring, but again, it's hard to suggest spells without knowing the make up of the other races. Heck it's difficult to make any race knowing so little about the rest of the map's constraints (how much food does the average unit consume? how much gold/wood? Combat stats?)


This is the trickiest part because by now we've used up all the centaur models in the game.

At best we can make use of

Though they're on the big side, and that will still leave us with at least 1 more hero to divise....

Unless someone knows of some centaur models lying around, or unless you don't mind reusing different tinted models, or if you don't mind the race containing harpies, quillboar or other barrens creatures... then you're out of luck I think.

Tier 3

Again, we're out of models to use, and I can't really think of any good tier 3 centaur units, they wouldn't exactly be distinguishable from each other. At best you could make it so when you reach tier 3, the tier 1 units can get 'troll berserker' like upgrades, so you can make tier 1 units more comparable for tier 3.

At the very least, explain your map some more, what are the other races like. Is the map closer to WC3 Melee in terms of damage/health ratios? Are these centaur nice centaur or evil centaur? How developed do you want it (for instance, the naga race by blizzard only goes into tier 2 - they only have 1 caster unit, 1 air unit, and no tier 3 units).
Level 4
Apr 20, 2009
I think the best way to do it would be to make a race such as the Naga. They're good enough for a campaign, and will suffice unless he needs more. So that leaves us needing...

Town Hall
Centaur are more out-doors'ish than other races, so perhaps a big bonfire model with tents arranged around it? The problem is, although we can attach the tent models to the fire, we can't (with any method I know), rotate them to actually face it.

T1 Training Building
Again, out-doorish. I can see this being a tent thing with perhaps some armor racks near it, or maybe some weapons/junk/whatever (our model choice will be limited with the Centaurs, as most of what they have ever used is the same couple tent models, so through attachments, I would like to try and extend what we can make without having to import).

Food Building
Centaurs are carnivores and sometimes cannibalistic. The first thing that comes to mind is Pig Farm, but Centaurs wouldn't be able to navigate that structure and its enclosed spaces. Who knows.

Altar. 'Nuff said.

Defensive Structure
I have no idea.

T2 Training Center
A flying unit would be nice, imo, so I think that while it would be somewhat of a stretch, a harpy would be a fitting choice. Not only do they come with their own harpy-structure thing that we can use, they do some-what fit the theme, and seem to be the best choice that I can think of. Harpy Building is what I was trying to say.

Other T2 Training Center
Casters... Centaurs are known to use both a Shamanistic style of magic and necromancy. Either one would work, in my opinion, but I would lean toward the shaman. No idea what the building would look like.

Did I miss any? I haven't played as the Naga in a very long time.

Anyways, my thoughts on this race are that it would have to be a fast attack, hit and run, swarm the enemy because our units suck, type race. Fast attack is obvious, and I guess the swarming idea just comes from the Orc mission where Centaur hordes are constantly bearing down on you. They also seem like they could be nomads, so I would like to incorporate that into their buildings somehow.

I think that between FlowerofSpeech's and my posts, we've covered the basics of what should probably be happening, so I think I will try and get an interesting race together for you.
Level 5
Dec 12, 2008
All of you guys have very good points.

That is true, Centaurs do not have that many strategy-related buildings.

All i am asking if someone can make a few buildings, (such as the ones you guys suggested) and a few units. (Centaur builder, and some Heroes)
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