[General] How to protect a campaign?

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Level 14
Nov 13, 2017
Hello, I'm working on a campaign to be played again by five beta testers I have picked myself and this one is kinda complete. And as to avoid spilled beans and spoiling the hidden stuff and surprises, I would like to protect some files I worked hard on such as its trigger files, object editor files (unit, doodads, buffs, upgrades, etc...), and even mission map files (.w3x).

I'm not protecting any resources because I didn't make most of them and some of them were made by me but I give them for free but the custom data and triggers I worked on could have some protection to make it unable to edit or to get spoiled. I have lists of solutions and ways that might seem to work but not sure if it works now:
(1) Delete the listfile from .mpq and .w3n.
(2) Create copies of the original .w3u, .w3a, .w3o, and etc... then edit them with textfiles edit them to corruption and rename them as almost the same as the originals then proceed to (1).
(3) Use fuckitup.exe.
(4) Optimize/Widgetize the map(s) and campaign(s) then add password protection to the .slk files (Perhaps its possible.).
(5) Add a thousand or ten thousand filler files in the mpq that have extensions related to warcraft 3 then proceed to (1).
(6) Change all filenames to Wingdings or unknown fonts only known by you.
(7) Hack the hex files and proceed to (1) and (2).
(8) Use custom .slks, .txts, instead of .w3u's and .w3h's.? (Perhaps this one is a light protection)

Help me about this :) Thanks..
I don't see any reason to protect campaigns. Why would you do that, so people can edit map to add cheats to give themselves unfair advantage against other players and ruining the map reputation on battle.net. Oh wait, this is not multiplayer battle.net map! You won't make any players upset if the map isn't protected. Only thing you can achieve by protecting is to make unable for others to fix the campaign if fatal bugs occur for various reason and you'll be long gone.
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