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Well, once again, tell us another, and better one. Cause this one is pretty simple. Early resource and huge army. The archer and tower thingy is just for a fact, that players can attack at start with good, or bad army.
Ignoring your opinion till you say a better strategy, no matter how hard this sounds.
Ok, simple NE strategy that any newb can go 50% with in ladder:
AoW creep your DH
Build 3-4 archers
Buy Boots of Speed
Buy Boots of Speed
Continue building archers
Grab Beastmaster
Get 2 Ancients of Lore
Get 2 Ancients of Wind
Research Nature's Blessing
Build heavy Bears against mass melee with light Dryads or heavy Dryads with light Bears against mass air
Build DOTTs
Grab Tinker
Attack if you're Bears/Dryads
Grab Tinker
Rsearch Cyclone
You can do this all out of one base and still win. Worse case scenario, move your Tree to a new mine after researching Nature's Blessing. Creep your Demon Hunter to 3 with standard creep pattern and then creep your Beastmaster to 3. Once you have Beastmaster you can start harassing if you're Bear/Dryad. After you hit tier 3 you can finally fight evenly. Get Tinker's Pocket Factory and passive to be useful. Micro your units. Don't suck. Make sure you buy staff of jesus.
For people who want a timetable of this: you should be teching to tier 2 at about 6-8 minutes and should be finished with your tier 3 tech by 10-12 minutes.
This tactic is good, but there is 1 huge hole in it. It works for Team play, not for 1 vs 1 match. These units are great support, but can't go alone for sure. If enemy just masses let's say Grunts and Troll Berserkers, he will win for sure. But anyway, this tactic is good for team matches. Maybe that is the reason why we had a fight, I made a single player tactic, while you made a team play tactic, which are complete opposites.
No I don't. World champion Night Elves use this build to win world championships.Cause of their imba magic immune skill, that's all
And, by what you said now, u think that u are the greatest night elf player, so this all is getting us nowhere.
Yes, I'm not saying units don't have their own roles. You're saying that units aren't diverse though, which they are.There is a fact, that there are units with their own role.
Okay, so what's the point of wasting a shit load of food, gold, and lumber on Mountain Giants if they don't do anything but soak up damage? Especially when people won't attack them?I used tanks (Mountain Giants), damage dealers (Chimaeras), and kind of healers (Hero Cenarius + Druids of Claw),
They don't, that's why you have 3 heroes. DH himself is a dps machine while Beastmaster has Quillbeast and Hawk to help out. Additionally, the Tinker provides a tank because if they don't kill his factory then their army will get completely raped.while you used all support units, which simply cannot go alone.
If someone got Taurens, Wind Riders, and Witch Doctor on me, then they deserve to win, seeing as how that would take more gold, lumber, and food than anything I've ever seen in an actual game. Then again, I'm not some piece of shit player like you and I know to beat my opponent when they try to tech.Imagine enemy having army of Wind Riders and Taurens buffed. + If they got Whitch Doctor who can heal with healing ward, you won't deal even 0 damage to them.
It's not 50 max damage. It's actually a lot more. YOu just don't realize that because all you do is attack-move and watch your units die.Face it, 50 max damage will get you nowhere.
This is the dumbest thing ever. You realize WC3 is an RTS right?Going a little off topic, but why do you think that in RPGs there is a Role as it says in it? Heal, Damage, Tank, Support are main roles.
Your logic astounds me.Who can solo it? Heal, but slowly, and dmg dealer, but they are easy to die. Tank will just live, but won't kill a thing either, while support, will say WTF now, will try to heal for 30, deal 20 damage, and so low amounts.
Bears are damage-dealing tanks that can support. They 1000+ HP with 40+ base damage along with like 5 armor. At the same time, they can heal themselves over the period of a minute and a half.In short, Melee maps are based on best army, which should have all 4 of these roles, and you got only 1, and yet, the worst one...
I'm pretty sure you have more rep than I do. I just know I'm better than you because everything you've said in this thread is TOTAL SHIT.We should end this conversation, even if you think u are better cause u got more posts and rep points.
WHAT? This is the most asinine thing you've said. You've been saying this whole time how YOUR strategy is the best way to win, and I'm Hitler for saying I have a better way to win? You are a dumbass indeed.And just your atitude saying "Why do greatest NE players of all time win solo matches with it" proves that you are Adolf Hitler, can't accept a thing but win...
If you manage not to post anything more stupid than the fact you just posted, then it will be fine. If opposite then I will have to challenge you to 1-1 match. Waiting for reply.
I do not think you posted this in the right section.How to play ELF?
In computing, the Executable and Linkable Format (ELF, formerly called Extensible Linking Format) is a common standard file format for executables, object code, shared libraries, and core dumps.
I understand. Not everybody have 10 minutes of free time in their entire life.it will take time cause of school and such.
I understand. Not everybody have 10 minutes of free time in their entire life.
Ok, simple NE strategy that any newb can go 50% with in ladder:
AoW creep your DH
Build 3-4 archers
Buy Boots of Speed
Buy Boots of Speed
Continue building archers
Grab Beastmaster
Get 2 Ancients of Lore
Get 2 Ancients of Wind
Research Nature's Blessing
Build heavy Bears against mass melee with light Dryads or heavy Dryads with light Bears against mass air
Build DOTTs
Grab Tinker
Attack if you're Bears/Dryads
Grab Tinker
Rsearch Cyclone
You can do this all out of one base and still win. Worse case scenario, move your Tree to a new mine after researching Nature's Blessing. Creep your Demon Hunter to 3 with standard creep pattern and then creep your Beastmaster to 3. Once you have Beastmaster you can start harassing if you're Bear/Dryad. After you hit tier 3 you can finally fight evenly. Get Tinker's Pocket Factory and passive to be useful. Micro your units. Don't suck. Make sure you buy staff of jesus.
For people who want a timetable of this: you should be teching to tier 2 at about 6-8 minutes and should be finished with your tier 3 tech by 10-12 minutes.
First of all I must say that due to other annoying people that I just want to know an objective answer about the following question, I really respect you in real life since you helped me on the forum a lot.
Ok so this strategy show that you don't upgrade anything , use only hero + archer untill u get some bears or cycloners. Really with no offence, I used this strategy many times and about 99% of the times I lost due to archer low HP, Not fast enough tank (bears are on tier 3 with 2 unit upgrades and anciant built) - and you never said to use huntress or upgrade defense, never said to make towers.
If I use this "best tactic" of whole world champion I end up 10% win 90% lose , and I know this from real life experience.
I must force you to make more details about the tower? huntress? upgrades? units to cover my teching?.
As for the other guy, dude not only that you have a really good sence of humur since nothing you said is logical (Am I seppused to reach tier 3- without any start units and wish for the best with no lumber wisp [no towers!?])
And one final most important note!!!! To the other guy! PLEASE POST WITH EDDDITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT botton dont make 12345 posts so I have 5 pages on my post and Its become a joke post instead of good advices post. (give him warning maybe?).
Just go Undead and possess a Wisp. Keep around a bunch of Acolytes, get three NE heroes, get a shittonne'a banshees, and possess as many Mountain Giants as you want. I'm pretty sure you can go over the food limit with Possession.
WeMadeFox]MoonMoon as a satelite going around the Earth, or The Moon as a source of power in Night Elves?
What's your point?
then it's a pretty damn good strategy.the "5th race"
the "Greatest Night Elf player of all time"
Get a life.