How to play ELF?

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Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
Warcraft 4? Are you refering to Startcraft 2? Or possibly World of Warcraft?
Warcraft 4 is not going to be released any time soon, if it will even be released at all.

Regardless, I usually went for Warden as a hero and a few archers, after which I'd start searching for the enemy base.
Whilst searching I would grind monsters to gain some experience, and simultaneously reproduce more archers in my base.

The minute I find the opponent's base I will attack him constantly with small troops for experience and annoyance.
That usually worked for me, however I didn't really play much professionally.
Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
Make a lot of whisps (like 15).
Warden (+shadow strike) + hunterhall + well.
-> 5 more whisps + ancient of war (huntresses)
Make 5 Ancient protectors close to your enemy base and 2 ancients of war at the same spot. If your enemy discovers you, detonate some whisps to drain enemy hero's mana and harras his units with your shadowstrike. In the meantime, block his units from your buildings with your huntresses (5 should be plenty) If you don't succeed in getting your buildings to be completed, play normally and counter his units with their weaknesses and scout him a lot using goblin lab or whatever.
Level 11
May 10, 2008
I suggest watching tournaments on YouTube with people using the elves.. made me better. but I donna if they were taken down or not.. cause all the sc2 tournament videos are..
Level 14
Dec 12, 2009
Elf solo/FFA or Elf RT/AT?

Soloing uses different strats then team. Players that go solo in team always cost their team the game.

Difference: Solo involves more micro/macro and a more balanced army. Team usually consists of massing 2-3 types of units.


Team also requires two little things, luck and cooperation.
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Level 15
Sep 3, 2006
1) Learn to AoW creep.

2) Learn to use DH. Warden is really only viable if you're going to harass an Undead's acolytes agressively.

3) Against Orc, go Dott's with Beastmaster 2nd and Tinker 3rd. In a fight, focus on saving Cyclone for his BM and SH. When he's about to heal his BM, try to cyclone his SH, etc.

4) Against everyone else go Bears/Dryads. If Undead gets a LOT of Fiends, get more Bears. If Undead gets a LOT of Destroyers, get more Dryads.

edit: Elf is considered the most diverse race, as your T2 army can pretty much compete with all T3 armies. At the same time, Bear/Dryad is so diverse because they cover eachother's weaknesses so well.

just make sure you expo, because it's really easy to do with Night Elf and can put you at a huge advantage. also, don't be a newb and constantly attack your opponent. Learn to hit when you have advantage etc. Recognize the fact that just because you win a fight doesn't mean you win the game. Take opportunities when your opponent is re-building to expand or creep.


Hosted Project: SC
Level 19
Jul 1, 2010
Ergh, isn't Chimaera and Hippogryph the best choice? Cause mass Chimaeras pwn land units ealsy, while Hippogryphs pwn air units. Get few druids of the claw, for rejuvenation and roar, and few driads to slow enemy units down. If you are defending instead of offending, try using Mountain Giants + Towers. When you defeat the enemy that is attacking you, attack him with towers and the rest of units you have =)
Level 15
Sep 3, 2006
Ergh, isn't Chimaera and Hippogryph the best choice? Cause mass Chimaeras pwn land units ealsy, while Hippogryphs pwn air units. Get few druids of the claw, for rejuvenation and roar, and few driads to slow enemy units down. If you are defending instead of offending, try using Mountain Giants + Towers. When you defeat the enemy that is attacking you, attack him with towers and the rest of units you have =)

What do you suggest in the meantime? All of that costs a shit load of money and time to build. in a solo game it's not practical...


Hosted Project: SC
Level 19
Jul 1, 2010
ergh, in a meantime, make towers to protect, few archers and huntress, but I said few, with tons of towers, few army, and a good Hero(es), you will defend easly, gain resources, and win da game =)
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
start purchasing a DA as soon as possible because its second skill has the ability to raise a skeleton warrior per land units the Ranger kills, that way it is useful for creeping and micro in my occasion.

I heared that Elf units are good againts humans. But which units go againts undead?
Edit : And make 15 wisp are dead by my enemy blademaster

since the undead races releases huge amount of forces like skeleton warriors,mages,dead units, and mostly the inferno. I suggest you start building up your fighting line-ups like huntresses, dryads or even a chimaera if your good at increasing your resources in a fast way

Build Order:

Congratulations, you have a super-duper eco now and you can devastate the enemy!

LOL! :alol:


Hosted Project: SC
Level 19
Jul 1, 2010
Than what? I already listed the standard NE build that is used at all levels of play.

If you think the time-tested strategies used by pros are weak compared to your guys' annoying videos, please, continue.

The thing is, I don't think that there can be a better tactic. Protect yourself in start and middle of game with towers mostly. Then start building units with buffs (Dryads are fine, and the most needed, Druid of The Claw, cause of Roar). After that, simply build strongest units ever?? Against ground units Chimearas are da best, while against air units Hyppogryhps pwn. If you feel like you need a tank, then get few mountain giants too, they are also good against buildings :)

What I meant to say by "repeating" this post, there can't be anymore new tactics. What could be better if you have full buffed strongest units?


Hosted Project: SC
Level 19
Jul 1, 2010
Use tinker or panda with mass ranged (archer talon dryad) and you'll beat even the strongest enemies!

And here we are folkes! My tactic VS Aeroblyctos' tactic. Panda goes Breath of Fire, and archers strike the mountain giant, killing him slowly. My Chimaeras strike back, BOOM, AoE Damage, all archers pwnd. Should I say anything else?


Hosted Project: SC
Level 19
Jul 1, 2010
ok, 10 wisps for wood + gold, 10 for heroes
I got 80 more for army, let's see now.
Druid + 3 Dryads is 10
70 more food. Spend 21 on giants, got 49. Make 12 Chimearas and 1 more wisp I guess :)

So army is:
2 Heroes
1 Druid of The Claw
3 Dryads
3 Mountain Giants
12 Chimaeras
Level 15
Sep 3, 2006
5 lumber wisps and 5 gold wisps? that will take a rediculously long time to actually build your army.

You don't take any cost-effectiveness in to mind when you're thinking of strategies, do you? How do you plan to amass such an army if you don't have any lumber to support it? Do you assume that your army will constantly be at > 80 food (meaning you get 4 gold per wisp instead of 10)?

And at the same time, how can you afford rebuilding all of this if you lose your army? Assuming your opponent let you tech to all of this shit on just 10 wisps, it's easy to assume they'll have an army of equal or greater value, right? So what makes this army so much more beneficial? What if you opponent does the same thing and just masses air. What do you do now? A tech change isn't that difficult for them because they'll likely have more than 10 wisps.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
I know its dumb to ask this question since warcraft 4 is very soon make all warcraft 3 tactics go away , but , i want to know any possible technic about frozen throne elf playing , thanks.
The majority of the Humans I've seen get Riflemen instead of Footmen even though Defend is awesome against both Archers and Dryads. As a result, the enemy Night Elf usually gets Archers with Demon Hunter, since Huntresses end up getting shot down by the Riflemen + Water Elementals.

As for Orcs, the usual strategy is getting Druids of the Talon with Huntresses and Archers, at least for mid-game play, usually with a Demon Hunter and/or Keeper of the Grove. If you have got ranged heroes, you might want to get Mountain Giants or Druids of the Claw for tanking.
I've always wanted to try using a Goblin Alchemist in 1vs1; I use it a lot in 4vs4 and it's an excellent hero -- seemingly underrated -- if you can creep decently and keep him alive (not always an easy task due to his low armor). The skills I pick are Chemical Rage and Acid Bomb. I also get an Orb of Corruption, Faerie Fire, or both, whenever possible. The amount of damage this hero deals with both Acid Bomb and one of these two buffs is ridiculous, I kill Death Knights with only a few hits (dished out faster because of Chemical Rage). Together with an immobilizing skill, such as Storm Bolt, Hex, or Entangling Roots, this hero is a Blademaster bane.
If you decide to risk using this hero in 1vs1, I advise not picking Healing Spray because Grunts, for example, will usually kill your units faster than they're being healed and the Grunts themselves end up benefiting much more.

When facing Undead, there's a chance you'll end up Ghoul-rushed. Get a Demon Hunter or Warden first. I advise getting a Keeper of the Grove only as second hero if you really want to get one; Entangling Roots don't really help if there are enough Ghouls, but they can be useful against Crypt Fiends dishing damage from behind Skeleton Warriors and Abominations, but this buff can be dispelled by Destroyers. Overall, it's risky to get him. On the other hand, you don't even need Huntresses if you've got a DH or Warden to tank with.
As for unit choice, I really don't know, probably Mountain Giants, even though their armor type is Medium (takes more damage from Skeletons). I once played as Undead, my Elf enemy somehow managed to get 4 bears and a few other units very early in the game, while I had only a few necromancers and meat wagons, and somehow I managed to win the fight. This is probably because Elves don't have an effective way of dispelling Skeletons.

An Elf player once told me that against other Elves you go tier 1 units (Archers, Huntresses, and Glaive Throwers) + Priestess of the Moon, though I really hate mirrors in both Wc3 and SC2.


Hosted Project: SC
Level 19
Jul 1, 2010
Like I said before, building towers will help you at start, and maybe at final attack.
As for resources, at start, get let's say, 10 archers or so, but many wisps, and just try to upgrade as fast as possible. Researches for damage and so are not really needed, at least, not at start, when you don't have big army. After you get some wisps, with those archers and 1/2 heroes get a gold mine. This should be called a time between early and mid game. When you get mass resources, and you are ready to make chimaeras, if your archers aren't dead, then sacrifice them, either by leveling your hero, or by attacking enemy. It won't feed the enemy, since bounty is disabled in melee maps, and a 1 level more for a hero won't do much changes. The rest is fine i guess. The above list of army was just an example. It's not a problem to remove 1 chimaera just for wisps to gather more wood/gold.

EDIT: In short, at start, few soldiers, yet many wisps and towers till you get enough resources to make the final army. Protect yourself till you win.
As for enemy changing army, can't I do the same with only 5 wisps at gold mine? 5 Hyppogriphs and the problem should gone soon. On the other hand, if the enemy got like 70 food spent on air units, then his base is destroyed. Don't forget that mountain giants and chimaeras are great against buildings, and if there's nothing to attack other than buildings, then it's GG. Don't forget that I mentioned a hero, which can be cenarius, so he can heal your troops in case that air units pwn your chimaeras/mountain giants.


Hosted Project: SC
Level 19
Jul 1, 2010
hey wait now. every melee game depends on opponent, does he mass forces on early or late game. It all depends :)
Indeed I don't know any good tactic for early game, so it would be a GG. me lose :p
but blademaster must be a level 6. Meaning he leveled much on creeps (OMFG I forgot name of neutral units xD), and it also means he had a fight with me before. That's not early game :)
Level 20
Oct 21, 2006
no, I am not drunk. And this IS a good combo. can you go 1 vs 2/3 Insane computer players? If you can't, try this tactic.
are you aware that AI fails @countering and builds mixed army no matter what. they neither cant scout or rush properly thus giving you an advantage on turtling and teching. then your late game army vs their mixed army = you win = works vs player?; I doubt.


Hosted Project: SC
Level 19
Jul 1, 2010
well, it works against players. But not all of them indeed, since there is a hole in the "plan" (early and mid game is not so protected and lack of resources is also a problem), but since every player has his own way, this will sometimes work, and sometimes fail, which is a fact of every tactic, it got good and bad things in it. So basicaly, no tactic is perfect. And yeah, I won many games PvP.
Level 15
Sep 3, 2006
Dude, this will only work against retards who don't scout and basically do the same exact thing against you. Basically, you win in PvP against the only people on who are dumber than you are, which judging by your ignorance of strategy and the game in general, should be people with low IQ's.

I'm sorry if I'm being "arrogant" or "Mr.Pro" but honestly, your strategy is a fucking joke. Stop posting about it.

edit: and you're right, there are strategies with "holes" in them. However, a good strategy wouldn't have as many blatantly obvious ones as yours.


Hosted Project: SC
Level 19
Jul 1, 2010
Well, once again, tell us another, and better one. Cause this one is pretty simple. Early resource and huge army. The archer and tower thingy is just for a fact, that players can attack at start with good, or bad army.
Ignoring your opinion till you say a better strategy, no matter how hard this sounds.
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