anyone help me(need some info regarding warcraft3)

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Level 4
Jun 25, 2018
Hey am new here...i just came to know your hive team have made game on warcraft 3 series

after warcraft 3 the frozen throne....can anyone tell me which game part i have to play first ? There r so many parts for warcraft 3 so i am confuse now which part i have to play first

i want to resume the story from where it lefts during warcraft 3 frozen throne
Level 3
May 12, 2015
To properly resume the story from Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne you should play WoW (World of Warcraft) made by the same developer which continues the story from when The Frozen Throne left off.

The nearest you would get from Warcraft 3 would be Rise of the Blood Elves which is based on WoW Burning Crusade expansion and Curse of the Forsaken which is based on WoW Wrath of the Lich King expansion, both campaigns made by @tomoraider and they are really good and definetly worth playing.

I don't know of any other campaigns which follows the storyline of WoW.
Level 4
Jun 25, 2018
To properly resume the story from Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne you should play WoW (World of Warcraft) made by the same developer which continues the story from when The Frozen Throne left off.

The nearest you would get from Warcraft 3 would be Rise of the Blood Elves which is based on WoW Burning Crusade expansion and Curse of the Forsaken which is based on WoW Wrath of the Lich King expansion, both campaigns made by @tomoraider and they are really good and definetly worth playing.

I don't know of any other campaigns which follows the storyline of WoW.

i have warcraft 3 wrath of lich king in custom campaign but it's not working well....did i have to play first rise of blood elves or can play any custom campaign ?

i have warcraft 3 patch 1.27b installed on my pc....will all custom campaign works with this version ?
Level 3
May 12, 2015
What do you mean by
i have warcraft 3 wrath of lich king in custom campaign but it's not working well....
Did you mean curse of the forsaken or a campaign named "wrath of lich king"?

Keep in mind that each custom map/campaign work only with definite versions, some can work with 1.26-1.28 and others only work with 1.29. True enough Curse of the Forsaken only works with 1.29, however you can download one compatible with 1.27: make sure you read "how to install properly". Rise of the Blood Elves looks like it does work with 1.27 though.
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