How to have make a hero which has 3-4 attack?

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Level 5
Jul 14, 2014
[solved]How to have make a hero which has 3-4 attack?

I'm working on my huge RPG map. In my map I want mostly the weapon you are wearing to affect your damage (+10,+20 etc) but my hero has 3-13 attack dmg even when I set the strength to 1 (he's strength based). When I set strength to higher values it just increases the attack dmg. Plzz help I want my hero to have 3-4 attack dmg. :vw_sad: :vw_sad: :ogre_rage:
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Level 28
Sep 26, 2009
Actually the Attack Damage has to be 1.
For heroes the calculation is:
a) min damage: [value of main attribute] + [attack damage] + [number of dice]
b) max damage: [value of main attribute] + [attack damage] + ( [number of dice] * [sides per dice] )

Every stat has the lowest value of 1, so the calculation "1 + 2 + 1" results in min damage equal to 4, but OP wants min damage == 3 :)
Level 28
Sep 26, 2009
just a side note: In actual calculation of hero damage, it is "([constant] * [main hero attribute]) + ..." instead of just "[main hero attribute]) + ...", because by default the constant has value 1. You can, however, change that value in Gameplay Constants.
It is just so you know if you did play with the constant and god bad results that the reason is because of the above.
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