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How much do you look forward to Apocalypse?

Is Apocalypse one of the mods which you look forward to most?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 20 60.6%
  • Some-what yes and no. (both)

    Votes: 9 27.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 4 12.1%

  • Total voters
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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Do you think Apocalypse is something which deserves recognition? Do you think it can/will be one of the best mods for WC3? If so, then your answer should be yes. If you don't look forward to this map and maybe think this mod isn't worth waiting for, then vote no. If you can't really decide, then vote for both. (Middle option)

This survey will help us distinguish if we've got this project off to a good start so far or not. We hope that the majority of you think this is a great mod to wait for, but only your votes will help us out. Please vote honestly!

~Craka_J; Leader of the Apocalypse Development Team.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
No progress? Well... we barely keep you guys over here at the Hive updated with what's going on and we usually stay active at our official forum at:

Here's what's going on:
  • Hvo-Busterkomo has been recruited as a JASS Programmer for Apocalypse and is working on Power-Ups. I believe he is almost done with it.
  • DaFranker is working on Physics. So far, he's doing a good job and I'm not really sure if it's almost done or not, but hopefully we'll get to working on the Gravity Gun soon!
  • I've been working on the terrain and still am right now. I haven't gotten a lot done since it is hard to terrain with a laptop touch-pad, but I am progressing.
  • The website will be under construction this evening. An old Wc3:WoW fan as agreed to redo the template of the Apocalypse website to give it more of an Apocalypse feel.
  • The class system has a totally new idea now and will be exploited later. We haven't started actually working on it yet, but we're planning on starting it very soon!
  • I've been privately organizing the team bit by bit by making To Do Lists and trying to keep the team as well informed as possible.

That's all I can remember that has been going on. I haven't heard anything from Punisher_X yet though. I hope he's still with us and hasn't quit!

Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
You know what would really get people more interested in this? A better storyline. Some quests and elements in the game that reveal important plot points. And a much MUCH better description, the game looks awesome but i am going to be honost, your plot is lame, cliche and boring. "Zombies from hell rioting and killing the human race, targetting a small town" I've only seen that like, 500 times?

Sorry that sounded rude, i realize storyline doesnt contribute much to the actual gameplay, but to the PRE-RELEASE, it can give fans something to chew on untill its released, and it can be used in game for quests revealing plot points.

I'm some what looking forward to this, but i cant say for sure, dont judge a book by its cover. And all i can see right now is a cover, so i wont judge by looks.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
I understand what you mean about the story. It is just something I came up with in a few minutes. If I'm not mistaken, I'm pretty sure that I said the story was not completed and is a W.I.P. However, I haven't really bothered too much to make the storyline so complicated because I figured no one was interested in it yet anyway: Looks seems to be what draws people in. But since now I know there are a few people reviewing it, I might as well get to work on it soon, again.

I'm glad to see that the majority of people are looking forward to this map's release already. I understand that about an equal amount of people aren't too sure about this map either because it hasn't really shown much proof of what we're putting into the map. After all, proof does help the credibility of believing things a lot. I'll start revealing more stuff which we've kept secret in Apocalypse soon!

Level 19
Sep 4, 2007
Lol I was just exaggerating because of how many road bumps you guys(you and your team) had with Wc3:WoW. Anyways this project seems promising and will probably be one of the best survival maps made. 2 thumbs up!
Hope you'll beat DoTA with this map.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
I doubt our map along with all other WC3 multiplayer maps will ever beat DotA. DotA is a very popular game and people now get paid to win tournaments held by the makers and even Blizzard Entertainment as well. Though, we do plan on making Apocalypse a competitive map when it goes against DotA. :smile:

Lots of a road bumps for sure. They happen suddenly and unplanned every time too, so it makes it very unavoidable and hard to organize things together better again.

We're going to be needing one or two more good JASS guys for Apocalypse, as our JASSers are getting very unmotivated due to SC2 and other life problems and all that. Anyone who knows JASS enough to get stuff done can get in, really. But we're really looking forward to the best guys to join! The offer stands and hope someone can fill the spot(s) as soon as possible.

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