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How many players will SC2 handle??

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Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
most of the player slots in that clip was observers.

Now you are just trying to make me pissed, or your just stupid.
Okay, so keep it this way:
People have already hacked the game to have 15 computers and 1 player.
A blue poster confirmed that you will be able to have 12 players.. IN JANUARY.

There will be atleast a 12 players cap in custom games, and maybe 16 players.
I am 100% sure that 16 players will be possible, it does not matter if they hack it or not, it will be possible.
Melee matches is 8 players.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
those who say that other people are stupid are themselves strupid. the clip showed 2 actual players plus lots of observer slots. gamereactor said that the game will support 8 players. all the evidence i have say either 6 or 8. therefore i say 6 for melee, 8 for custom.

Okay now listen to me:
I AM STUPID. Get it? I am stupid, but you are aswell, and i am totally fine with it.
The big patch next month in the beta will contain 4v4 maps. So uhmm.. i guess that just yell "8 PLAYER CAP"... So yeah, thats about it. Melee will have 8 players cap.
The games lead designer personally confirmed that it will infact be atleast 12 slots in custom games, we even linked you the post where he said it.
If you believe some stupid crap with outdated information insted of blizzard themself, then you are stupid.

And like i said before, i am stupid, and i accept it, which makes me less stupid then you.
Level 19
Sep 4, 2007
those who say that other people are stupid are themselves strupid. the clip showed 2 actual players plus lots of observer slots. gamereactor said that the game will support 8 players. all the evidence i have say either 6 or 8. therefore i say 6 for melee, 8 for custom.

Dustin Browder said:
The final count is not yet decided. It will almost certainly be more than 8 so that a variety of popular custom game types (Tower Defenses, DoTA, etc.) can continue with what they are used to. The final decision will be based more on performance than anything else, but we will be shooting for at least 12.

Battle.net forums, 2nd post.

So they are planning on making Dota possible. Which means more than 8 players.

Okay now listen to me:
I AM STUPID. Get it? I am stupid, but you are aswell, and i am totally fine with it.
The big patch next month in the beta will contain 4v4 maps. So uhmm.. i guess that just yell "8 PLAYER CAP"... So yeah, thats about it. Melee will have 8 players cap.
The games lead designer personally confirmed that it will infact be atleast 12 slots in custom games, we even linked you the post where he said it.
If you believe some stupid crap with outdated information insted of blizzard themself, then you are stupid.

And like i said before, i am stupid, and i accept it, which makes me less stupid then you.

Relax mate.
Let him have it his way if he doesn't want to accept the facts. It's as simple as that.

But that's no fun!

It's possible Blizzard could have changed the player cap, but it would be incredibly idiotic for them to do so. And I think I'm going to take Dustin Browder's word over someone's assumption.

Maybe he is reading some old shit about starcraft 1.. who knows..

I lol'd.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
the game will most likely support 8 players. game reactor said that. though that would be excluding observers i believe. insults doesnt work on me.

Game reactor is wrong..... It is outdated information...
They are probably talking about melee maps.. Dont you get it?
To be honest, i actually start to feel sorry for you, becouse you do not seem to understand a shit about what wer are trying to tell you.
Dustin Browder is the game leader designer (If you have any freaking idea what that is), And he said that it will contain atleast 12 players when people asked how many players it will support.
This is not something new, it was confirmed in january.
If you do not agree with us, just email the blizzard support about it and ask them, they will probably give you an answer.
12 Players is possible.
16 Slots is avaible.
It is probably 12 players and 4 observers, this is confirmed already, but it is not confirmed if all slots will be avaible for players.
But it IS possible to make them all avaible for computers with hacking, so the game does support 16 players already, they just havent confirmed that it will officially be supported in the actual game without hacks.

So.... Believe Blizzard (They created starcraft 2, they know what they are talking about), and not Game Reactor (They just gather information they find and write some stuff about it, maybe it is just outdated!).
Level 8
May 15, 2008
the game will most likely support 8 players. game reactor said that. though that would be excluding observers i believe. insults doesnt work on me.

Your barely even giving info of why your right. Your really just messing with us. We don't care if insults don't work and you are just assuming what will be in the game. Why don't you post a link to were you found this info cause I bet it was edited or game reactor themselves said it has changed. Blizzard would never make sc2 worse than wc3 in players. Its either the same or more. And gamereactor takes info from blizzard and blizzard has updated their info(like they have with LTGH's proof), changing what the max amount of players will be.
Level 8
May 15, 2008
i dont believe that a single person decides how many players the game will support. blizzard decide a lot of things through testing.

So the only way for you to believe the GAME CREATOR is if all of blizzard says its true? REALLY? Every time bill gates announces a new version of Windows, does ALL OF WINDOWS say its new features just to prove it right? Yea no shit they go through a lot of testing so if someone says what the max amount of players will be, do you really think he just felt like it? Obviously they went through testing. Think logically.
Level 8
May 15, 2008
my thoughts are based on logic. it is logical to believe game reactor.

It is stupidity to believe outdated info, its is stupidity to ignore 90 percent of everyones comments in arguing, it is stupidity to not look at other people's prospectives, it is stupidity to not believe the game creator, it is stupidity to pick out random words from someones comments and comment as if that was there entire answer, and it is stupidity to not give proof of why you are right.
Level 7
May 3, 2007
my thoughts are based on logic. it is logical to believe game reactor.

Actual logic requies a syllogism, deductive derivation, or at the least induction statistical evidence.

Several posts have supplied expert testimony, as well as deductive derivation in support of prooving you wrong. You have repeated the same thing over and over citing very poor sources, such as gamereactor and wikipedia.

The majority of the people posting in this thread should generally just ignore everything you've said, and continue with the discussion about the possibility of 16 players, because that's all I'm interested in.
Level 8
May 15, 2008
starcraft 2 is created by multiple people. therefore there isnt a single sole creator.

So the only way for you to believe the GAME CREATOR is if all of blizzard says its true? REALLY? Every time bill gates announces a new version of Windows, does ALL OF WINDOWS say its new features just to prove it right? Yea no shit they go through a lot of testing so if someone says what the max amount of players will be, do you really think he just felt like it? Obviously they went through testing. Think logically.

One person announces it. God don't you ever read comments?
Level 8
May 15, 2008
And you are wrong due to maybe the last 2 pages of this thread filled with proof that it won't be max 8. Max 8 for melee. 12 for custom.
Level 6
Mar 23, 2009
You are blinded by your own logic man.

12 players at the Least.

The MAIN GUY in charge of SC2 said it!

You should be happy about this instead of trying to look at the glass half empty and expect the worse.

Blizzard has stated 16-18 team colors is what they plan on and that they plan on 12 players at the least. I believe there will be 16 players tops for custom games when its all said and done.

I don't understand why you would think there would only be 6 players for melee games( 8 for custom) when the first SC1 had 8 for melee games. So, with that logic you must think that SC2 will be worse than SC1?

Lol, geesh! Either your stubborn and don't like to admit your wrong or you just like to argue with people for the fun of it. Lol, later.
Level 8
May 15, 2008
You are blinded by your own logic man.

12 players at the Least.

The MAIN GUY in charge of SC2 said it!

You should be happy about this instead of trying to look at the glass half empty and expect the worse.

Blizzard has stated 16-18 team colors is what they plan on and that they plan on 12 players at the least. I believe there will be 16 players tops for custom games when its all said and done.

I don't understand why you would think there would only be 6 players for melee games( 8 for custom) when the first SC1 had 8 for melee games. So, with that logic you must think that SC2 will be worse than SC1?

Lol, geesh! Either your stubborn and don't like to admit your wrong or you just like to argue with people for the fun of it. Lol, later.

I wouldn't get your hopes up for 16. Seems kinda too much. The game itself is a bit laggy on 4 players. 16 seems a bit over board so I believe that the max amount of players will range between 12 and 14.
Level 6
Mar 23, 2009
I wouldn't get your hopes up for 16. Seems kinda too much. The game itself is a bit laggy on 4 players. 16 seems a bit over board so I believe that the max amount of players will range between 12 and 14.

I'm not, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are 16 players for custom games when its all said and done. Doesn't matter much to me though. I'd be happy if it was the same as WC3. I usually only play about 8-10 anyway at the max.
Level 25
May 11, 2007
I was quite aware he was a troll. Was pretty easy to detect. Just to make sure I linked him to some facts and since he petty much avoided them it was confirmed.

Was mostly pointing it towards posts like these :)

Okay now listen to me:
I AM STUPID. Get it? I am stupid, but you are aswell, and i am totally fine with it.
The big patch next month in the beta will contain 4v4 maps. So uhmm.. i guess that just yell "8 PLAYER CAP"... So yeah, thats about it. Melee will have 8 players cap.
The games lead designer personally confirmed that it will infact be atleast 12 slots in custom games, we even linked you the post where he said it.
If you believe some stupid crap with outdated information insted of blizzard themself, then you are stupid.

And like i said before, i am stupid, and i accept it, which makes me less stupid then you.

Aka, trolled.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Trolls is fun. You can yell on them as much as you want, and no one can blame you for doing so, becouse they know that we are right, and he is wrong.

And what if he isnt a troll?
What if he just do not understand a shit.. Like.. what if he is stupid for real?... I know a few people like that.
Okay, so this guy is probably not stupid, he is probably just another troll, but it is possible that he isnt a troll. (laugh)
What i am wondering is why he listens to Game Reactor and not blizzard.
Dustin Browder is the lead designer, and he does have alot of power. (Probably more power then a mother ship!) And you should listen to him and NOT Game Reactor.
Here is why i say like i do.
Blizzard > Game Reactor

Blizzard is the creator of the game, dustin browder is the games lead designer, he is the guy behind alot of starcraft 2, and his ideas is usually more accurate then something like Game Reactor, as game reactor just gather information from such thing as outdated information, game betas, etc. That usually have wrong information about things.
While a guy such as dustin browder probably know what he is talking about and usually doesnt give away outdated information, i think he keep track of things, that is his job after all.

I dont give a damn if game reactor would happen to say that diablo 3 only will have 4 classes, becouse blizzard have already confirmed that it will be 5.
That is a perfect example.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Yes there is, and they ended up understanding that there is 12 freaking players supported -.-

Not to mention that about 50% is trolls on the battle.net forums. And that people does not even know what they are talking about.

This is as stupid as the 255 unit selection limit. Makes them look like noobs.
ORLY?! It is that guy that sounds like a freaking noob when he said that. It makes ALOT of sense, and you will never need a selection bigger then this anyway.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Level 9
Nov 4, 2007
Ah don't mind the troll, he's just upset his computer still runs on Windows 95 and he'll never get a more up-to-date game than Starcraft 1, so hes trying to make himself feel better by thinking SC2 will be exactly like SC1 in player count just with better graphics. Now go back under your bridge troll, your work here is done.
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