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How I Beleive Reputation Should be Done

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Level 8
Oct 18, 2008
Well, I've heard a lot of griping and moanign over the effectiveness, usefulness, point, and relevence of the rep system. Well, here I shall give my view on how it should be reworked (slightly), to better it for all.

First of all, I would like to point out a small fact. Hueter has a number of very badass skins he has uploaded. Yet, he has only 9 rep.

Before continuing, let me shed some light on what the purpose of rep should be: to be fun, to show experience, and to just be able to accidentlly tell your friends "Hey dudes, I just got to 20 rep on THW!", and then be humilated for the next few days after realising wtf you had just said to people who dont know nor give a damn about THW or WC3. Now, I shall make my points on this matter:

1. The Abuse of Rep

I'm sorry, what?

2. The Fun of Rep

This is exactly what rep is meant to be: fun.

3. The Experience

Rep can help others to recognize people who have contributed to THW or to users of THW in some way.

4. Don't Like Rep?

Disable it, you ninny!

5. The Improvements to Rep

Coming back to Hueter, why does he have only 9 rep, when he has such good quality and frequently downloaded skins? This is where the improvement should coem in: Rep for submitting useful and good quality skins. I have provided an example chart, just for you:

Rating of Lacking = No Rep
Rating of Useful = 1 Rep
Rating of Recommended = 2 Rep
Rating of Highly Recommended = 3 Rep
Rating of Director's Cut = 4 Rep

Now, I know this rating system would probably be a pain in the ass to concieve and then moderate, but then, here's a thought: Dont moderate the rep peopel give to others. Simply allow peopel to give rep freely and without question, because there is one simple answer to all thise: Nobody really cares. Its just meant to be a fun little thing, that can show others how another memeber has helped the fine community that is THW. Just give out rep to those you feel deserve or whom you would like to give rep to, and the moderators just worry about giving rep to those who have submitted quality resources.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Joss, you underestimate the user base. Giving people the ability to rep as much as they want will just ruin the whole system. It doesn't mean a whole lot now, but give people the opportunity, and it will mean nothing when everyone has 2000 rep.
Level 8
Oct 18, 2008
Well, really, the only improvement I thought that could be made was the rep for quality submissions, which of course could be bent in anyway.


You didnt address my point, you just went on about your previous one, which I had already explained would most likely be flawed in its implementation. As for the other forums, they probably began with a Thanks Button, thus, no oen could complain about the loss of a Reputation System without ever having one, now could they?
Level 15
Sep 3, 2006
Dude, rep is what it is. It's just a system for fun.

A thanks system is basically the same idea, but better because it's "Thanks" not "rep".

Also, just because YOU think Huerter has good skins doesn't mean everyone else thinks so. It's all about who views it. If you like his stuff then give him rep. I, for one, hardly find myself looking through skins for a simple reason: I can make my own if I need one. If you want rep, then learn to do things that people want. I'd say if a pro modeler went out and made some decent anime models for this site, he'd have more rep than anyone on any website EVER.

If people need shit, they'll give rep, if not, they won't. It's just the way the system is.
Level 8
Aug 23, 2007
Joss, you underestimate the user base. Giving people the ability to rep as much as they want will just ruin the whole system. It doesn't mean a whole lot now, but give people the opportunity, and it will mean nothing when everyone has 2000 rep.

Does that really matter? I think that people are mature enough to not rep spam. And even if they do having 2000 rep isn't a big deal. Having 1 million rep still has no effect.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Does that really matter? I think that people are mature enough to not rep spam. And even if they do having 2000 rep isn't a big deal. Having 1 million rep still has no effect.
Then what's the point in having it? Right now it has at least some meaning.
Level 8
Oct 18, 2008
L2love, Steel_Stallion, En_Fuego, you all missed the point. Or, if you did, you chose to ignore it. All I was saying is that peopel should get rep for uploading quality resources, liek tutorials and skins. And, if you dont like rep, then disable your own rep and just ignore anything and everythign rep-related.


You really missed the point, btw. And that thing about the anime models? Wtf? Was that an example to something, or were you simply showign your affinity for anime? Also, you are very wrong. "If peopel need shit, they will give rep, if they dont, they wont. Thats just how the system works." That is actually exactly how it does not work. People give rep to eachother just for beign nice and for helping out with simple things. And that is how it should always be.
Level 15
Sep 3, 2006
L2love, Steel_Stallion, En_Fuego, you all missed the point. Or, if you did, you chose to ignore it. All I was saying is that peopel should get rep for uploading quality resources, liek tutorials and skins. And, if you dont like rep, then disable your own rep and just ignore anything and everythign rep-related.

Maybe because your post is so meaningless and has no point. I'll point everything out right here. Enjoy your ripping.

First of all, I would like to point out a small fact. Hueter has a number of very badass skins he has uploaded. Yet, he has only 9 rep.
Rep is based on the users. If you want him to have more rep than don't advertise it here. This is exactly the problem people have with rep (people care about it too much, like you).

Before continuing, let me shed some light on what the purpose of rep should be:
It's not up to you what rep is. It's up to the admin. If they want it to be a serious deal then that's what they get. Luckily, they're carefree and don't give a shit.
to be fun,
we all basically agree with you. Not sure why you're complaining.
to show experience,
fair enough, but I disagree.
and to just be able to accidentlly tell your friends "Hey dudes, I just got to 20 rep on THW!", and then be humilated for the next few days after realising wtf you had just said to people who dont know nor give a damn about THW or WC3.
.....why the fuck would anyone do that? :slp:

1. The Abuse of Rep

I'm sorry, what?
Loads of people abuse rep. I don't get what you don't understand about that. Rep is somewhat serious on this site, as a lot of people take it as someone with a lot of rep has a lot more say in matters. Yes, it does get abused.

2. The Fun of Rep

This is exactly what rep is meant to be: fun.
Wtf does this have to do with anything?

3. The Experience

Rep can help others to recognize people who have contributed to THW or to users of THW in some way.
Yes, that's why abusing it is a problem.

4. Don't Like Rep?

Disable it, you ninny!

5. The Improvements to Rep
any suggestions?

oming back to Hueter, why does he have only 9 rep, when he has such good quality and frequently downloaded skins?
maybe he gets repped a lot by people who don't have enough rep power. if rep is just for fun than stop caring so much. If he has a problem with it then let him complain about it instead of you.
This is where the improvement should coem in: Rep for submitting useful and good quality skins. I have provided an example chart, just for you:
you can rep people all you like for the submissions they make.

Rating of Lacking = No Rep
Rating of Useful = 1 Rep
Rating of Recommended = 2 Rep
Rating of Highly Recommended = 3 Rep
Rating of Director's Cut = 4 Rep
This is just dumb. If you want to give someone rep for a resource, give to them yourself.

Dont moderate the rep peopel give to others. Simply allow peopel to give rep freely and without question, because there is one simple answer to all thise: Nobody really cares. Its just meant to be a fun little thing, that can show others how another memeber has helped the fine community that is THW. Just give out rep to those you feel deserve or whom you would like to give rep to, and the moderators just worry about giving rep to those who have submitted quality resources.
You contradict yourself. A lot. You said that you think rep is just for fun countless times and that we should be able to abuse it. On the other hand, you also say that we should use it to show experience. If I give fucking StAsMan 10,000 rep points everyone will think he's the smartest guy in the world (whether he is or isn't is not what I'm going to talk about) despite him being banned. You can't let rep show who's smart and who's dumb if you're going to remove all restrictions for repping. It just makes no fucking sense. People are dumbasses and will abuse it. You give this site WAY too much credit.


I'd say if a pro modeler went out and made some decent anime models for this site, he'd have more rep than anyone on any website EVER.
What the FUCK does that have to do with me wanting anime models and how the FUCK do you not understand that it's an example?
Level 8
Oct 18, 2008
Yes...a very nice show of your own ignorance and quick judgement. Really, I must commend you for it.

Rep is based on the users. If you want him to have more rep than don't advertise it here. This is exactly the problem people have with rep (people care about it too much, like you).

Actually, no, I dont care about it too much. This whole thread is simpyl a suggestion on how it should be improved.

It's not up to you what rep is. It's up to the admin. If they want it to be a serious deal then that's what they get. Luckily, they're carefree and don't give a shit.
You know what's hilarious about this line? You think the admins dont give a shit. Haha! Have you even read the site news AT ALL?

we all basically agree with you. Not sure why you're complaining.

I suppose I'll thank you for this one...but dont get used to it. And I'm not even complaining at all. Again, this is just a suggestion on how I believe the rep system should be.

fair enough, but I disagree.

Care to even give a reason?

.....why the fuck would anyone do that?

How long ago did your senses of humor and imagination die?

any suggestions?

I do give suggestions. In fact, you add them later on in your post.

maybe he gets repped a lot by people who don't have enough rep power. if rep is just for fun than stop caring so much. If he has a problem with it then let him complain about it instead of you.

Hueter was just an example of people with good quality submissions and low rep. I never said Hueter had a problem with it.

you can rep people all you like for the submissions they make.

Oh really? I wasnt aware...

This is just dumb. If you want to give someone rep for a resource, give to them yourself.

What a fantastic show of downgradation of something without so much as a reason. Furthermore, can I give +3 Rep to a person in a single sitting? No. Escpecially sicne this would most likely be viewed as "abuse."

You contradict yourself. A lot. You said that you think rep is just for fun countless times and that we should be able to abuse it. On the other hand, you also say that we should use it to show experience. If I give fucking StAsMan 10,000 rep points everyone will think he's the smartest guy in the world (whether he is or isn't is not what I'm going to talk about) despite him being banned. You can't let rep show who's smart and who's dumb if you're going to remove all restrictions for repping. It just makes no fucking sense. People are dumbasses and will abuse it. You give this site WAY too much credit.

This is where it really gets good. I contradict myself? Very funny. And as for my "contradictions," rep should not only be fun, but used to show experience adn someone who has helped our community on THW. And no, I dont give this site WAY too much credit; I give it the amount that it deserves. Furthermore, I never said it would show who was smart and who was dumb, just read the above and my entire thread. You're the first one to point out anything of that sort.

What the FUCK does that have to do with me wanting anime models and how the FUCK do you not understand that it's an example?

It was a FUCKING joke, smartass. How the FUCK do you not understand that it was a joke? These capitalised and overused f-words getting your attention? 'Cause they sure dont get mine. In fact, they make me want to punch you in the face for such blatant and overused cussing. (btw, so you cant go out and whine "You used FUCK, too!", let me end by saying that was a FUCKING joke, too!)
Level 15
Sep 3, 2006
That was the fucking dumbest joke I've ever seen on an internet forum then. And what's gonna happen? Am I gonna get banned for saying FUCK in capital letters? Then I don't give fuck because Brad used to do it all the FUCKING time.

And yes, you do contradict yourself.

that can show others how another memeber has helped the fine community that is THW.s
Just give out rep to those you feel deserve or whom you would like to give rep to

What a fantastic show of downgradation of something without so much as a reason. Furthermore, can I give +3 Rep to a person in a single sitting? No. Escpecially sicne this would most likely be viewed as "abuse."
Rep power is the way it is for a reason. There's no reason to give someone more than what you can rep for a resource. If you have little rep, than your rep only goes so much as to say "+1".

How long ago did your senses of humor and imagination die?
Never, I just would not imagine anyone I know doing something as fucking stupid as that.

You know what's hilarious about this line? You think the admins dont give a shit. Haha! Have you even read the site news AT ALL?
Yes, I have read it. Maybe you don't understand what I'm saying this time. It's not that they don't care, they just don't care unless you abuse it. Which is gonna happen with your system.

Care to even give a reason?
Yeah, 'cause if we use your rep system in place of ours all matters of showing experience with rep will be blown out the window.
Level 8
Oct 18, 2008
Yes, I have read it. Maybe you don't understand what I'm saying this time. It's not that they don't care, they just don't care unless you abuse it. Which is gonna happen with your system

How exactly? The only way I said it could be improved is rep for quality submissions.

Yeah, 'cause if we use your rep system in place of ours all matters of showing experience with rep will be blown out the window.

Again, how? In my system, they get rep for beign experienced and submitting quality resources.

Never, I just would not imagine anyone I know doing something as fucking stupid as that

I take it they passed on quite some time ago?

And yes, you do contradict yourself

Still not seeing any examples. The "examples" you give are simply the varied ways rep should be given to people and what it should show when a person has rep.

Rep power is the way it is for a reason. There's no reason to give someone more than what you can rep for a resource. If you have little rep, than your rep only goes so much as to say "+1".

You have your opinion, I have mine. Personally, really all this thread was meant for was to illustrate my points on why people should recieve rep for quality submissions. A thread we've incindentally turned into a battleground.

Oh, and one more thing: FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!! Just thought I'd keep up appearances in our capitalised f-word war.
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