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How do you trigger damage in a line? (GUI)

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Level 7
Oct 26, 2005
I started wondering how people can make triggered damage in a line or cone (Shockwave, Carrion Swarm, etc.). I usually make the cast from Breath of Frost, and since it gives a buff, I trigger to pick units in a great distance (like 1000) from the selected point Matching they have said buff, then the Picked units take the damage and the buff is removed.

Maybe is there a better way to do it? With Regions maybe?
Line equals to Shockwave, not Carrion Swarm, those ones imply a cone-shaped area.
For a line conversion, you can use this: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...ls-279/chapter-1-static-shapes-gui-7337/#four
and pick every unit within 128.00 of the said points (add them in a variable, apparently that tutorial doesn't clear the leaks created). Make sure you check if the picked unit already is in a unit group, if not, add it. This will prevent the unit from getting damaged twice by the same ability. You can use a local group to add the units or recycle the groups by using a global array'd variable with the:
  • Custom script: if udg_UnitGroup[udg_Increment] == null then
  • Custom script: set udg_UnitGroup[udg_Increment] = CreateGroup()
  • Custom script: endif
Maker has created an imitation of Carrion Swarm, that forms itself periodically: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/spells-569/lich-king-spellpack-v1-03-a-157830/
The ability is called "Distortion Wave".
Level 7
Oct 26, 2005
Hmm that was kind of my second thought, though I never realized to check if unit is already in group. And I know carrion swar and such are cones, but you can modify their final area so they count :p

and pick every unit within 128.00 of the said points

When you say this, I suppose 128 is the AoE I want for the Shockwave, right?

EDIT: I already read the Spell you suggested me, and I think everything's clear now. Thanks for the help.
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