library groupaddunitsnearline
//upper bound for the collision size of units
private constant real MAX_COLLISSION = 128.
//this is aproximately how much space of the rects is used by the line
//a higher value yields less unnecessary checks but also more rects
private constant real desiredefficiency = 0.6
private rect temprect = Rect(0,0,0,0)
private group tempenumgroup = CreateGroup()
private group tempgroup
private real temppx
private real temppy
private real tempdnx
private real tempdny
private real tempwidth
private real tempd
//returns the maximum of 4 reals
private function max4 takes real a, real b, real c, real d returns real
local real max = a
if b > max then
set max = b
if c > max then
set max = c
if d > max then
set max = d
return max
//returns the minimum of 4 reals
private function min4 takes real a, real b, real c, real d returns real
local real min = a
if b < min then
set min = b
if c < min then
set min = c
if d < min then
set min = d
return min
private function Add takes nothing returns boolean
//position of unit
local real x = GetUnitX(GetFilterUnit())
local real y = GetUnitY(GetFilterUnit())
//vector from the beginning of the line to the unit
local real dx = x - temppx
local real dy = y - temppy
//distance from the beginning of the line to that point on the line which is closest to the unit (uses dot-product)
local real d = dx * tempdnx + dy * tempdny
local real cx
local real cy
//cut off points outside the line
if d <= 0 then
set d = 0
elseif d >= tempd then
set d = tempd
//the closest point to the unit on the line
set cx = temppx + d * tempdnx
set cy = temppy + d * tempdny
if IsUnitInRangeXY(GetFilterUnit(), cx, cy, tempwidth) then
call GroupAddUnit(tempgroup, GetFilterUnit())
return false
function GroupAddUnitsNearLine takes group g, real px, real py, real qx, real qy, real width returns nothing
//the line width width
local real l1x
local real l1y
local real l2x
local real l2y
local real l3x
local real l3y
local real l4x
local real l4y
//d = from p to q
local real dx = qx - px
local real dy = qy - py
local real dlen = SquareRoot(dx*dx + dy*dy)
//normalized d
local real dxn = dx / dlen
local real dyn = dy / dlen
local integer divisions = 1
//bonus for correct overlapping of rects
local real bonusx = 0.
local real bonusy = 0.
//integer for loop
local integer i
//the outer rect
local real rectminx
local real rectmaxx
local real rectminy
local real rectmaxy
set width = width + MAX_COLLISSION
//calculate the number of divisions needed to approximately match desiredefficiency
if dx != 0 and dy != 0 then
set divisions = 1 + R2I(SquareRoot(desiredefficiency*desiredefficiency / (width*width/(dx*dx) + width*width/(dy*dy))))
//this calculates a bonus so that there are intersections between the different rects
//(without this we would miss some units between the rects)
if dy != 0 and divisions > 1 then
set bonusx = width / 2 * dlen / dx// ?dy
if dx != 0 and divisions > 1 then
set bonusy = width / 2 * dlen / dy // ? dx
//calculate first line segment
set l1x = - width*dyn
set l1y = width*dxn
set l2x = width*dyn
set l2y = - width*dxn
set l3x = l2x + dx/divisions + bonusx
set l3y = l2y + dy/divisions + bonusy
set l4x = l1x + dx/divisions + bonusx
set l4y = l1y + dy/divisions + bonusy
//calculate bounds of the first line segment
set rectminx = min4(l1x,l2x,l3x,l4x)
set rectmaxx = max4(l1x,l2x,l3x,l4x)
set rectminy = min4(l1y,l2y,l3y,l4y)
set rectmaxy = max4(l1y,l2y,l3y,l4y)
//set temp vars for groupenum
set tempgroup = g
set temppx = px
set temppy = py
set tempdnx = dxn
set tempdny = dyn
set tempwidth = width - MAX_COLLISSION
set tempd = dlen
set i = 0
exitwhen i >= divisions
//move rect to right position
call SetRect(temprect, px + i * dx / divisions + rectminx, py + i * dy / divisions + rectminy, px + i * dx / divisions + rectmaxx, py + i * dy / divisions + rectmaxy)
//enum units in rect
call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(tempenumgroup, temprect, Condition(function Add))
set i = i + 1