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How can i make????

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-I need to make an item with a bash that has cooldown.
-Item with critical strike that has cooldown.
-A maim effect like the sange & yasha from dota (The new non-orb effect one)
-How can i detect when the ATTACK is done (instead of the attack event that is a propense bug)
-How can i detect if a unit attacks by the back or the front?
Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
-I need to make an item with a bash that has cooldown.

Well, here you are.

NOTE: Read the tooltips of that spell carefully.

Critical Strike with cooldown also share the same concept but the problem is, Critical Strike can never have cooldown, that's the down-side.

You can have a custom cooldown for Critical Strike but the cooldown meter won't be shown on the spell I guess, perhaps over the head of units or multiboards, to keep track of cooldown counter via Integer/Real variable.


  • Bash with cooldown.w3x
    13.1 KB · Views: 85
Level 8
Sep 18, 2011
4 - You can use damage detection or just the event, because I think DotA would used something like that instead, (because there is the bug when you press S repeatedly you increase the chance)

5- Mathematically check the difference between (facing angle of attacker) and (angle between units)
False, what about the attacked facing??

Here is a trigger
5 -
  • Untitled Trigger 001
    • Events
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Set LocA = Position of attacking unit
      • Set LocT = Position of attacked unit
      • Set Target_Angle = Facing of attacked unit
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • (Abs((Target_Angle - (Angle from (LocA) to (LocT))))) Less than or equal to 10.00
        • Then - Actions
          • -------- The 10.0 is the angle difference, the less it is the more precious to detect that the unit is attacking from the back --------
        • Else - Actions
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(LocA)
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(LocT)
If you want to check if in front then change Angle from (LocA) to (LocT)
to Angle from (LocT) to (LocA)
Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
(because there is the bug when you press S repeatedly you increase the chance)
There is no such thing as "it will increase the chance".
The thing is, that the trigger will be fired even before the unit lands a physical damage on a unit, and hence the Player can spam 'S' button just to repeat the execution, but simply, it stays the same if the spell is 15% of all time, when you spam 'S', it will still be 15% of the time, regardless of how many times you spam it

It's just when you have many attempts, eventually you'll succeed matter in this case, it does not literally increase your chance/percentage but increases your attempts and its speed and eventually you will hit a success (with increasing attempts and speed of attempts).
Level 8
Sep 18, 2011
There is no such thing as "it will increase the chance".
The thing is, that the trigger will be fired even before the unit lands a physical damage on a unit, and hence the Player can spam 'S' button just to repeat the execution, but simply, it stays the same if the spell is 15% of all time, when you spam 'S', it will still be 15% of the time, regardless of how many times you spam it

It's just when you have many attempts, eventually you'll succeed matter in this case, it does not literally increase your chance/percentage but increases your attempts and its speed and eventually you will hit a success (with increasing attempts and speed of attempts).

I understand that, but my bad I meant to increase the speed of having attempts, I am just a bad explaining guy.
(you said that in the last line too so nvm)
Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
It works the same as I did in the post #3 dude.

Just create a new custom Slow spell and go to that Orb spell and change the Data - Effect Ability: Your Newly Created Slow Spell.

All cooldowns, slow rate and even mana cost will be determined from the Slow data settings, not the Orb settings in Object Editor.
It works the same as I did in the post #3 dude.

Just create a new custom Slow spell and go to that Orb spell and change the Data - Effect Ability: Your Newly Created Slow Spell.

All cooldowns, slow rate and even mana cost will be determined from the Slow data settings, not the Orb settings in Object Editor.

I know cooldowns can be affected by that, but it is not meant for cooldowns but to detect the spell cast it self so i can add other effects and trigger it.
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