How can i learn to JASS?

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Level 13
Feb 18, 2009
First, I am not sure if this is in the right Sub-Forum. Should it be in "World Editor Help Zone" instead?

Anyways, I'm looking for a JASS tutorial, but i only found 1 (
and i really didn't think it helped me. Is there some other way, or should i just read that tutorial over and over again, untill i understand JASS functions?

I am trying to learn JASS because i am making a map, and found out that using GUI, MPI and MUI, is not always as helpful as JASS (Although MUI is JASS, but in a harder way)

Level 17
Sep 8, 2007
I am trying to learn JASS because i am making a map, and found out that using GUI, MPI and MUI, is not always as helpful as JASS (Although MUI is JASS, but in a harder way)

Ok, you're obviously not much into coding. I won't be poking you for that, but lemme explain something ...
MUI and MPI on their own have nothing to do with Jass nor GUI. Jass and GUI (well, GUI just IS Jass, basically in some kind of "shell") are the scripting languages for the world editor.
MPI and MUI aren't scripting languages, they are just ... properties of spells/systems.

MPI = Multi Player Instancability (at least one unit owned by ANY player can cast a spell being MPI the same time)
MUI = Multi Unit Instancability (any unit can cast a spell being MUI at any time)

I hope you understand :p
Level 1
Mar 19, 2010
Etzer said:
Is there some other way, or should i just read that tutorial over and over again, untill i understand JASS functions?

You might need to log-in or make an account. The tutorials below are pretty much premium content, at least to me. It got me started back when I was basically clueless about JASS several years ago - let alone general high level programming.

Introduction to JASS by Vexorian

Triggers in JASS by Vexorian

Before you proceed with the tutorials, be sure you have a good feel for the GUI. Also, try and slow down when reading the tutorials.

If I recall correctly - after I finished with the first tutorial, I began to make a spawn trigger. The spawn script was similar to DotA. Periodically, it would spawned 1 necromancer and 3 fel-hounds at 3 different locations simultaneously, but one after another in a single-file - so I didn't clutter units (like Dota did). The script glitched on the second spawn wave, but worked perfectly for the first wave; so I was happy and didn't bother fixing it.

With that said, you should try script something of similar difficulty after your finished with the first tutorial.

As for the second tutorial, I guess you should try it if you have NewGen JASS installed. Working with trigger, triggeractions, and triggerconditions registering tend to crash the World Editor if you don't have any anti-crash parsers. This usually happens whenever you're compiling the script (hitting the save or test button).

The knowledge from the second tutorial isn't needed until you ready to create some basic to advance systems.
Level 8
Nov 20, 2008
Make spells in GUI, convert it to JASS to understand the structure.

This is the best way to learn the Jass syntax. Its not needed to be spells. Just do whatever you want to see in Jass in GUI then convert it and trace every function call while watching the GUI trigger. After you've done that you should start reading some advanced tutorials to improve your knowledge. You can find those tutorials in both Hives and Wc3cs tutorial archives.
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