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hey. i want to learn jass because i know GUI and to know JASS is a good benefict. if u know any good tutorial that learn me the basics of JASS i would appriciate if u did post a like gonna check out JASS classroom now
Following the JASS Courses seems the best option at moment. I've tryed one of Vexorian's tutorial but it came to a point where it was too confusing.
If you want to be able to post in the JASS Classroom, PM Daelin asking to join. However, it seems Daelin has a problem with his PC or something, so the JASS Courses are on Stand-By.
I learned the BASICS from Daelin's tutorial, then by time it developed...
Don't try to understand all things at once, do not start with timers and handles and such. Just the basics first...
Why do people find it so hard to learn jass?
When I was 13 I learned jass and could write complex spells (now 14) and some adults can not even learn it.
And NO I had no other programming knowledge at the time so I learned my programing skills from jass which is unusual.
The basics is. . .
You have functions
You have locals
You have default functions
You have boolean returning comparisons
You have returns
Try getting jass shop pro or jass craft since thoes programs are good ways to learn jass since they list ALL default functions allowing you to easily find what you are after.
Alot of learning jass is trial and error and also folowing a syntax.
A syntax is like a format that jass has to be in.
function test takes integer a, integer b returns integer
local real r
set r = a*b
set r = r+a+b
set r = r*r/a/b
return r
the first line starts a function and has a syntax of.
"function " + FUNCTION_NAME + " takes" + VALUES_TAKEN + " returns" + VALUE_TYPE_RETURNED
The function is closed by using the endfunction command
Creating a local uses the syntax
and appon creating a local it can be set like
local integer I = 1
and that will be valid
but doing. . .
set I = 1
local integer I
Is not valid since
This is only a very brief tutorial that I hope helps you begin to understand the basics so that you can move onto the more advanced tutorials.
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