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Horrifying Myrmidon

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Level 6
Jul 7, 2017
I am creating an altered melee race which is based on 'Cthulhu Mythos', in which the lore is sectioned in the back half of Azeroth. This time the naga, has far gotten worse, mutated into a second phase which will look like this:

Naga myrmidon with tentacle and does go away from its older look.

Anyone can make this one for me and us?


  • cthulhumythosmodelbase20.jpg
    142.9 KB · Views: 1,370
Level 6
Jul 7, 2017
The Artwork look's good. Look's like something directly out of a Nightmare.

About making this. Maybe i will do this, if i have time. Currently i am busy remaking a model of mine.

@Misha do you have time?
So much honor and gratitude if you make this one for the good of all of us. It seems pretty useful and horrible addition of a race that many should fear.
Level 6
Jul 7, 2017
so.. you basically want a naga myrmidon with a squid head? Ouo
its kinda what i could try making from the existing portrait.. split some stuff, remove some and see how it behaves. i really don't think one should go for that odd bone face right now

Yes, and I know you have limitless knacks on making such quality models. I do get that tentacles and faces are the hardest part in modeling. It will be my grateful pleasure and honor if you will start on this and will not undo it.
Yes, and I know you have limitless knacks on making such quality models. I do get that tentacles and faces are the hardest part in modeling. It will be my grateful pleasure and honor if you will start on this and will not undo it.

sure, i'll tinker, but i won't promise anything.. just in case it doesn't work ^^

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

I could use it as well, cool concept.
Level 6
Jul 7, 2017
ok @N'zoth , here's this.
View attachment 275989
is it crazy enough, or do you want him to also have a squid beak? :)
Oh yes please. It is looking magnificent. A lot more deformities adds good touches on your excellent work. Yes I like to see squid beak and some altered head fins, just to look it got far worse than its regular naga form.

Oh yes, it's face, much creepier now. It will be immensely great when it descends on the repositories. :)
Level 6
Jul 7, 2017
The Artwork look's good. Look's like something directly out of a Nightmare.

About making this. Maybe i will do this, if i have time. Currently i am busy remaking a model of mine.

@Misha do you have time?
If you have time, you can. Saw your works, you have a far destination on modeling. You are potent and capable on this one too.

Maybe you can do a caster version of this guy since Misha had started the melee one? Maybe some relations with the naga siren with horrible and terrorizing malformation? :)
Level 6
Jul 7, 2017
@N'zoth here's the.. uh.. a working WIP?

lemme know if it looks close enough to what you wanted.. i can't really do exactly as that picture showed it.. a custom texture would be helpful tho..

You did it very well, its face now 75% horrifying. May I suggest that you may want to add features on its torso and its face additionaly, such as tumors or extra tentacle growths on its body, just as what Cho'gall and Xavius had. It going great now, just some creepy craftmanship on its body deformation will be in addition to its perfection.

You may also want to check this file out of your curiosity and manipulate the skin especially there will be rewrap on its fins. :)


  • N'yalothan Naga.rar
    115.7 KB · Views: 48
@N'zoth Hmm.. and this is kinda why editing should be left to me :xxd: no offense
anyway, dunno why you chose only one fin, but erasing the other fins won't really help. once i get to the model itself, i should be able to create the exact fin setup like on the pictures. except on the head, we gotta have some creative liberties :)

in the meanwhile, try adding some of your design to the naga, like that bone mask, and a different eye. but this time make them follow the shapes that the naga texture already has, an don't delete stuff that is already there. (well except the golden and TC part of the weapon)

oh and one more question.. how do you want this crazy eldritch thing to fight? with a two-handed melee weapon like naga? a sword like some of my naga? or with claws?
Level 6
Jul 7, 2017
@N'zoth Hmm.. and this is kinda why editing should be left to me :xxd: no offense
anyway, dunno why you chose only one fin, but erasing the other fins won't really help. once i get to the model itself, i should be able to create the exact fin setup like on the pictures. except on the head, we gotta have some creative liberties :)

in the meanwhile, try adding some of your design to the naga, like that bone mask, and a different eye. but this time make them follow the shapes that the naga texture already has, an don't delete stuff that is already there. (well except the golden and TC part of the weapon)

oh and one more question.. how do you want this crazy eldritch thing to fight? with a two-handed melee weapon like naga? a sword like some of my naga? or with claws?

As for the green skin I included in the archive was that skin I editted and lost the original skin file. Nevermind it as ultimately the skin has lost some of its parts. let us guarantee tha you may like to decide which skin fit for that thing to look nightmarish.

For the weapon, maybe for a basic cannon fodder, you may use black trident or any black weapon of choice, black with a mix of seaweed color. As if you wish it to be a hero or a boss, maybe additional armor and may use an attachment from the repositories which is very plenty.

In addition to this, if you make that crazy thing bulkier, you may want to fight with either claws or closer fists for pounding enemies to grains of bones. :)

You have done very well so far. When it sets foot on the repositories we can talk about its name and lore which is still adhered on Warcraft 3 universe, since we are getting closer to old god battles.

well, currently i can only tinker on the portrait. there are still things to add to it, when i get the time for it

and.. really black weapon is.. just plain? it needs to have something else to it, to look more.. eldritch and such

I'm thinking of reworking the royal guard weapon a bit and make it lill' less bulky, but we'll see to that later
Level 6
Jul 7, 2017
Very nice. The weapon should not be plain as well, some runes, moss, and shades of dark can be on weapon as well. If you are still on portrait, it is still worth the wait for its future release. :)

In addition to this, the weapon might have look twisted too and not golden anymore since the creepy monster came from darkest depths of the sea almost beyond reach.
Level 6
Jul 7, 2017
@N'zoth , here's.. kinda a finished portrait? along with the rushed/funky texture

take a look if that works for ya
Alas! It was an epic creation, it looks like a monstrous creature from the abyss, gets similar to the picture.
The texture was good and it blends well, its shades and darker colors make it look an elite one or tank. Lighter texture will make it become frontline troopers. Keep it up! :)
Alas! It was an epic creation, it looks like a monstrous creature from the abyss, gets similar to the picture.
The texture was good and it blends well, its shades and darker colors make it look an elite one or tank. Lighter texture will make it become frontline troopers. Keep it up! :)
ah, so i can proceed making the unit.. good

I'll take care of it when i got some time
Level 6
Jul 7, 2017
Almost finished looking to me. Weapon and some fine finish with body growths may be a good addition to its horrification. :)

I adore its sinister squid face, the way you made it fits for a stronger naga-related unit.
@N'zoth I have no further ideas for any 'body growths', and while that could be an anomaly version, the original just seems done to me.

the only thing that miffs me is the clipping its now having with the arms and the first part of the tail, ya know, right after the torso.. not sure if that's what the original also has, but.. meh.. you might need someone to fix it by either altering the mesh, or animations.. I could try the meshes, but i feel a lill tired from this model
Level 6
Jul 7, 2017
@N'zoth I have no further ideas for any 'body growths', and while that could be an anomaly version, the original just seems done to me.

the only thing that miffs me is the clipping its now having with the arms and the first part of the tail, ya know, right after the torso.. not sure if that's what the original also has, but.. meh.. you might need someone to fix it by either altering the mesh, or animations.. I could try the meshes, but i feel a lill tired from this model
It is good enough for a realese my friend. I know polymeshes and additional extra growth details will be tiring and too epic which takes a lot of time. :)
Thanks for this, it was an epic model and, it is blazing finished and ready for a release as how it looks now.
Level 6
Jul 7, 2017
@N'zoth Cool, the main thing about the 'horryfying' aspect, is that it really depends on the texture. mine is really a so-so, it'll do, but others could do better
I asked one as for now, I asked this another good modeler named Direfury. In the hopes he might aid you with this thing.

Perhaps you may want to upload the materials and negotiate with him if he agrees and approaches in. Man, you did great on the work. If he works with you, just don't forget you may want to upload it as double author, you and him, as if he agrees, it might be cool if we see two authors on one grunt complex work, and it might come out aa a trend as if we see rare double author things. That is only if you both agree with how to release it. :)

You may drop.my suggestion of turning the eldritch with more tentacles and growths, I understand its complex matters and it not strongly needed. This one looks enough already and just needs a find finish from someone who can assist.
I will do it. Where is the clipping really visible?

@Misha I am a bit curious. Why would he not help you? What did you do?

cool, the clipping is with the arms and.. whichever thing is in the area, and the first part of the snake tail, right after the torso. the most of the clipping is while the unit slithers, the upright part of the tail just goes through the arms and other stuff
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Level 6
Jul 7, 2017
I will do it. Where is the clipping really visible?

@Misha I am a bit curious. Why would he not help you? What did you do?
a many thanks to Master Mister Haudrauf. Good to know he ia our ally with the model fix. :)

Say is it a Problem if the arm fins are clipping. For me it isn't that noticeable and isn't that visible considering that you have the bird perspective in the game.

Crazy Myrmidon (Fixed obvious clipping)

Additional notes are in the Pastebin.
I will check this one out too. It's been a long while this thing must be unleashed upon soon :D
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You did nothing wrong. However, that may aswell be slander on misha's part, after his manipulative actions in the past. Bordering on blackmail, and going beyond abuse of authority.

I won't have him dragging my name through the mud simply because he won't own up to his actions. If you want to know what happened, that can be discussed privately. With me.
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