Holy shit (gui)


Forum: http://septimus.invisionplus.net
Coding: GUI
Current Version: 1.01

Ability Description

Unleashes a certain number of shits, each moving at different angles, traversing a total distance of 500 units and damaging everything within their paths. Each shit unleashes a foul smell which heals nearby friendly non-mechanical units once they stop moving.

Level 1 - Lures 5 nearest enemies to attack the caster. Each Shit deals 100 damage within the path and heals allies within 200 range for 1 hit point every second. Lasts 5 seconds.
Level 2 - Lures 10 nearest enemies to attack the caster. Each Shit deals 200 damage within the path and heals allies within 250 range for 2 hit points every second. Lasts 10 seconds.
Level 3 - Lures 15 nearest enemy to attack the caster. Each Shit deals 300 damage within the path and heals allies within 300 range for 3 hit points every second. Lasts 15 seconds.

Version 1.01 Update

Fix documentation.

Dan van Ohllus - Creator of icon and model of shit.
Rmx - Optimize the trigger and make it fully MUI.


  • Holy Shit On
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Holy Shit
    • Actions
      • Set HS_Hero_Decoy = (Casting unit)
      • Set HS_Point[0] = (Position of HS_Hero_Decoy)
      • Set LEVEL = (Level of Holy Shit for HS_Hero_Decoy)
      • -------- The number of Poop or Shit --------
      • Set HS_Shits = 5
      • Set HS_Formula = (360.00 / (Real(HS_Shits)))
      • For each (Integer HS1) from 1 to HS_Shits, do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • HS_Skip Equal to 0
            • Then - Actions
              • Trigger - Turn on Holy Shit Loop <gen>
            • Else - Actions
          • Set HS_Times = (HS_Times + 1)
          • Set HS_Skip = (HS_Skip + 1)
          • Set HS_Off[HS_Times] = True
          • Set HS_Caster[HS_Times] = HS_Hero_Decoy
          • -------- Distance and Speed ... --------
          • Set HS_Distance_Max[HS_Times] = 500.00
          • Set HS_Speed[HS_Times] = 22.00
          • Set HS_XS_Formula[HS_Times] = (HS_Distance_Max[HS_Times] / HS_Speed[HS_Times])
          • Set HS_Regeneration_Duration[HS_Times] = ((Real(LEVEL)) x 5.00)
          • Set HS_Regeneration_Level_Ability[HS_Times] = LEVEL
          • Set HS_Spam[HS_Times] = 0
          • Set HS_Angle[HS_Times] = (HS_Formula x (Real(HS1)))
          • Unit - Create 1 Holy Shit for (Owner of HS_Hero_Decoy) at HS_Point[0] facing HS_Angle[HS_Times] degrees
          • Unit - Turn collision for HS_Dummy[HS_Times] Off
          • Set HS_Dummy[HS_Times] = (Last created unit)
          • Set HS_Point[3] = (HS_Point[0] offset by 400.00 towards HS_Angle[HS_Times] degrees)
          • Unit - Create 1 Dummy Caster for (Owner of HS_Hero_Decoy) at HS_Point[0] facing HS_Point[3]
          • Unit - Add Dummy Wave to (Last created unit)
          • Unit - Add a 0.10 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
          • Unit - Set level of Dummy Wave for (Last created unit) to LEVEL
          • Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Orc Tauren Chieftain - Shockwave HS_Point[3]
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_HS_Point[3])
      • Set LEVEL = 0
      • Set HS_Formula = 0.00
      • Set HS_Shits = 0
      • Set HS_Hero_Decoy = No unit
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_HS_Point[0])
  • Holy Shit Loop
    • Events
      • Time - Every 0.03 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • For each (Integer HS2) from 1 to HS_Times, do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • HS_Off[HS2] Equal to True
            • Then - Actions
              • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                • If - Conditions
                  • HS_Distance_Max[HS2] Less than or equal to 0.00
                • Then - Actions
                  • Set HS_Skip = (HS_Skip - 1)
                  • Set HS_Off[HS2] = False
                  • Unit - Add a HS_Regeneration_Duration[HS2] second Generic expiration timer to HS_Dummy[HS2]
                  • Unit - Add Unit Regeneration Aura to HS_Dummy[HS2]
                  • Unit - Set level of Unit Regeneration Aura for HS_Dummy[HS2] to HS_Regeneration_Level_Ability[HS2]
                  • Set HS_Dummy[HS2] = No unit
                  • Set HS_Caster[HS2] = No unit
                  • Set HS_Distance_Max[HS2] = 0.00
                  • Set HS_Regeneration_Duration[HS2] = 0.00
                  • Set HS_Regeneration_Level_Ability[HS2] = 0
                  • Set HS_Speed[HS2] = 0.00
                  • Set HS_XS_Formula[HS2] = 0.00
                  • Set HS_Spam[HS2] = 0
                  • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    • If - Conditions
                      • HS_Skip Equal to 0
                    • Then - Actions
                      • Set HS_Times = 0
                      • Trigger - Turn off Holy Shit Loop <gen>
                    • Else - Actions
                • Else - Actions
                  • Set HS_Distance_Max[HS2] = (HS_Distance_Max[HS2] - HS_Speed[HS2])
                  • Set HS_Point[1] = (Position of HS_Dummy[HS2])
                  • Set HS_Speed[HS2] = (HS_Distance_Max[HS2] / HS_XS_Formula[HS2])
                  • Set HS_Speed[HS2] = (HS_Speed[HS2] + 4.50)
                  • Set HS_Point[2] = (HS_Point[1] offset by HS_Speed[HS2] towards HS_Angle[HS2] degrees)
                  • Unit - Move HS_Dummy[HS2] instantly to HS_Point[2]
                  • Set HS_Spam[HS2] = (HS_Spam[HS2] + 1)
                  • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    • If - Conditions
                      • HS_Spam[HS2] Equal to 6
                    • Then - Actions
                      • Set HS_Spam[HS2] = 0
                      • Special Effect - Create a special effect at HS_Point[1] using Abilities\Spells\Human\Slow\SlowCaster.mdl
                      • Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
                    • Else - Actions
                  • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_HS_Point[1])
                  • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_HS_Point[2])
            • Else - Actions
Smelly, Shit, Bullshit, Holy Shit, Epic, Awesome, Delicious, Tasty

Holy Shit (Map)

18:56, 12th May 2009 Dr Super Good: Recommended Pretty good spell, although the spell idea is a bit.... wierd. Seemed to work flawlessly and is fully MUI. It also is highly efficent (for something GUI) and does not leak. However, the...
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18:56, 12th May 2009
Dr Super Good:


Rating Comment

Pretty good spell, although the spell idea is a bit.... wierd. Seemed to work flawlessly and is fully MUI. It also is highly efficent (for something GUI) and does not leak. However, the spell idea is not too complex nor does it have that many uses. It is still a good spell though.

Suggestions . . .
- Improve test map.
- Add more efficent JASS or vJASS versions.
Advice: If you do not understand why this spell was given the rating it received or if you would like to ask questions about how to improve this spell. Feel free to send a private message to spell moderator Dr Super Good.
Level 4
Feb 8, 2009
a tip in grammar
Unleash shits from different angles wich travels 500 distance and damages everything within their paths. The shits willl unleash foul smells that heal nearby friendly none-mechanical units once they stop moving
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Seems like yours have typo errors.

Unleash shits from different angles wich travels 500 distance and damages everything within their paths. The shits willl unleash foul smells that heal nearby friendly none-mechanical units once they stop moving

I suggest you to fix yours before you help me fix mine or else it would be a case of a blind person trying to lead another blind people.
Level 17
Mar 17, 2009
Haha you still have typos people!! :p

Unleashes shits which move towards different angles traveling 500 distance and damaging everything within their paths. The shits unleash a foul smell which heals nearby friendly non-mechanical units once they stop moving. (Do you mean when the shits stop moving?)

Septimus is pretty good at triggering so I won't be reviewing that...


#1 Septimus this is the second spell in a row you've done "just for amusement." Can't you do something more serious and useful?

#2 Why do you recopy the triggers in order to place documentation? Do that in the enabled triggers.

dimitri231 said:
Hmmm, bad language here, use poo, not shit.
Using poo won't solve the problem! & actually, shit would be preferred since it can be used in plurarl (shit -> shits).
However, poo cannot be used in the plural sense...
Level 16
Oct 12, 2008
I can also do some English Grammar! =D
Oh wait, this isnt a grammar forum? It looked like one,,

Back on topic,,
nice Spell ;),, not such a new concept, apart from the name of course, but nicely done! ;)
Level 31
May 3, 2008
#1 Septimus this is the second spell in a row you've done "just for amusement." Can't you do something more serious and useful?

We want something unique once in awhile instead of following the same concept all the time, don't we? Just look at how many spells that based on element.

#2 Why do you recopy the triggers in order to place documentation? Do that in the enabled triggers.

To enable people to copy and paste a clean trigger without the need of those documentation that makes it look ugly and probably increase the file size by 1kb.

Septimus, you shity bastard, first you made us FAIL, and now you heal us with shit!

Shit are tasty!

Seriously, you have opened the gate that you won't be able to close: soon whole Hive will be swarmed by OMG, WTF, Holy cow, Oh you motherfucker! and Go to hell! spells...

If their spells break rules, it won't be accepted either.

Septimus did u forget something :) ....... Who helped u with the trigering ext, ext, ...

Read and check the documentation properly, I never add useless trigger files into spells map.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Oh and isnt posting rediculous and useless spells as bad as double posting rediculous and useless spells? You're still using bandwidth. And you're also making the spell page look UGLY.
If you don't have anything nice to make, don't make anything at all. Didn't your mother teach you that? Good Golly

Spells are only useless if the coding is horrible. I won't create a spells that lack of originality where it always follow the theme of fire, lightning, ice and etc etc. We want something that are original once in awhile.

If you insists this spells is ugly and useless, why don't you ask the moderator to review it? Don't be suprise if it get approve with high rating.

QFT = No matter how ugly the spells look, if the coding is excellent it would always useful compare to spells with awesome effect but terrible coding.
Level 25
Jun 5, 2008
I was wrong :p
The current state of the spell makes that bug impossible so don't blame Septimus it was my mistake...
Okay now this is a highly modifiable spell and that is what makes it one of the best spells there is.
I attached the screenshot which shows how this spells converts to a nova type holy spell with only 2 modifications :p


  • proof.JPG
    31.1 KB · Views: 99
Level 31
May 3, 2008
I was wrong :p
The current state of the spell makes that bug impossible so don't blame Septimus it was my mistake...
Okay now this is a highly modifiable spell and that is what makes it one of the best spells there is.
I attached the screenshot which shows how this spells converts to a nova type holy spell with only 2 modifications :p

Thanks for clear up the misunderstood and show a fine sample of how to make this spell varied.

Oh so you fixed the bug that could make the game crash then?

There is no existence of such a bug. Even kingz explain it at his post above.

If you don't have anything nice to make, don't make anything at all. Didn't your mother teach you that? Good Golly

Kingz post above me already prove my qft to be truth.

QFT = No matter how ugly the spells look, if the coding is excellent it would always useful compare to spells with awesome effect but terrible coding.

Let me tell you one thing.

Before I release my spells to this site, I make countless of test and have at least 1-2 experience spells maker to view it before the release. That is why it was almost impossible to have a leak/bug occur on it.

2 of my spells have been approve with 5/5 (Highly Recommended) and 1 of it was my first spells. That is a strong point to prove my coding is fine and my submission follow everything.

Also, this spells was develop by me and rmx together. Rmx are an excellent spells maker, so he know exactly what could bug it and what could not just like I do.

Of course, I make the basic layout of the spells and he add the indexing system to make it fully MUI. If you still insist it was bugged while there is no bug at all, you are hurling a ultimate insult to rmx apart from me.



Level 19
Aug 27, 2007
If the units in the Game does not have any collision and got out of the map bounds ...

IT will NOT BUG...... i have many many times done this and it's very simple........

OFC i could add a bounce from wall or map bound type system but it will to or very lame...

Anyway septimus i could make it bouncing shit for u if u like to :)... and it splits into small shits :).....

To conclude my reply... the spell does not bug nor does it have leaks ... and it can be made more effcient simply change how many effects in HS_Spam[HS] it's currently = 6 but if u make like = 10 u will see it will get more and more efficient but the effects will become lame ......
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Septimus, your ego just got over the roof,

I am telling him a qft especially when he is accusing the spells is bugged based on 1 person opinion rather than the public itself or his own opinion.

If he post a review that are valid, accurate and precise just like Rui, bounty hunter2, approject, kingz, dark-dragon and etc etc does. I would accept it; which he fail to do so.

There is something called as constructive comment, but also there is something called as destructive and invalid.

Do you still remember you have ask the staff to remove rating 1 from your model that are given without valid reason? The same applies here, but more to explain to him why his review are invalid.

If you still insists you are right, tell me which part of his review is valid.

if you really think your coding is great, submit the spell to wc3c.

I am saying my coding is fine, I never said it was great. There is a difference between great and fine, learn to distinguish the difference of it.

Look at my post again, is there any word claim that my coding is great?

Also wc3c doesn't accept GUI coded spells or spells with ordinary concept. Even if I code it in jass with clean coding, it would not be accepted due to the concept.

I have seen countless of resources rejected at wc3c not because of the code, but rather the concept itself.

And it's almost impossible to make a spell without a single bug, it's just the matter of time when you'll see it.

If there is a discovery of it, yes. If there is not, then it was consider clean at this moment.
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