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Hive's New Hosted Project

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Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
1. First of All
2. Instruction
3. Meaning
4. Details Of The Campaign
5. About Me and Others
6. Last Words

1. Do NOT say I have to post this to "Admin contact". I posted it there already.

2. This is very, very important to me. Please try to understand me. It's been a year since I started to create The Chosen Ones. It's been half a year since I made an application so that The Chosen Ones could become a Hive Hosted Project. I have only received one comment and that makes me angry and also sad.

3. The meaning of this thread is to put more pressure on the moderators and other leading personnel in here. I want you, moderators, or leading personnel, to understand me, and let the campaign be Hive Hosted Project. I have put my heart into this project, working on it almost everyday for almost a year. This is the most active project currently in The
Hive. At the moment, I have 761 comments in the maps section, which is the record here at The Hive.

4. So, this text would be nothing without the details and proof of what I have and what this project is. This is a RPG campaign with 11 chapters, 2 interludes, prologue and epilogue. The campaign includes epic story, almost 500 items and over 200 cinematic currently, more will come. Also currently there are about 30 hero spell and I'm planning to create about 100 - 200. To finish the campaign takes about 10 to 30 hours.

So, all in all, this is a huge project, perhaps the biggest project of all time in WC3. Many have praised this campaign.


5. I'm not a selfish guy who does everything for himself; I'm here for you guys. I'm here to create for you a memorable campaign that will be one of the best projects ever in WC3 history. So, why don't you give me a chance? Why don't you give us a chance?

Give the chance to share this campaign to everyone. The campaign will have a lot more attention if it's a hosted project. Iʼll do anything to see this campaign a Hosted Project.
Some information about why this campaign should be hosted:
  • First of all, people from the Hive asked me to do this.
  • Secondly, it gives me a lot of motivation to finish the project.
  • I'm also afraid that I cannot finish my campaign without the help from the Hive Workshop. I think this is the best way to get some help and also attention from people
  • I actually need a team to test my campaign. This is the best way. The Hive is the most active wc3 site currently in map making. Here I can find new faces fast.
  • Also, THW is known for having the best maps and campaigns and I want my map to belong to that category as well.
  • Finally, I need some more space. It's getting very, very cramped because having more than 700 comments in campaign section is too much. I need some other threads to talk about the campaign. Here are some threads I will create if this becomes a hosted project:

  • Bug forum - Here you report bugs.
  • Versions - Here I tell what I have changed.
  • Idea forum - Here you can give me ideas to improve the campaign.
  • Spell Arena - Here you can see all the spells currently in the campaign. You can argue here freely which spells are best and I will try to make them as balanced as I can. Also, here you can ask if you want to make a spell for the campaign.
  • Balance - Is the campaign balanced? Here you talk about balancing stuff.
  • Music! - Here is the list of the current music of the campaign. Here you can give me more or better music. What music should be changed, etc, etc.
  • Just something! - Anything about the campaign.
  • Aeroblyctos' other maps - Discussion about my other maps.
  • Credits - Here I will list everyone who has helped me with the campaign, come any time to tell me if I have accidentally forgotten your name (everyone's name will be there, testers also!)
  • Also, you are free to create your own threads. This is very important too.

With all this and even more, I think the campaign should be Hive's hosted project.

6. Please, support me; let's do this for us, for The Hive, for the project. Make a comment, write something nice about the campaign if you like it and tell us why it should be a hosted project.
Level 9
May 2, 2007
You have my full support :)
I don't know anyone who has put that amount of time you said you've worked on this into a project
Level 17
May 6, 2008
I am pretty sure this belongs to Admin Contact. Yes I did say that. Because it's true. Why post multiple threads?
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Grim_labour said:
You have my full support :)
I don't know anyone who has put that amount of time you said you've worked on this into a project
Thank you for your support.

Huurka said:
I am pretty sure this belongs to Admin Contact. Yes I did say that. Because it's true.
Yes, it belongs. But it's not working anymore. Can you please read the thread again.

Huurka said:
Why post multiple threads?
What do you mean by this?
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
~Void~ said:
Hopefully this will be as good as your other maps
Yeah, I'm trying to put all my old maps to this huge project.

Ash said:
I think you know, just as well as I do, that admins have a knack of letting things lie for quite a while before actions are taken, Huurka. He does right, really. It should be public consensus as to what happens on the hive, as we're the userbase of it and without us it wouldn't exist.

That said, I support his bid for hosted project fully. He deserves it.
It's always nice to hear such a nice words. I really hope this can be done. Thank you very much, Ash. You have my respect.

CMarket said:
Yeah, Aero has put more time in his project then anybody I know and I support him fully.
Thank you, CMarket.
Level 1
Aug 29, 2008
I support this guy. The campaign has potential and Aero is working really hard, it will be a shame in my opinion not to host this project.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Rakhasta said:
I support this guy. The campaign has potential and Aero is working really hard, it will be a shame in my opinion not to host this project.
Yea thanks!

donut3.5 said:
You can always donate, and get your project as one of the "Featured" maps on the Hive.
I haven't actually played the map, but I've seen a lot of dedication poured into it, which is a good sign.
Well, that's no problem also. I didn't know that can be done with that way also. But because I made this thread already, let's try this way first.
Level 3
Oct 14, 2007
I knew this will happen since the first time I played this campaign. Such an incredible campaign with many great features and of course you have my support
Level 8
Aug 12, 2008
A map this powerful, deserves some respect. Aeroblycots, you are a strong person, standing up to the admins like this. Not many have the skill and time as you do. Don't give up, you are very creative. Anyone can see this.

With your strength, you deserve support. I will take your side.
Level 12
Feb 23, 2007
What you do is PM moderators, not create a LOOK AT ME thread until you have done that. Then if they still ignore you, you have the right to protest till your hearts content.

If you have already done that and you didn't state it, then I fully support this thread. If you haven't even sent a simple PM, then I don't support this.

Never played your campaign before but GL with it.

Just one question, is it actually fast paced or just like 99% of RPGs... SLOW AS HELL FREEZING OVER!
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Warning: TL;DRish post coming up, and rather harsh.

Warning 2: I have copy and pasted things from his thread in Admin Contact here. Why did I copy and paste things from Admin Contact here? Well, he made the topic public. If the topic is going to be public, I'll have it be public, not half public.

Okay, where shall I begin?

I think we should all be able to agree on the fact that when concerning map hosting and such, the conduct of the map's author (In this case Aeroblyctos) is equally if not more important than the project itself.

Let us begin (each group of related points is separated via a horizontal rule).

This Thread's Title said:
Hive's New Hosted Project
Since when is this Hive's new Hosted Project? Last time I checked, the reason you came here was to ask for said status, not to say that you have it (which you don't).

Admin Contact thread said:
Why did you set it to "Approved"? I mean it is quite obvious that you either put no prefix or "pending".
This strikes me as exactly the same thing as the above. If you're trying to get your project hosted, shoving it in peoples' faces is not the way to do it.

Admin Contact thread said:
My campaign is now about 70% finished. It will be 1 to 2 months when it's finished. I have currently made chapter 1, 2, 3 , 4, 5, 6 , interlude 1, interlude 2 and prologue. Other chapters are almost finished. I just need to do something testings alone before I release them.
Whether or not it has moved beyond 70% now, this clearly shows a disregard for the Hosted Project Rules, which I should hope would be read by someone applying for hosted project status, especially one publicly asking for support with.

I quote the Hosted Project rules.

Hosted Project Rules said:
3. The project must already be at least 75% complete to be considered for hosted project status.

On another note, this next point is not directly concerned with the rules, but more with general etiquette. I think it's pretty much generally accepted that when a site hosts a project, the site is hosting the project. Hence, if you have a hosted project on one site, why should it be supported on others as well? It defeats most of the purpose, after all.

Now, with that being said, let us examine a quote from Admin Contact which is rather strongly related to it.

Admin Contact thread said:
- Hosted project forum at Clan X2O (Some old suggestions and other infromation).

We'll be returning to this quote in the future, because it's certainly a fun one.

Before we leave the rules and etiquette theme that this post has taken so far, I'd like to point out one more thing.

Hosted Project Rules said:
  • use their hosted project forum only for content related to the project itself.
This brings us back to your thread. This one's from the Plan for your self-proclaimed hosted project.

This thread said:
  • Aeroblyctos' other maps - Discussion about my other maps.
Sounds to me like you're requesting Aeroblyctos' Productions: The Subforum, which is blatantly against the rules and manipulative, without bluntly appearing as so.

Now that we leave the rules, we move into even more unpleasant grounds.

So, why exactly do you want this project hosted? This section (the rest of the post) consists of random quotes from your threads, and my responses to them.

Admin Contact Thread said:
So why I do want this? Because it would be nice boost for my campaign and testers asked me to do this. I need some more attention to my campaign which gives me more motivation to continue my campaign.
So you need more motivation for your campaign. Most of us need more motivation for our maps. Heck, I find I get bored halfway through making a map. Does that mean I should have my own personal fan club forum in Hosted Projects, along with 95% of the active users on The Hive? By no means.

Admin Contact Thread said:
5) I actually need a team to test my campaign. This is the best way. Hive is the most active wc3 site currently in map making. Here I can find fast new faces.
Why not recruit in Map Development or in your self-noted popular campaign thread? Alternatively, you could always recruit at your clan forum.

Admin Contact Thread said:
6) Also, THW is known for having the best maps and campaigns and I want my map to belong to that aswell.
It's nice to see that you're not afraid to tell the truth when no one you're attempting to manipulate can read it by default. Sorry to spoil your fun. This goes more than a bit against your post in this thread, doesn't it? The quote in question is provided below:

This Thread said:
5. I'm not a selfish guy who does everything for himself; I'm here for you guys.
Well. A little bit of contradiction here when combined with the previous quote? More than a little? Judge it yourself.

This Thread said:
I'm not sure what you are asking but I can ensure that the quality of my campaign is same as other Hive Hosted projects or ever better. However, as you see I'm not done with it so it will become better and better, day by day.

Also I can ensure where many other hive hosted have failed is activity. I'm not a guy who makes map couple of months and then leave. I'm the guy who:
1) Makes projects from beginning to end.
2) Ready to listen people opinions.
3) Ready to listen criticsm.
4) And I'm the one who you can trust.
Well, how do I have prove this for you? Let's take example my "career" in wc3. I started when it came out, I played from ROC 1.0 to this day and I'm not still leaving. I have still so much to do. Other good example is that when I start to make a map, I will finish it. That is the reason why I have almost twenty map currently.
Great, you have 20 maps.

However, do you mention quality in any of those 20 maps? Do you mention the fact that your misconduct regarding one of those maps caused one of the larger fights in the Moderation team, due to the fact that you cheated the system in more than a few ways, and blatantly lied about it (I'm not going to go into detail here, but if people want quotes, I'd be only too happy to provide them).

No. These threads seem to skirt every critical point at which you weren't an angel, and yet can't use the fact that you've grown since then to invalidate it, since you use positive points from those times.

Well I hate to tell you, but I have a long memory for people who waste several days of my and others' lives trying to get to stop screwing with the moderators, when we could've instead been focusing our time on other areas which desperately needed attention.

Yup. Sounds like someone we can pour all our trust in to.

Admin Contact Thread said:
EDIT2: How long do I need to wait? This starts to be annoying. If this will be rejected I have to create own website for the campaign. I really hope soon something is going to happen.
If you could've just made a better fitting website for your campaign, why not do so?

Admin Contact Thread said:
Any progres with this thing? I have been waiting for over 5 months now. Oh come on, is this always so slow?
Well, first, let us talk about math.

Math is a fun thing. You can do many interesting things with it.

One of them is subtract. An interesting use of subtraction on a forum is to calculate the time between two dates.

This (the quoted) post was posted on 08-04-2008, 02:17 PM. The original post in the thread was posted on 05-18-2008, 09:55 AM.

You're not off by a few minutes, a few hours, a few days. You're off by months. An error this big only suggests that you're trying to pull bullshit to gain sympathy. Why? You do it again and again in this thread. The answer can only be obvious.

This Thread said:
It's been half a year since I made an application so that The Chosen Ones could become a Hive Hosted Project.
Hmm? Half a year? Not even close.

While I agree that the hosted projects section could be sped more than a bit, lying doesn't help your cause, especially when someone decides to bring it into the open.

However, the gear of this thread disgusts me. If you want to complain about the speed of hosted project reviewing, do so. Especially do so to your chieftain, seeing as he is the one in charge of it.

Seeing as you obviously didn't bother to try and get anyone's attention other than posting in a thread in which they weren't responding to anyways, it just strikes me as a ploy for this thread, which I have no doubts was planned for a while (The post date being on the turn of the month suggests an easy correlation with a half-year mark).

This Thread said:
2. This is very, very important to me.
Hmm? This also seems to go against the “I'm not doing this for me” post above.

This Thread said:
3. The meaning of this thread is to put more pressure on the moderators and other leading personnel in here. I want you, moderators, or leading personnel, to understand me, and let the campaign be Hive Hosted Project. I have put my heart into this project, working on it almost everyday for almost a year. This is the most active project currently in The
Hive. At the moment, I have 761 comments in the maps section, which is the record here at The Hive.
While you have part of a point with the second part of this quote, your approach, as outlined in the rest of my extensive analysis, is rather abominable, to say the least.

As for the first part, however. Did you think before posting this? Without making an even semi competent effort to get anyone's attention who could have reviewed it? Seeing as Heero is one of your better friends, evidently not. Doing such a thing to attempt to get free hosted project status is only likely to infuriate moderators, especially those who have had problems with you in the past (Such as me).

This Thread said:
So, all in all, this is a huge project, perhaps the biggest project of all time in WC3. Many have praised this campaign.
It's a big project, I'll give you that. However, the biggest project ever? I doubt you're in the top five, and this sort of arrogance either manages to catch someone's interest, or completely alienate them. However, this point is less important since it's more opinion-based than the others.

This Thread said:
I'm here for you guys. I'm here to create for you a memorable campaign that will be one of the best projects ever in WC3 history. So, why don't you give me a chance? Why don't you give us a chance?
I don't know about everyone else, but I read that post as first attempting to bait the reader, then bragging about how great you are/your campaign is.

This Thread said:
The campaign will have a lot more attention if it's a hosted project.
So? Any map would.

This Thread said:
First of all, people from the Hive asked me to do this.
If this is true, it's the first completely reasonable point I've read so far.

This Thread said:
Secondly, it gives me a lot of motivation to finish the project.

This Thread said:
I'm also afraid that I cannot finish my campaign without the help from the Hive Workshop. I think this is the best way to get some help and also attention from people
See above.

Why does your personal motivation make this map any more worthy to be a hosted project? As I said a page or two above, almost everyone has problems with motivation, but not everyone should have their own forum sections.

This Thread said:
I actually need a team to test my campaign. This is the best way. The Hive is the most active wc3 site currently in map making. Here I can find new faces fast.
Why can't you get testers in a Map Development thread, or in your self-stated massive map comments? You wouldn't get as many, but you don't need hundreds of testers.

This Thread said:
Finally, I need some more space. It's getting very, very cramped because having more than 700 comments in campaign section is too much. I need some other threads to talk about the campaign. Here are some threads I will create if this becomes a hosted project:
And your entire Hosted Project section at x2o doesn't provide that? If people love your campaign so much, it isn't asking them too much to take 10 seconds to register at another forum. I think we both know that this is pretty much bullshit, fueled by the fact that you didn't bother to point out you already have a hosted project forum somewhere else.

Now, last but probably most important, a fun fact that I discovered when reading the other posts in this thread!

This Thread said:
I support this guy. The campaign has potential and Aero is working really hard, it will be a shame in my opinion not to host this project.

Nice comment.

On a side note, it reminds me of Aero's writing, but that couldn't be a coincidence.

Wait... Post Count... 1? Join Date... August 2008?

Yep, thought so. Join Date: 08-29-2008. That would be the same day as his post in the thread.

Hmm. Last Activity: Yesterday 11:03 PM.

I remember that number somewhere.

Oh, right! It was the post time of that nice post in this thread!

So, I did an IP search, and there are naturally no matches. However, if you're not stupid, you know what a proxy is. It's not exactly hard to get around IP checks.

So this random guy just happened along Off-Topic when unregistered, and happened to decide all of a sudden that his lurking days were over, and join this great community which he participated in for so long?

Once doing so, this great user happens to love this idea he reads when he skims the thread. Having responded, he promptly does no more, logs off, and is not seen again. Even though it's only been a day, the timing still is more than a little bizarre.

Tell me, what do you think the odds are of that situation I just described occurring? I'd say more or less 1%. On the other hand, what are the odds of Mr. Aerobylctos deciding to either create another account or get a friend to register solely to support his claims? Not exactly 1%, especially judging some of the other convenient overlooks in this thread.

So let's say it wasn't you. Let's say you asked a friend to come over and support you. Does that make it much more ethical? Not really. This person is not at all a part of the community, and really doesn't show much indication of being interested in it. If they're a friend of yours, or you, yourself, they know very well you have a hosted project section at their forum, so they're participating in said lie.

Anyways, looks like I'm about done with my rant. Awaiting responses.

On a side note, this has no place in off-topic.

If anything, it should be in Site Discussion. It's a little less out of place there.

~Thread Moved
Level 27
Feb 22, 2006
After reviewing Poot's extensive post, and rereading your post more carefully, I've seen some evidence I do not like.
Points I find most important:
-Your repeated ignorance of the rules. Not a good sign. Not here, and not in the past.
-You have a bloody website to host this on. Why do you need another? You even threatened to make another website for it. Do so, save use the trouble.
-You have 700 posts in your map, and don't want them there. Make a map development thread, problem solved.
-Making a map doesn't make you the second coming of Christ. Telling us that making it hosted would make you unlazy. Tell us WHY you becoming unlazy and finishing the thing is our problem.
-Biggest map? No. Sorry. It may be big, but it is very far from the biggest. Nature's Call, Acathla, RtC, etc. are much bigger than this project you have going on here. And those are just the ones I listed without doing research.
-Often times you mention: "This would be important to me", "this would make me finish my map", "this would blah blah for me". Why isn't this YOUR problem then, for you to fix on your own? Not everyone who has a slight case of the lazies (and I suppose, the whineys) is going to get a private forum. Hell, I should get an entire domain if that's the case.
..It isn't.
-Perhaps instead of telling us it is a good map, tell us why it is a good map. Sell us the map. I, as I said before, haven't played through the map, and don't want to spend the 10-20 hours you said it would take unless I know there is some reason for me to play.
--What does it have that's new and fresh?
--What does it have that makes it quality?
--Why should it be hosted?
-On the last of those points, don't say "Because people want it to be." Quality > Quantity. If you get a horde of people to back you up, but the map is still shit, that doesn't change the fact the map is still shit.
Best example can be summed up in four letters: DotA.
Poor quality map, huge fanbase.
Note: I never said your map is shitty. I just said, prove your map isn't; we wont take the time to prove it for you that is worth approval.
-Your (excuse the term) bullshitting of the mods and users. Poot pointed out several times where you deceived the crowd, and made an attempt to pull the ol' amplification. I wont go through every example to show you, read poot's post.

Poot and I had a long discussion about this over a nice cup of MSN (or he ranted at me for a good half hour), and he pointed out several good points against this map. While I was initially neutral, my favor has shifted against the approval of this for being a hosted project.
Level 12
Feb 23, 2007
PurplePoot strikes again! Completely agree with you Poot.

Donut3.5 - While DotA definitely isn't the best quality. It is very fun, and the most balanced AoS I've seen yet. What I'm trying to say is, balance should also be accounted for in Quality because I think that's more important than having super flashy spells.
Level 27
Feb 22, 2006
Dreadnought[dA];800059 said:
Donut3.5 - While DotA definitely isn't the best quality. It is very fun, and the most balanced AoS I've seen yet. What I'm trying to say is, balance should also be accounted for in Quality because I think that's more important than having super flashy spells.
Well, my main point there is while DotA isn't a terrible map at all, in fact I play and enjoy it, it definitely does not deserve the glory it currently has, especially when there are many better maps.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
3. The project must already be at least 75% complete to be considered for hosted project status.

I'm confused here, i'm pretty sure i've seen alot of projects hosted here not even 50% complete. They havent even been released not even a fucking beta.

I find it stupid that this rule is applying to this project, but not the other bunch that totally failed and never even kicked off.



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
After reading the quotes from admin contact, I'm no longer supporting the move for hosted project. Whilst I agree that the admins not answering your post is both rude and wrong, I also agree that the way you've wrote things -- combined with past experiences, I remember the mod fight about one of your maps -- is also both rude and wrong, as well as being highly insultive to the Hives staff.

Just to reilliterate, I'm not going to write a long post, poots already done that, I no longer support this map and/or any other maps proposed to get hosted project status by Aeroblyctos inside this thread. Any other maps are open to negotiation.

/legal srs business mode turn off.
Level 4
May 3, 2005
I've played this campaign a few times and I consider it a very good one, although it's development is far from over. Some of the things that caught my attention in this campaign are the storyline, the riddles at the end of each chapter, the digging, the spell damage system that depends on hero stats and items, the "-give up" command and other stuff. I've read the previous posts and I can see PurplePoot's and donut3.5's opinions. But I hope that playing the campaign, which is, in my personal opinion, the part that counts the most in a decision to host it or not, will change those opinions.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
max_dan said:
I knew this will happen since the first time I played this campaign. Such an incredible campaign with many great features and of course you have my support
Yeah, thanks for your support too. You are one of the best alpha testers.

Sarge said:
A map this powerful, deserves some respect. Aeroblycots, you are a strong person, standing up to the admins like this. Not many have the skill and time as you do. Don't give up, you are very creative. Anyone can see this.

With your strength, you deserve support. I will take your side.
Heheh, thanks!

Dreadnought[dA said:
]What you do is PM moderators, not create a LOOK AT ME thread until you have done that. Then if they still ignore you, you have the right to protest till your hearts content.

If you have already done that and you didn't state it, then I fully support this thread. If you haven't even sent a simple PM, then I don't support this.

Never played your campaign before but GL with it.

Just one question, is it actually fast paced or just like 99% of RPGs... SLOW AS HELL FREEZING OVER!
Well, when Wolverabid was still here, he gave me support and we were talking about if this would be hosted project. However, when he left everything just frozen.

Byaku said:
I will support you!!!
Yeh, thanlks.

PurplePoot said:
Warning 2: I have copy and pasted things from his thread in Admin Contact here. Why did I copy and paste things from Admin Contact here? Well, he made the topic public. If the topic is going to be public, I'll have it be public, not half public.
Okay, but you have to remember that I made that topic HALF YEAR AGO.

PurplePoot said:
This strikes me as exactly the same thing as the above. If you're trying to get your project hosted, shoving it in peoples' faces is not the way to do it.
Okay, I already talked with Ralle about this. I didn't understand what this actually. I thought it was "approved status" in map section. And I still don't know what is this, so what is this?

PurplePoot said:
This brings us back to your thread. This one's from the Plan for your self-proclaimed hosted project
Yeah, the plan was just an example. If there's something wrong, I can always edit it.

PurplePoot said:
If you could've just made a better fitting website for your campaign, why not do so?
The reason is simple. I had a website with Kitabatake, it was not active enough and we both are not good website makes.

PurplePoot said:
However, the gear of this thread disgusts me. If you want to complain about the speed of hosted project reviewing, do so. Especially do so to your chieftain, seeing as he is the one in charge of it.
Yes, Xarwin(Heero) is very close friend to me. However, he don't want to do anything. He just says he don't have enough time. I had talked with him whole summer, but things won't go forward. Then this was my action.

PurplePoot said:
Seeing as you obviously didn't bother to try and get anyone's attention other than posting in a thread in which they weren't responding to anyways, it just strikes me as a ploy for this thread, which I have no doubts was planned for a while (The post date being on the turn of the month suggests an easy correlation with a half-year mark).
Yes, I had plan. Actually I written the text 1 month ago. I was hoping to post whole thing once beta test starts. But then I started to request some more systems for the campaign this took my time. Is there something wrong with this?

Well, about the attention. Almost every day someone new face put me to my MSN list and start to tell something about the campaign. I do have lot of friends in hive so it's not about the attention. I'm here to give more pressures, and it seems like it's working already.

About those dates, I just throw some months and so on. I think it's not so accurate. But it seems like you are very accurate person.

PurplePoot said:
It's a big project, I'll give you that. However, the biggest project ever? I doubt you're in the top five, and this sort of arrogance either manages to catch someone's interest, or completely alienate them. However, this point is less important since it's more opinion-based than the others.
Okay, sorry about that comment then. It was just once again a "throw". With this post I wanted once again get some more attention.

PurplePoot said:
And your entire Hosted Project section at x2o doesn't provide that? If people love your campaign so much, it isn't asking them too much to take 10 seconds to register at another forum. I think we both know that this is pretty much bullshit, fueled by the fact that you didn't bother to point out you already have a hosted project forum somewhere else.

Now, last but probably most important, a fun fact that I discovered when reading the other posts in this thread!
Okay, as we know. Clan x2o is almost dead. It was once a good clan named Clan FoL. So it's better to change fully here.

PurplePoot said:

Nice comment.

On a side note, it reminds me of Aero's writing, but that couldn't be a coincidence.

Wait... Post Count... 1? Join Date... August 2008?

Yep, thought so. Join Date: 08-29-2008. That would be the same day as his post in the thread.

Hmm. Last Activity: Yesterday 11:03 PM.
Hahahah... So you think it's mine comment? I made an second account here to give comment to myself? Eeh... look the IP for example, it wans't me. I'm not that stupid. I will tell you the truth. I have many friends in MSN. This is one of these guys who like my campaign and is making own campaign also. He got his inspiration from my campaign. So he wanted support me. Btw, why you attack me so much about such a minor things?

Okay, now I need a break. I will soon respond to other comments. PurplePoot was just too much for me. :D

Btw, after all... I think people will see me a very strange person because I say I don't want attention... but then again I want attention! Oh noes.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
donut3.5 said:
-You have a bloody website to host this on. Why do you need another? You even threatened to make another website for it. Do so, save use the trouble.
I don't have own website. I had 2 year ago, not anymore. Like I said, I'm moving whole thing to here, because last time when I got a reply in Clan x2o was months ago. So it's trully dead webpage for the project.

donut3.5 said:
-You have 700 posts in your map, and don't want them there. Make a map development thread, problem solved.
Well, actually I have the project in map develpment thread with over 300 comments. However, I need more space.

donut3.5 said:
-Making a map doesn't make you the second coming of Christ. Telling us that making it hosted would make you unlazy. Tell us WHY you becoming unlazy and finishing the thing is our problem.
What do you mean by this? I don't understand.

donut3.5 said:
-Biggest map? No. Sorry. It may be big, but it is very far from the biggest. Nature's Call, Acathla, RtC, etc. are much bigger than this project you have going on here. And those are just the ones I listed without doing research.
Yeah, you are right and I'm sorry about this.

donut3.5 said:
-On the last of those points, don't say "Because people want it to be." Quality > Quantity. If you get a horde of people to back you up, but the map is still shit, that doesn't change the fact the map is still shit.
Well, I have to say it's not shit. So, who wants a hosted project what have the best features ever, but it's boring as hell? I think it's better to have a project that people play and comment. This is kind of project I have.

Steel_Stallion said:
I'm confused here, i'm pretty sure i've seen alot of projects hosted here not even 50% complete. They havent even been released not even a fucking beta.
You are right. I have seen these kind of project also. I have alpha, and I have already released 30 alpha tests. Not enough of, huh? And I still have beta & full version. This project have potential, believe or not.

Now I have the feeling like PurplePoot and donut3.5 are the leaders of hive. I feel this is somekind of ELITE place when it comes to hosted projects. We are having FUN in here. Next time when you start to drink another cop of tea put me in the conversation. [email protected]

So, after all. Normal hive people are here supporting me, but here are some "elite people" who don't want this to be hosted project, huh? Well, you can't kill my dream. I will put more pressure in here. I wonder why it's so hard? Let's look at other hosted projects.

A project called Requiem of the Gods by Steelb_l_ade have been here for a long time. In this time, I just see few comments. I think that map is not really good for hosted project because:
- People don't even play it.
- It receives very rarely comments.
- And top of that, there's a forum already called "The project is dead ?".

Why is then this kind of map hosted? Well, I understand that this perhaps was a famous map some time ago(well, I don't know so I'm just guessing). But why then example this map would be changed for the project I'm creating? It's much more active and people like to play it.

I think hosted project should not been about how good is the map. It should been, does people play and comment about it. If the map doesn't receive much comments, this means it is not so good map.

I'm very open to discussion but don't make so long comments. :D
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
A project called Requiem of the Gods by Steelb_l_ade have been here for a long time. In this time, I just see few comments. I think that map is not really good for hosted project because:

Aerobly, I think you mis-understand the point of a hosted project. It is not about being the most popular map ever. If thats what it was about, Sheep tag could be a hosted project, so could tree tag, that fucking abysmal game of garbage that is some how gaining popularity called "Eras zombie invasion", Kodo Tag (Alot of tags here..) All the shitty vampirisim clones.


These maps, are more popular than basicly every hosted project the hive has. Which I havent even seen hosted. But then again alot of them are singleplayer.

My point is, if we were putting hosted projects because of popularity, than I could make a loap with naruto models, I'd bet you 50 bucks that it would get popular fast people would play it and it would become succesful (In a sense). Does that make it worthy of becoming a hosted project?

No! Because all I did was make a few units and put in some imports.

Requiem of the gods is a high quality map, very good map. But it just isnt popular. Also its multiplayer, while yours is single player. You cannot compare it to a multiplayer map which have a MUCH LOWER chance of success.

To sum this all up, popularity of the map proves nothing its the actual quality of the map that matters.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Well, the thing is. It's good to have popularity too. A project with syper über systems is not enough, I think. I think Hosted Project should have a lot of comments and popularity too.

So I think, Hosted Project should have popularity + the project itself have to be good. And the project I'm making, have both. Requiem of the Gods, don't have both. Only the project is good.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
You only understood half of my post. The hosted projects does not reward popularity.

Since when is it your decision to base what the foundation of a hosted project should be? You THINK a hosted project should have alot of comments and popularity? Hosted project is like a reward to outstanding maps of a high quality.

What makes you so confident about your map? Your getting way too cocky my friend.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
I think it deserves to be hosted project. I have seen a lot worse hosted projects in hive. Why you guys make things so complicated? It's just a one hosted project. You can remove it anytime if you don't see it won't deserves it. But like I said before, I think it deserves.

Also, I said hosted project should be outsanding and also it should have at least some popularity.

And I'm not "cocky". I'm just bad explaining stuff.
Level 5
Jul 13, 2008
I fully support this guy, he has made the ABSOLUTE best campaign i have ever seen in my gaming experience of warcraft..

When i first started playing the campaign at ver 2.1 and saw max level 50 with 5 skills of 5 levels each, and then the different variety of items, i was so shocked (in a good way) to see that this was even possible in a warcratf map.. and then seeing bosses act differently then what normal enemy units fight as in a normal game, this is the best and will be very hard to out make., if this campaign don't get through, then no other map will be legally allowed!!!!!
Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
i support Aero here, but here is what i have to say

Aero is a nice guy, who sometimes just says the wrong things at the wrong time(but, havent we all done that sometime and regretted it afterwards?). I have helped Aero with this campaign a bit and tested it quite alot.

The campaign is of very good quality, and many seem to think so. It has gained some popularity here on the hive, and i know that isnt a reason for the map to be hosted, but just hear me out. You were reffering to DotA before in the thread. This map is so "not alike" DotA i cant even find it on the map. Firstly off, its singleplayer, so the main population of the "fans" havent "just stumbled onto it on B.net and liked it becouse it was simple and fun and imbalanced" or for some other (excuse me, too stupid to find a better word) retaded reason. Secondly, the main population of the "fans" are not complete idiots. They are not elitist bastards and half-braindead, becouse this is a singleplayer RPG. It doesnt have any competative spirit inside of it(even though there could be one), so the "fans" like the map for how it is played, not how you play it.

You mentioned that you didnt do things like "Mr.Xs Projects". You have done it before(not saying you should this time) but you are not flawless when you post either(and neither am I). You should not turn your back on this project becouse Aero has said something wrong. And if you look at many of your projects, many of them have been hosted, and THEN, after a while, a website have been created by the owner. Also, would your oppinions of the project have changed if Aero would have said, oh, lets say, that his map was 80% done?

Lastly, I'm not fully Pro-ThisProjectBeingHosted, but I would not consider it a bad idea. Both sides(Mods and Supporters) have good arguments. Yes, the project should not be hosted just becouse it has many supporters, but becouse its a map that stands out from the crowd, and becouse it has a maker that actually wants to map to be hosted. My point is, it's you mods that should see the map for what it could be, and not for what it is. After all, isnt the hosted projects there becouse they could be something much better? IM NOT SAYING THE HOSTED PROJECTS ARE BAD, im just saying, no map is perfect. All of them are being improved. And also, couldn't you just give it a test period? Like, give it a month or so, and if you don't like how it is going or how it is working(not the campaign, i mean the fact that it is hosted), just remove it from the Hosted Projects section.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Kratos1987 said:
I fully support this guy, he has made the ABSOLUTE best campaign i have ever seen in my gaming experience of warcraft..

When i first started playing the campaign at ver 2.1 and saw max level 50 with 5 skills of 5 levels each, and then the different variety of items, i was so shocked (in a good way) to see that this was even possible in a warcratf map.. and then seeing bosses act differently then what normal enemy units fight as in a normal game, this is the best and will be very hard to out make., if this campaign don't get through, then no other map will be legally allowed!!!!!
Okay, thanks. We both know that you are not a guy who like to comment on forums but it's really nice to see your support in here.

Okay, Razorbrain it's nice to see you also supporting the project. You really made a long text. :D

Yes, I have somewhat bad past because I'm the type of guy who don't want to listen only... I want show my opinions too. I agree with that "test time". It would be nice to prove myself to you guys.

MasterHaosis said:
Well this time I have to say quickly.
Well if he puts alot of time and effort there (which I dont doubt) well why not giving him a chance. We can support him, but at all depends of him.. So he will be cool.
Thanks for encouraging me, MasterHaosis.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
and saw max level 50 with 5 skills of 5 levels each, and then the different variety of items, i was so shocked (in a good way) to see that this was even possible in a warcratf map.. and then seeing bosses act differently then what normal enemy units fight as in a normal game, this is the best and will be very hard to out make.,

, so the main population of the "fans" havent "just stumbled onto it on B.net and liked it becouse it was simple and fun and imbalanced" or for some other (excuse me, too stupid to find a better word) retaded reason. Secondly, the main population of the "fans" are not complete idiots.

Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Aeroblyctos said:
Okay, but you have to remember that I made that topic HALF YEAR AGO.
No you didn't... I copy and pasted all the dates. And even if you had, it wouldn't change anything.

Aeroblyctos said:
The reason is simple. I had a website with Kitabatake, it was not active enough and we both are not good website makes.
I don't see what would make it so much more active if your campaign already has the attention you claim it does.

Aeroblyctos said:
Yeah, the plan was just an example. If there's something wrong, I can always edit it.
The problem is that you didn't read the rules before doing something which implies that you're one of the better members of the community, ready for the admin's trust...

Aeroblyctos said:
Yes, I had plan. Actually I written the text 1 month ago. I was hoping to post whole thing once beta test starts. But then I started to request some more systems for the campaign this took my time. Is there something wrong with this?
I don't see how that has anything to do with anything, including the quote it responded to.

Aeroblyctos said:
Well, about the attention. Almost every day someone new face put me to my MSN list and start to tell something about the campaign. I do have lot of friends in hive so it's not about the attention. I'm here to give more pressures, and it seems like it's working already.
Until the people actually saw the full story...

Aeroblyctos said:
About those dates, I just throw some months and so on. I think it's not so accurate. But it seems like you are very accurate person.
Making up random numbers does not help your cause.

Aeroblyctos said:
Okay, sorry about that comment then. It was just once again a "throw". With this post I wanted once again get some more attention.
I didn't say that for a minute I didn't know that you were trying to grab attention, hell, I said that a lot. However, making up random statistics to grab attention will not earn you respect.

Aeroblyctos said:
Okay, as we know. Clan x2o is almost dead. It was once a good clan named Clan FoL. So it's better to change fully here.
Who cares if it's almost dead? Put more effort into trying to divert people there...

Aeroblyctos said:
Hahahah... So you think it's mine comment? I made an second account here to give comment to myself? Eeh... look the IP for example, it wans't me. I'm not that stupid. I will tell you the truth. I have many friends in MSN. This is one of these guys who like my campaign and is making own campaign also. He got his inspiration from my campaign. So he wanted support me. Btw, why you attack me so much about such a minor things?
  • Don't misquote me, it's not as if I won't notice.
  • Judging by point #1, it looks like your entire point is pretty invalid anyways, seeing as you're not even ready to respond to me saying why it is.

Aeroblyctos said:
I don't have own website. I had 2 year ago, not anymore. Like I said, I'm moving whole thing to here, because last time when I got a reply in Clan x2o was months ago. So it's trully dead webpage for the project.
Where are these friends so ready to support you?

Aeroblyctos said:
What do you mean by this? I don't understand.
Then read his post again. It makes perfect sense.

Aeroblyctos said:
You are right. I have seen these kind of project also. I have alpha, and I have already released 30 alpha tests. Not enough of, huh? And I still have beta & full version. This project have potential, believe or not.
Whether or not you believe other Hosted Projects disregarded the hosting rules when applying, read them before you post next time?

Just because someone else did it is not an instant okay to do it too.

Aeroblyctos said:
Now I have the feeling like PurplePoot and donut3.5 are the leaders of hive. I feel this is somekind of ELITE place when it comes to hosted projects. We are having FUN in here.
Not at all. It's just a place where some people don't like people such as what you seem to be acting like as having much trust.

Aeroblyctos said:
A project called Requiem of the Gods by Steelb_l_ade have been here for a long time. In this time, I just see few comments. I think that map is not really good for hosted project because:
- People don't even play it.
- It receives very rarely comments.
- And top of that, there's a forum already called "The project is dead ?".
I agree that the other hosted projects do need pruning. However, this has what to do with your thread?

Aeroblyctos said:
Well, the thing is. It's good to have popularity too. A project with syper über systems is not enough, I think. I think Hosted Project should have a lot of comments and popularity too.

So I think, Hosted Project should have popularity + the project itself have to be good. And the project I'm making, have both. Requiem of the Gods, don't have both. Only the project is good.
Doesn't this go completely against how the site describes what you're applying for? Last time I checked, it also asks for you to be trustworthy, responsible, etc.

Kratos1987 said:
I fully support this guy, he has made the ABSOLUTE best campaign i have ever seen in my gaming experience of warcraft..

When i first started playing the campaign at ver 2.1 and saw max level 50 with 5 skills of 5 levels each, and then the different variety of items, i was so shocked (in a good way) to see that this was even possible in a warcratf map.. and then seeing bosses act differently then what normal enemy units fight as in a normal game, this is the best and will be very hard to out make., if this campaign don't get through, then no other map will be legally allowed!!!!!
Every single time a new one-poster comes up, it just makes me even less pleased about this.

Mechanical Man said:
At least they can say what is wrong about it >.<
Yes, but that gives no justification to go for some random my-map-is-awesome publicity stunt.
Last edited:
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
Even if the administrators did not respond to your thread at Admin Contact forum, that gives you no where near right to post another thread in which you lie, whine and tell random shit. Perhaps the project has potentional and deserves to be hosted, but you do not deserve to be Hosted Project "Owner". Like PurplePoot said, lying won't help your cause.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Something I just remembered to add--

Aeroblyctos said:
Yes, Xarwin(Heero) is very close friend to me. However, he don't want to do anything. He just says he don't have enough time. I had talked with him whole summer, but things won't go forward. Then this was my action.
If you're a very close friend to him, and concerned about hosted project activity, why didn't you ask him to stop down in favor sf someone who had the time?
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
If you aren't going to respond to criticism, how do you plan on getting anywhere? And it's going somewhere, very fast. It just isn't somewhere that you like to be.

As for the project being hosted or not in the end, that's Ghan/Ralle's decision.

If you want your other questions answered, try reading the thread.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
I already read whole thread. It's strange that I come here very friendly, actually helping to these forums to grow, and you guys give me negative feedback. I have the feeling this place is really elitish. Just like wc3 campaigns. Also, I have the feeling that especially you, PurplePoot, have already made up your mind with me. That I'm somekind of evil or something. I'm sorry to say, but I'm not. :D

However, I want this to be hosted project, and I never give up. The problem is, comments starts to be too long and I really don't wanna hit my head to wall so I'm not going to answer your very long texts. It would be better, if would talk differently. Easier or something.

As you said, it's Ghan/Ralle's decission so I go to talk to them directly.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
PurplePoot said:
Where would elitism tie into this?
Your heavy criticsm about everything.

PurplePoot said:
The reason my posts are so long is that they're responding to your equally extensive posts, and have to address them.
Yes, I know. It's boring to write big comments.

PurplePoot said:
On a side note, you won't end up bypassing this thread by talking to Ghan/Ralle.
Yes, I know that also. I'm waiting for their response to this. I want their opinion also. Especially because as you said, they the only ones who can put things go forward. Argh, I just miss Wolverapid. :p
Yes, but that gives no justification to go for some random my-map-is-awesome publicity stunt.

Seems that this is only way to enforce the answer. At least admins can tell, this project suck, it doesn't match the criteria, how can be improved. But not leave it lying there for months without any response.

I'm not talking about this project, but some friend's one, he said he was first given ok, but then nothing. :/
Level 8
Aug 12, 2008
An Elitist is someone who thinks their country should be a Monarchy. Belief in rule by an Eliet. Elitism is the the belief that a country should be ruled by a Monarchy. Nothing to do with skill.
Level 6
Dec 28, 2007
Aeroblyctos, ive downloaded your map, and palyed twice, BUT: 1st i died at the 1st map and then on the 2nd:p so i have to ask for a.... REVIVAL SYSTEM PLSPLSPLS :D
i just hate when i die in the world's best campaing and i have to click on restart...(and i hate saving in every few minutes...)
and all of my support is yours
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