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- Jul 22, 2008
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Due to the recent events here at the hive, I decided to make a rather satirical/political piece of literature in order to voice my opinion on the subject. I will continue with 2-3 more parts or as i see fit, to attempt to help myself and others understand why some things had to be done and why some actions must be taken.
Disclaimer: I did not intend to hurt the feelings of anyone in anyway. If you feel that I have and you really care that much, PM me. I respect grammar nazis, so please feel free to correct me (keep in mind i wrote this late at night). If at any point I say something totally invalid please tell me so it can be corrected.
He had just finished taking a cool soothing shower in order to cleanse his skin after a hard days work. It was one of those relieving showers that you take after a warm coat of grime and sweat builds on the outer skin. He felt fresh, but it seemed as something wasn't right. He was standing there looking, waiting for something, but nothing came to mind. For the first time this summer he was rather board. He looked to his new mac book pro that was received as a graduation present, and with that look a sudden thought came to mind. He paced himself while opening up the laptop and pressing the power button. The excitement built up inside as a full minute passed before the side bar on the screen showed and the circular Google Crome logo could be clicked.
The keyboard was making the usual clicking sounds as they helped to spell out H-I-V-E-W-O-R-K-S-H-O-P-.com. As the page loaded he could tell that it still looked the same as always, with the border of green leaves and an obscure black back ground. He clicked the forums button at the top of the page, which reveled a large amount of sub-forums illuminated by a bright green overlay. It was just the way he remembered; it was his childhood oasis.
Aaron Hemington pressed the shift key and then hit B just as he always did, and then he proceeded l-i-n-k-f-o-r. Then he paused in order to press the shift key again in order to strike F, let go and once again proceeded e-a-r. Aaron didn't have to think about his password, it just came naturally through muscle memory without thought. The joy was building up inside as Aaron was struck with a magical force of interwebs thus changing him into BlinkforFear.
The pop up was still the same with the words "Thank you for logging in, BlinkforFear," glowing as per usual. Aaron was more interested in the second line which invited a quick flash back of the last six months after seeing, "last log in 1-6-12." He scrolled down the list of subforms when the words "Zero Tolerance" caught his eye; he disregarded this and moved along. This search was for something different and out of the norm, something he didn't normally venture into such as the storyboard/writing section. As the sub-forum loaded one of the threads immediately stared back at him. "Kas's Adventures in Equestria," it was not because it sounded appealing, but the fact that it had 340 some odd replies as compared to many others that barley edged out ten. And so the trek into his childhood internet social life began.
BlinkforFear initially scrolled down and looked to his left in order to see the date of the post, upon doing so he noted that Kas had been banned. He looked further down and to his surprise saw a familiar face who had been banned as well; he went by the name of Wazzz. Aaron remembered Wazzz, due to the fact that Wazzz had given him + rep some odd years ago. He now noticed that the thread was based on the animated show called "My Little Pony," a fad that Aaron himself had never really understood. Regardless of topic he decided to give it a shot, and so it began... " 'Master Kas' said Galt 'Ogres have come to destroy the tower' Ogres in Azeroth are pretty strong, even by Galt's men." By this point BlinkforFear could tell that the writing was rather childish, but in a sense fit the mood do to the fact that it is fan fiction based on a children's show. He also noted how awful the presentation was, especially towards the literature's punctuation. " 'Way to spend my 17th birthday.' Complained Kas 'I'll see what I cant do.' Kas rushed outside and let the battle target him. Ogres are known for their strength, but not for battle strategy. Yet, theses Ogres knew who to strike. Kas just pulled out a couple of spells. Soon half the army was gone, as the others ran off." One could easily tell that this user by the name of Kas knew little with respect towards English literature; Aaron knew this but continued, setting aside this observation. " 'That'll teach you' yelled Kas with pride. 'So, you're the mighty Kas' said a sorceress form behind him The sorceress was wearing some cloth items, not unknown to a stylish mage, but she was wearing a blue cloak and an old wizard's hat, the kind archmages wore during the first war. All of with was covered by white stars." BlinkforFear was becoming quite annoyed with the sentence structures and highly visible spelling mistakes. Kas was foreign, this was no hidden secret, so why was Aaron still reading this piece of very bad English? He couldn't answer that himself, but he kept reading, " 'Let me guess' said Kas 'you lead the Ogres' She nodded, and as soon as she did, he starts to attack her with everything. 'If a fight is what you want.' Said the sorceress 'then a fight is what you'll get' " Aaron paused for a moment laughing aloud at the sight of this very cheesy over used line. He wondered to himself how this thread could have so many replies based on such a mediocre piece; maybe the answer lay further along in the story he thought. "She opened a portal to a different area, and Kas just darted through. Suddenly, he was hit with a knock-out spell. 'Good luck escaping the everfree forest' said the Sorceress, who looks more of a Mare. Kas was out cold." Aaron was left wondering as he said aloud, "What the fuck did I just read?"
Scrolling down to the replies Blink saw that the first response was by Mare who simply stated the fact that their username was mentioned in the above story. The next comment puzzled BlinkforFear, partly because it had no relevance toward the topic, and partly because he was wondering why Wazzz was banned. Aaron took a minute to remember the next user HFR, who was from what he could remember a very active, respected user. HFR was banned though and as Blink looked to his right he saw good reason for this; HFR had posted a vile response, deliberately telling Kas to "get the fuck out of here, you're making me angry," as if it was his own thread. Blink was left wondering what the hive had turned into; where was the good old hive atmosphere that he was so a costumed to? The back and forth responses went on between HFR and Kas, as they were constantly bitching and trolling one another. Wazzz joined in occasionally messing around and playing off the words one of the others had posted, it was light humor nothing offensive.
Blink continued with the next two chapters that Kas had written. Throughout the two chapters Kas's mystical pony had escaped the "everfree forest" and made his way to the village of ponyvile. Once Kas had arrived and settled in the new town he asked around for the whereabouts of the mare sorceress that had knocked him out in the forest. Kas was informed that the mare's name was Trixie and that she had left for the town of fillydelohia.
BlinkforFear was still confused as to why this story and this "fad" were so damn popular. He was about enter the hive chat but instead decided to continue onto page number two out of suspicion.
To Aaron's surprise the next page was full of requests to be added into this odd story. Aaron also noted that a strange fellow by the name of takakenji joined in on the discussion, openly confirming what Aaron thought of the piece by calling it "Doo-doo." The thread was slowly digging itself into the ground with each troll that stepped foot into it. By the twenty-fifth post Wazzz decided to take over Kas's thread and start writing his own story. Blink didn't know what to think, the hive had always been an odd place with odd people hidden behind the images and texts of their usernames, but never had Aaron envisioned such destruction on the account of such distinguished members of the community.
BlinkforFear was no more, Aaron had logged off of this newly unrecognizable venue. He looked towards his glowing green clock on top of his bed stand that was always set to be ten minutes fast. 1:32 A.M. It was time for bed.
The keyboard was making the usual clicking sounds as they helped to spell out H-I-V-E-W-O-R-K-S-H-O-P-.com. As the page loaded he could tell that it still looked the same as always, with the border of green leaves and an obscure black back ground. He clicked the forums button at the top of the page, which reveled a large amount of sub-forums illuminated by a bright green overlay. It was just the way he remembered; it was his childhood oasis.
Aaron Hemington pressed the shift key and then hit B just as he always did, and then he proceeded l-i-n-k-f-o-r. Then he paused in order to press the shift key again in order to strike F, let go and once again proceeded e-a-r. Aaron didn't have to think about his password, it just came naturally through muscle memory without thought. The joy was building up inside as Aaron was struck with a magical force of interwebs thus changing him into BlinkforFear.
The pop up was still the same with the words "Thank you for logging in, BlinkforFear," glowing as per usual. Aaron was more interested in the second line which invited a quick flash back of the last six months after seeing, "last log in 1-6-12." He scrolled down the list of subforms when the words "Zero Tolerance" caught his eye; he disregarded this and moved along. This search was for something different and out of the norm, something he didn't normally venture into such as the storyboard/writing section. As the sub-forum loaded one of the threads immediately stared back at him. "Kas's Adventures in Equestria," it was not because it sounded appealing, but the fact that it had 340 some odd replies as compared to many others that barley edged out ten. And so the trek into his childhood internet social life began.
BlinkforFear initially scrolled down and looked to his left in order to see the date of the post, upon doing so he noted that Kas had been banned. He looked further down and to his surprise saw a familiar face who had been banned as well; he went by the name of Wazzz. Aaron remembered Wazzz, due to the fact that Wazzz had given him + rep some odd years ago. He now noticed that the thread was based on the animated show called "My Little Pony," a fad that Aaron himself had never really understood. Regardless of topic he decided to give it a shot, and so it began... " 'Master Kas' said Galt 'Ogres have come to destroy the tower' Ogres in Azeroth are pretty strong, even by Galt's men." By this point BlinkforFear could tell that the writing was rather childish, but in a sense fit the mood do to the fact that it is fan fiction based on a children's show. He also noted how awful the presentation was, especially towards the literature's punctuation. " 'Way to spend my 17th birthday.' Complained Kas 'I'll see what I cant do.' Kas rushed outside and let the battle target him. Ogres are known for their strength, but not for battle strategy. Yet, theses Ogres knew who to strike. Kas just pulled out a couple of spells. Soon half the army was gone, as the others ran off." One could easily tell that this user by the name of Kas knew little with respect towards English literature; Aaron knew this but continued, setting aside this observation. " 'That'll teach you' yelled Kas with pride. 'So, you're the mighty Kas' said a sorceress form behind him The sorceress was wearing some cloth items, not unknown to a stylish mage, but she was wearing a blue cloak and an old wizard's hat, the kind archmages wore during the first war. All of with was covered by white stars." BlinkforFear was becoming quite annoyed with the sentence structures and highly visible spelling mistakes. Kas was foreign, this was no hidden secret, so why was Aaron still reading this piece of very bad English? He couldn't answer that himself, but he kept reading, " 'Let me guess' said Kas 'you lead the Ogres' She nodded, and as soon as she did, he starts to attack her with everything. 'If a fight is what you want.' Said the sorceress 'then a fight is what you'll get' " Aaron paused for a moment laughing aloud at the sight of this very cheesy over used line. He wondered to himself how this thread could have so many replies based on such a mediocre piece; maybe the answer lay further along in the story he thought. "She opened a portal to a different area, and Kas just darted through. Suddenly, he was hit with a knock-out spell. 'Good luck escaping the everfree forest' said the Sorceress, who looks more of a Mare. Kas was out cold." Aaron was left wondering as he said aloud, "What the fuck did I just read?"
Scrolling down to the replies Blink saw that the first response was by Mare who simply stated the fact that their username was mentioned in the above story. The next comment puzzled BlinkforFear, partly because it had no relevance toward the topic, and partly because he was wondering why Wazzz was banned. Aaron took a minute to remember the next user HFR, who was from what he could remember a very active, respected user. HFR was banned though and as Blink looked to his right he saw good reason for this; HFR had posted a vile response, deliberately telling Kas to "get the fuck out of here, you're making me angry," as if it was his own thread. Blink was left wondering what the hive had turned into; where was the good old hive atmosphere that he was so a costumed to? The back and forth responses went on between HFR and Kas, as they were constantly bitching and trolling one another. Wazzz joined in occasionally messing around and playing off the words one of the others had posted, it was light humor nothing offensive.
Blink continued with the next two chapters that Kas had written. Throughout the two chapters Kas's mystical pony had escaped the "everfree forest" and made his way to the village of ponyvile. Once Kas had arrived and settled in the new town he asked around for the whereabouts of the mare sorceress that had knocked him out in the forest. Kas was informed that the mare's name was Trixie and that she had left for the town of fillydelohia.
BlinkforFear was still confused as to why this story and this "fad" were so damn popular. He was about enter the hive chat but instead decided to continue onto page number two out of suspicion.
To Aaron's surprise the next page was full of requests to be added into this odd story. Aaron also noted that a strange fellow by the name of takakenji joined in on the discussion, openly confirming what Aaron thought of the piece by calling it "Doo-doo." The thread was slowly digging itself into the ground with each troll that stepped foot into it. By the twenty-fifth post Wazzz decided to take over Kas's thread and start writing his own story. Blink didn't know what to think, the hive had always been an odd place with odd people hidden behind the images and texts of their usernames, but never had Aaron envisioned such destruction on the account of such distinguished members of the community.
BlinkforFear was no more, Aaron had logged off of this newly unrecognizable venue. He looked towards his glowing green clock on top of his bed stand that was always set to be ten minutes fast. 1:32 A.M. It was time for bed.
Disclaimer: I did not intend to hurt the feelings of anyone in anyway. If you feel that I have and you really care that much, PM me. I respect grammar nazis, so please feel free to correct me (keep in mind i wrote this late at night). If at any point I say something totally invalid please tell me so it can be corrected.