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Sol'Ta, Desert Elf Rogue I made for my map B&B..sadly the map was never finished

Sol'Ta, B&B, Demon, Hunter, Desert, Elf, demonhunter, evil, illidan

HeroDemonHunter (Texture)

THE_END: Such a good skin, I absolutely love the weapon, the colors, and the wrap execution is beautiful




THE_END: Such a good skin, I absolutely love the weapon, the colors, and the wrap execution is beautiful
Level 12
Sep 13, 2004
sooo... ugly...

k i made this in about.. *looks at clock* 1 or 1,5 hours, so it looks like a total heap of shit. this was purely made for those that keep submitting crappy goku skins, here is one for them to dl that inst as crappy, inclusing an icon that isnt a wasty cnp from tv.

the model i used for the screenshots is not the actual demonhunter model, but sc_freek's 'NE puncher model', wich uses... err... punching animations.
Level 2
Oct 22, 2004
Jesus christ. Drop the dbz fad, it started what, 5 years ago? The Maps suck. The concept sucks. The skin is descent but sicne you made it dbz i'm gonan give it a 1. Drop the dbz phase, the "DBZ TRIBUTE 10" will suck too. That map had the gayest laoding screen i'd ever seen. Drop the dbz. Seriously, i'm not the only one. Make something original. I'd rather see a pink peon than another shit dbz skin.

-Have a happy weekend :D
Level 4
Aug 19, 2004
Impressive, I think this is actually the first Goku skin in a long time thats actually looked close enough to the anime. As for those of you who complain about DBZ, shut the hell up already. Who cares if we enjoy an anime, its not like its draining your friggin wallet or anything. Keep your low minded 2nd grade comments to yourself next time, it just pisses the rest of us off even more than before.
Preator, dont be a stupid lamer troll, this is better than any piece of **@p skin youve made. if you dont like dbz. keep it to yourself and go to any anti dbz website to masterbate to. well you dont like dbz? guess what nobody cares. im not too big of a dbz fan myself, but i just fell that youre acting like a dip**it. btw it's dbgt dumb@$$. at least try to get your information stright before you start trolling.
Level 17
Jul 4, 2004
VGsatomi said:
but I notice he's not holding any weapons, but it doesnt look like you alpha'd them out. How did you manage that...?

well there r few ways to alpha things out .

in my old ps version u were able to just erease that parts - so u see that typical square pattern.

in ps cs u ve to edit an alpha channel , its harder imo cause u dont really see what u r doin - especially when u try to do teamcolor parts w/ freehand.
Level 12
Sep 13, 2004
sigh... you preople should start reading stuff...

A: if you would have read the first post, you would have noticed me mentining i made this on another model, and even linking to it. despite what you all seem to think, a DH without weapons looks like crap.

B: i did not make this to resemble the series, the other skins that have been posted in the past resemble the series much closer. i made this to make a point, you cant convert anime to warcraft, it just simply cant be done. you can howver, conver the idea of SSJ4 (fuzzy red) to warcraft and apply it. ofcourse i could have done much better then this, but forgive me it was 5AM.

also, its not goku. neither is it vegeta. you cant do that, the hair wont allow it. its just simply a SSJ4 DH.
Level 2
Aug 28, 2004
blablabla, read the first post, he only did it so that the crappy skins would stop.
and like Erth said, its warcraft, not anime. so what do you expect. if yall want dbz/gt so bad, go buy budokai or something.

i think its a good skin, this is just about as good as it can get. so good job Erth.

edit: btw, this one is much cooler then the anime goku.
Level 2
Oct 22, 2004
Preator, dont be a stupid lamer troll, this is better than any piece of crap skin youve made. if you dont like dbz. keep it to yourself and go to any anti dbz website to masterbate to. well you dont like dbz? guess what nobody cares. im not too big of a dbz fan myself, but i just fell that youre acting like a dipshit. btw it's dbgt dumbass. at least try to get your information stright before you start trolling.

get a life.
Level 4
Nov 23, 2004
for 1 and a half hours of work this is decent. Tons of shit wrong, but like you said, it was a BS job just to prove a point.

Pretty pathetic how your trash is the communities treasure...
ALso very funny how almost every post is starting with "I dont like DBZ but...", like anyone gives a fuck... :lol:
Level 12
Sep 13, 2004
to be honest... i'm a fucking big dbz fan. dbz rules. db rles as well. its fucking dbgt that fucked the series up. my fav sagas are still the first, the sayan saga, and the garlic jr. gaga... why? they head spirit, they head speed. unlike most of the rest. stilll, i dont give a shit what anyoneone else thinks, dspite what my fav sagas did not bring, subah sayans rock. end of story.

and yes, the skin is crap.

thats ok.

its not like wc3search will ever see my best skins. the only shhit i upload here is either shit i did while being bored.

my really good skins are reserved for real, and private projects, not for a (sorry) nood site as wc3 serach.
Level 2
Jun 26, 2004
Srry to tell ya erwtenpeller, ur a stupid retard... Anime can be, just depends on what you are making, whether you have the brains to make a model... (unlike some *COUGH*) Also, if you people dont stop stabbing at us, you might as well tell that to the Japanese who watch this stuff ALL the time. Sure, im not a big one on gay shit like digimon or pokemon, but we watch it for the fighting, anger, possibly many things that we ourselves just watch it for. So find a shovel, dig a hole, and bury urselves. If not, go praise fascists like George Bush...
Level 3
Nov 22, 2004
Azsharas.Bane, I doubt you'll ever be as talented as erwtenpeller is as of now. I'm sick of all the DBZ skins, please stop making them people.
Level 3
Nov 3, 2004
this skin is faily good...a few things you can improve
like the face...and everyone who is saying shit like "tHis skin sooks cuz its dbz" "stOp posting dbz stuff cuz its n00bie suxors" "itS gud but i give 1/5 cuz its dbz.." or simmilar comments... then i have some things to say to you..
1.This is GT not Z..yes there is a difference..like..the person who wrote the story...
2.If you dont like DB/Z/GT then ignore the skins/models and icons of DB/Z/GT that are posted here...
3.Just because its dbz doesn't mean its a 1....dont look at what the skins theme is..look at the quality in which it was made...
Level 3
Nov 3, 2004
its more detailed than the super buu skin...but the fat buu dont realy count cuz its a model..but dracos krillin/goku/vegeta might be some tuff game..ive got all his DB skins :p
Level 2
Jan 3, 2005
im a dbz fan too, and predator? go fck a cow u moron, just because ur a noob in dbz tribute, doesn't mean its gay, and the loading screen is better then anything u can make. its not the best erwten, but its alrite, 3.5/5
Level 3
Nov 3, 2004
Bleeding[Wolf] if you dont like seeing DBZ stuff then just ignore it...you dont need to come and tell everyone who likes dbz how stupid you are
Level 2
Feb 5, 2005
Im with Afronight 76 and FMGSOUL. if you preator hate dragonball/z/gt then KEEP IT TO YOURSELF! ITS A FREE COUNTRY! THERE ARE SITES MADE FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU TO GO TO! dont just sit looking for people to shout at, GO TO THEM! I like anime so what?
You keep telling us to get a life when YOU need to get a life! and nothing in the universe can change that.

Oh and about this skin, nice but it looks like his face, is pulled back by his hair,but if this was done in about 1 - 2 hours ide give it a 9/10 for how detailed it is in the little time.