Hero System in PvP Map

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Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
Just think any pvp map were you only control 1 Hero. I was thinking about each level you get 3 skill points which you can put in whatever stat you want.

Vitality - Increases health & health regen
Power - Increases normal damage and ability damage
Wisdom - Increases mana & mana regen

And when it comes to abilities, you get to choose from 4 spells at lvl 1, lvl 5, lvl 10 and lvl 15.
There will be 4 new spells to choose from at each of these levels, so once you have selected a spell for that level, the rest will disappear.

I was also thinking about making all abilites target ground, so they can be avoided if target is moving. Or just activate skills like berserk, locust swarm and things like that.

Was also thinking about having all abilities having low cooldown, 4-8 sec, so it becomes pretty spam able, but will require more mana to be able to cast them on every cooldown.

Normal attacks should be pretty weak so you really want mana to be able to cast your spells often.

This will result in a fast pvp action, which require you to cast spells fast and send them at the right point. I will also avoid stunning spells and such, slows will be there, but stuns prob no, maybe something like Sleep or something which is broken when target takes damage.

There will be slow and fast projectiles, so some will be easier to avoid than others. Ofcourse slow projectiles will deal more damage.

There should be magic and physical damage. Armor and Magic damage reduction can only be gained through items.

Tell me what you think of this :)
Level 6
Feb 27, 2008
I think that it's a good idea. I like the skill points idea, the 4 spells idea and the targeting thingie. Basically, it appears as it would be a skill-reliant arena which is fast paced and quite fun. Me likes :)

The only thing which I disagree with is the weak normal attacks. They should be decently damaging so normal attack heroes can be useful. But give them some disadvantages, like really slow animations, or slow projectiles or make them AOE so they are evadable too.

All in all, it's a great idea. Tho it appears as if you're playing BLC :)
Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
Thanks for giving some thoughts to this :)

About normal attacks I agree with you, its just that I dont want people to not put any point in wisdom and just aim for power and vitality and only use normal attacks. I suppose all that is needed is testing and more testing to see what works best :)

I was thinking about starting a second smaller project featuring an arena map. It will only have 4-6 Heroes, with this system. Players can play the same Heroes, so it doesnt matter if there arnt so many Heroes. You make them unique both in ability choices and how you spend your points on stats each level.

I thought that this perhaps would be an easier map to fix up as I am stuck on the main project atm. Just to make it easy it will only be playable 3v3 at max. Basically you choose your Hero and start in your team base where you can buy items and choose your first ability. Once you leave the team base you can only return there when your Hero dies. You will be able to choose if you want PvP or Solo farming. In PvP farming all Heroes will be in the same Arena, farming creeps, allowing them to gank each other. Solo Farming will split all Heroes up into their own farming area. Solo Farming mode is more about slaughtering as many creeps you can and earn as much xp and gold as possible within the time limit.

Not really sure how to put it all up at the end, just letting some thoughts fly around. If anyone have any ideas let me know :)

About BLC, I am not really sure what that is :p
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