Hero Ideas

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Level 14
Oct 16, 2010

A long going map I am making has loads of heroes that you switch to throughout the game where stronger ones are more expensive. Problem is that in the current tier there are 2 slots in the shop left and I have 0 ideas for them. I've used all of the warcraft mechanical units already and I've been looking at models on the hive for some inspiration but none has come to me yet so yeah.

I was wondering if anyone could help me out with some ideas for heroes + spells to fit?

The only limitations are that they must be mechanical and not have a glow. 2 spells required would be an ultimate (which could be very complicated, generally based on channel, learnt at lv 5 with 9 levels, DON'T BE AFRAID TO BE BOLD) and a unique (a simple spell that can be learnt at lv 1 with 15 levels, these tend to be based on normal warcraft spells).

Any help here would be much appreciated :D
Level 14
Oct 16, 2010
I never thought of looking into the skins area as I've never used them! I did already have an idea for a water based spell so this may work well XD

Limitations would be that I just use GUI, no form of JASS. However I've done quite a bit of indexing in the map already so that shouldn't be a problem.

Some things I forgot to mention is that all of the ultimate abilities scale with the heroes attributes. This isn't always their primary attribute (sometimes it scales from multiple things). Also Strength=Hull, Intelligence=Ammo and Agility=Speed. Melee heroes have increased attributes whereas flying heroes have reduced attributes. The map is also a survival map if that helps at all XD




I've used all of the warcraft mechanical units already and I've been looking at models on the hive for some inspiration but none has come to me yet so yeah.
If you have some time, this thread contains links to most other popular wc3 sites.
There are plenty of all kind of mecha units.
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